Sunday 2nd of June 2024
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Morality Has Lofty Status in Islam

Morality Has Lofty Status in Islam

-- There is no religion like Islam in which morality has such a lofty status.

Addressing a conference on “An introduction to morality in Abrahamic religions”, director of Religions Department at Imam Khomeini Educational-Research Institute said, “Unfortunately, however, morality is not observed by some Muslims as much as it should, the result of which is negative impression of non-Muslims.”

Hojat-ol-Islam Mohammad Ali Shomali, who has ahis PhD in philosophy of morality from Manchester University, referred to the status of morality in the Quran and Sunnah (prophetic tradition) and said, “The main factors determining the status of morality in Islam are the holy Quran and Sunnah not behavior of individual Muslims nor the history of morality.”


“When talking of morality, what mostly comes to mind is the relation of a person with God, but a major principle in Islamic morality is peaceful relation of a person with other people. It is believed in Islam that a faithful Muslim cannot be perfect without having appropriate relations with the society,” he stressed.


“Morality is the basis of a true belief in God as the most important factor leading to salvation. That is why the Quran regards faith as a moral virtue and atheism as a moral defect,” he added.


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