Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Imam Ali’s (AS) Letter to Malek Ashtar to Be Translated

 Managing director of Ghadir International Foundation announced that Imam Ali’s (AS) letter to Malek Ashtar will be rendered into certain languages by the foundation. 

 Hussein Zarif Manesh, managing director of the foundation told the letter has been translated into some languages so far but the foundation plans to present more new translations of the letter. 

 He regarded the letter as a valuable guideline for the people of the world both Muslims and non-Muslims. 

 The director also referred to this year’s plans of the foundation regarding Nahj-ul-Balaqa as the best source through which the Imam can be introduced to the world. 

 "Nahj-ul-Balaqa is planed to be published in 10 volumes each specified for a specific age group", he noted, adding that the volumes accompanied by the interpretation of the book by Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, will be distributed among libraries. 

source : http://abna.ir
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