Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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National Bank of Kuwait Ramadan tents host prayers during the last 10 days of Ramadan

As the last ten days of Ramadan are approaching, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) has taken all necessary preparations to keep its Ramadan tent at Sharq area open round the clock during this period to host fasters for prayers and meditation in observance of the holy Laylat Al-Qadr, while other Al Watani Iftar tents continue receiving fasters for Ramadan Iftar banquets on a daily basis throughout the whole month of Ramadan.

NBK Public Relations Officer Talal Al-Turki said that Al Watani Iftar tents, which comes as a part of a well- mapped social program that features a multitude of philanthropic activities, will keep its doors open round the clock during the last ten nights of Ramadan to accommodate fasters for prayers, Quran recitation, meditation and observance of Laylat Al-Qadr, while the Iftar Banquets campaign will continue receiving fasters in the two large tents located near the Grand Mosque and next to Salmiya Cinema, in addition to distributing Iftar meals via special convoys that tour the strategic and mostly crowded areas in Kuwait.

Al-Turki indicated that NBK has already taken necessary preparations to receive prayers during the last ten nights of Ramadan and tens of NBK staff volunteers are all set to host and attend prayers at Al Watani Iftar tents during the last ten nights of Ramadan.

Al-Turki added that in light of the unprecedented attendance Al Watani Iftar tents is witnessing, it is expected that a new record number that exceeds last years 100,000 iftar meals will be set this year as well.

source : http://abna.ir
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