Friday 27th of December 2024
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Is it true that Imam Mahdi alayhis-salam weeps blood for Imam Husayn?


Is it true that Imam Mahdi alayhis-salam weeps blood for Imam Husayn?


Yes it is true. Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance, mourns

for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam every day - night and day - and he weeps

blood for his great grandfather, as seen from his declaration he makes in

his Zeyarah, known as Zeyarah of Nahiyah:

“. . . now that I could not be with you on the day of Ashura to defend you

and fight your enemies, I shall mourn you every morning and every

evening, and I shall weep blood for you instead of tears . . .


Is it true that the head of Imam Husayn alayhis-salam spoke, and recited

the Qur'an, while being carried from Karbala to Shaam and back?


Yes this is true, and the report of this phenomenon is reported by

numerous chroniclers and recorded in many references. This topic is

referred to in more details in chapter three of this book.


Is it true that Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin alayhis-salam mourned and wept for

Imam Husayn alayhis-salam for more than twenty years?


This issue is widely reported in and recorded in history books. More

details are presented in chapter three of this work.

Fatawa on Ashura Ceremonies


Who was the first to . . .


Who was the first individual who founded the Husayni Sha'a'er or the

mourning ceremony for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam? was she Zaynab

alayhas-salam, the loyal sister of Imam Husayn? or was he one of the



The first one who founded the Husayni Sha‘a’er is Allah the Almighty.

This was in the form of the composition of Zeyarah of Ashura. According

to authenticate hadith, it (Zeyarah of Ashura) was composed by the


[The hadith of Zeyarah of Ashura being the composition of Allah

Almighty is reported in Bihar al-Anwar, volume 98, page 300, second

edition, 1983/1403, al-Wafa publishers, Beirut.]

After narrating Zeyarah of Ashura and the Du'a that comes after the

Zeyarah, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq states,

“I have received this Zeyarah from my father, who received it in this form

from Ali ibn al-Husayn, who received it in this form from al-Husayn, who

received it from his brother al-Hasan, who received it from Amir-ul-

Mu’minin Ali ibn Abi Talib alayhum-as-salam, who received it in this

form from Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih, who received it from

Jibra'il alayhis-salam, who received it from Allah Almighty.”

This report also appears in misbaah al-motahajjid, pp 542-546, by Sheikh


Needless to say, the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam continued with the

Husayni Sha‘a’er, starting from Lady Zaynab alayhas-salam, and Imam

Zayn-al-Abidin alayhis-salam, and the rest of the Ma‘soom Imams



Who was the first person that wept for Imam Husayn for the momentous

tragedy of Ashura? is it true that when Imam Husayn alayhis-salam was

born, archangel Jibra'il descended upon Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-waaalih

to tell him of the events of Karbala?

Husayn – The sacrifice for mankind



Yes this is true. On a number of occasions, Rasulollah wept for Imam

Husayn alayhis-salam while the latter was a baby, and quoted Jibra'il

alayhis-salam of the events of Ashura in a land called Karbala. However

the first person who wept for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam was the father

of mankind Adam alayhis-salam. Adam alayhis-salam is reported as

saying to archangel Jibra’il when he descended upon him on one occasion,

"Why is it that every time I pass through this particular area I feel

extremely sad and depressed and weep?" Jibra’il alayhis-salam said to

Adam, "The name of this particular area is Karbala", and he went on to

narrate to him the events of Ashura in detail.


Who was the first individual who founded the practice of walking on



Lady Zaynab and Imam Zayn-al-Abidin alayhum-as-salam are the

founders of walking on fire in the Husayni Sha'a'er.

When the army of Yazid slaughtered every companion and then Imam

Husayn alayhis-salam, they attacked the living quarters of the Imam and

his companions. The victorious army of Yazid torched the tents and the

women and children fled the blazing tents. Lady Zaynab alayhas-salam

was asked why she did not escape, as they were about to torch her tent, she

replied "how can I when I have a patient inside the tent". When her tent

was eventually set on fire, Lady Zaynab dragged her nephew, Imam Zaynal-

Abidin alayhum-as-salam, walking on the fire of the burning tents as

they crossed them to a less dangerous area.


Who was the first Ma'soom Imam from the Ahl-ul-Bayt to hold a

mourning and lamentation program, like the traditional Majlis Husayni

that are held annually in Muharram today? Or is it that the Majlis Aza that

we have today is the invention of the Shi’a over the last few centuries?


Imam Zayn al-Abidin alayhis-salam was the first member of the Ahl-ul-

Bayt alayhum-as-salam to publicly hold a mourning and lamentation

program for Imam Husayn - like the Majlis Aza that are held today.

Fatawa on Ashura Ceremonies


After they were released from captivity in Shaam, the women and children

of Imam Husayn and his followers, lead by Imam Zayn-al-Abidin alayhissalam

headed towards Karbala so that they could revisit the graves of their

loved ones and bury the heads of the Martyrs with their bodies. They

arrived at the site of the graves and the battle of Karbala on the twentieth

of Safar – forty days after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn and his

followers, hence Arba‘een occasion which means forty.

After Karbala they headed back to their hometown - Medina. At the

outskirts of Medina, Imam Zayn-al-Abidin alayhis-salam ordered the

caravan to halt and to set up their tents there. They ended up staying there

for three days. The Imam turned to Bishr Ibn Hadhlam asked him if he

could compose poetry and lamentation for Imam Husayn saying, "Your

father was a very good poet, have you inherited some of that talent" The

reply of Bishr was affirmative.

Bishr Ibn Hadhlam entered Medina and went to the tomb of Rasulollah

salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih and announced the martyrdom of Imam

Husayn alayhis-salam, describing, in his lamentation poetry, the savagery

and brutality with which Imam Husayn and his sons, brothers, and

companions were killed. This touched the heart of the people to the extent

that the whole of Medina was lamenting Imam Husayn alayhis-salam, and

almost everyone gathered at the tomb of Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-waaalih

to mourn his grandson en masse.

Then the people headed to the outside of the city to receive the remainder

of the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam . . . . . .

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