Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Bomb blast wounds 4 civilians in east of Tikrit, Iraq

A security source in Salahuddin province said Thursday, that 4 civilians have been wounded in a bomb blast in the district of al-Tooz in east of Tikrit. The source said “A bomb that was emplaced inside a popular market has went off in the area of Toozkhurmatuh in the district of al-Tooz,” noting that, “The bomb blast resulted in injuring four civilians in the area.”
Bomb blast wounds 4 civilians in east of Tikrit, Iraq

A security source in Salahuddin province said Thursday, that 4 civilians have been wounded in a bomb blast in the district of al-Tooz in east of Tikrit.

The source said “A bomb that was emplaced inside a popular market has went off in the area of Toozkhurmatuh in the district of al-Tooz,” noting that, “The bomb blast resulted in injuring four civilians in the area.”

“A security force shortly blockaded the area and prevented approaching it, while ambulances transferred the injured to a near hospital for medical treatment,” the source also added.

source : abna
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