Monday 22nd of July 2024
نفر 0

Before Karbala


  Yazid, in order to assure his kingship, needed the submission of his political rivals. He ordered the governor of Medinah to take the allegiances of Imam Husayn (grandson of Prophet Muhammad and spiritual leader of the community) and Ibn az-Zubayr [1] (a political rival of Yazid) right away, and if they refuse, to kill them. It was late in the night, but the governor immediately sent a deputy to call them. He found them in Masjid al-Nabi, the masjid of the Prophet and the center of the city. Ibn az-Zubayr became suspicious of the governor's messenger coming at such a time.

 Imam Husayn immediately said, "This must have to do with the death of Mu'awiyah, and the governor must want us to pay allegiance to his son Yazid before anyone knows about it."

 This became apparent to Ibn az-Zubayr when he went to meet the governor. But, when Imam Husayn went, he went well armed, with thirty of his best

1. Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr (624-692 CE) led a rebellion against the Umayyad dynasty and was killed in a fighting against the Umayyad army sent by Abdu'l-Malik ibn Marwan.

followers, on horseback. Imam Husayn told them to wait at the door, and when they hear an argument, come in, otherwise, stay outside the door. As soon as he came inside, the governor told him straight out, "You have to pay allegiance to Yazid.''

 Imam Husayn replied, "A person like me should not pay allegiance secretly. If you want, you can call all the people, in public, and ask everyone, and us with them, to have one voice."

 The governor accepted, but his secretary Marwan warned him, "If he leaves you and does not pay allegiance now, you will not have power over him again. Put him in prison until he pays allegiance, or kill him."

 Imam Husayn said, "Whoever of you kills me will be sinful and untruthful." Then, to the governor, he said, "O governor! We are the People of the Prophet's House, and we are descendants of the Prophet. Yazid is a drunkard who kills people without reason, and a person like me does not pay allegiance to a person like him. However, let us meet in the morning and let us see, you and us, who is most eligible for leadership."

 Then, the governor said some harsh words, in a loud voice, and when the thirty guards heard the noise, nineteen of them broke the door, came in, took Imam Husayn, and all thirty of the Imam's guards rode off together with the Imam.

 Marwan turned to the governor and said, "You did not obey me, and you will not have power over the Imam again."

 Governor Walid said, "Go and blame someone else, Marwan. You want me to kill Imam Husayn because he refuses to pay allegiance' And you think


this is an easy thing to do, to get away with the blood of Husayn'"

 The Imam immediately went to visit the grave of his grandfather and continued praying until morning. During the night, governor Walid sent deputies to Imam Husayn's house. They could not find him, and they thought that he left the city. In the morning, the governor's deputy found the Imam at the grave of his grandfather. He came to Imam Husayn, advising him to pay allegiance because it was better for his life.

 Imam Husayn said, "If Muslims pay allegiance to Yazid, say goodbye to Islam."

 The next night, Imam Husayn went to the grave of his grandfather again and recited a few chapters of the Holy Qur'an. Then he said, "O Lord! This is the grave of Your Prophet Muhammad, and I am the son of his daughter, and You know best what is happening to me. I do not want anything but to promote the right and prevent the wrong. I ask You by the right of this grave, that you choose for me what pleases You."

 Then he cried and fell asleep. He had a dream that his grandfather Prophet Muhammad foretold what is going to happen in the future. When he woke up in the morning, he went to his family, his brothers, al-Atraf and Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah, as well as Umm Salamah, and other lady members of his family. They were upset about his                refusal to pay allegiance to Yazid and his decision to leave Medinah for Mecca.

 His argument to Umm Salamah was, "If I do not leave now, eventually they are going to kill me. I should not give them excuses at this time."

 He bade farewell to all the family and asked them to be brave. When he left, he left his will with his half-brother, Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah. On the will he wrote:

 "In the Name of God, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful. This is the will that Husayn Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib leaves to his brother Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah, that Husayn has witnessed that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. He brought the truth from God that heaven is true, that hell is true, and the Time will come without any doubt, and God will resurrect everyone from his or her graves.

 Indeed, my movement is not evil, reckless, mischievous, or unjust. I do support correcting what is wrong in the nation of my father, I do want to encourage the right, and prevent the wrong, and follow the tradition of my grandfather, and my father, Ali Ibn Abu Talib. Whoever accepts me by truth, God is the protector of the truth, and whoever refuses this, I will be patient while God decides between me and them, and He is the best Judge. This is my will to my brother and all success depends on God, and only on Him I rely."

 Imam Husayn sealed the will and gave it to his brother Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah. He left Medinah on Sunday night, two days before the end of Rajab, along with his brother Abbas, the children of his brother Hasan, and other family members. While leaving he recited the Verse from the Qur'an: "So, he [Prophet Moses] left it [the city] in fear,

hoping. He said, 'O Lord! Save me from the unjust people!" [1]

 He chose to take the main route to Mecca. Some tried to convince him to take a less-traveled route, so it would not be so easy for the governor to find him.

 Imam Husayn refused, saying, "I am not going to deviate from the common road, and God does whatever He decides."


  Imam Husayn settled at the house of Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib. The people of Mecca visited him and pilgrims visiting the city for the upcoming Hajj season also visited him. Ibn az-Zubayr also visited the Imam, but he was jealous that the Imam was attracting all the attention. Occasionally, Imam Husayn went to visit the grave of his grandmother Khadijah, and prayed there. Before he left Mecca, he sent messages to the leaders of the city of Basrah, Malik Ibn Musma' al-Bakri, al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays, al-Mundhir Ibn Jarud, Mas'ud Ibn 'Amr, Qays Ibn al-Haytham, and 'Amr ibn 'Ubayd Ibn Mu'ammar.

 Imam Husayn's letter read "Indeed, God has chosen Muhammad from among His creation for His prophethood, then He took him to Himself. God has advised His Creatures through His Prophet. We are his family, his followers, and heirs, and we deserve his succession more than anyone else. People chose me for this and I have accepted that, and I have sent my deputy to you with this book, and I call you to observe the book of God and the tradition of His

1. The Holy Qur'an; Sura of al-Qassass 28:21.

Prophet, because his tradition has been denied and innovation has been revived. If you listen, I will guide you to the right path."

 Al-Mundhir Ibn Jarud immediately turned in the messenger to the authorities because he thought the messenger was a spy of Ibn Ziyad, posing as the Imam's messenger in order to trap Imam Husayn's followers. When the messenger was turned in, al-Mundhir realized that he was truly the Imam's messenger but it was too late, and Ibn Ziyad ordered him to be hung that same night. Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays replied to the Imam, saying, "Be patient. Indeed, the promise of God is truth," and hinted that now is not the right time to stand up to Yazid. Mas'ud Ibn 'Amr gathered the tribes of Tamim, Hamdarah, and Sa'd and asked Bani Tamim, "What do you think of me'"

 They answered, "You are the backbone of our tribe, you are the head, and the honorable one."

 He said, "I have gathered you for consultation on an important matter."

 They asked, "What can we do'"

 He said, "Mu'awiyah is dead, and you know what Mu'awiyah has done and he appointed his son Yazid as his successor. He is a drunkard and a womanizer, and has been appointed as the leader for Muslims without the consent or knowledge of the people. I swear by the name of God that I wish to fight in Jihad against him. And, this is Husayn, son of Ali, grandson of the Prophet of God, with a clear lineage, and firm knowledge, and excellent character, and he is most fit for this matter.

 I am going to go and get my armor and battle gear, and whoever wants to do whatever he wants, it is up to him." Banu Hamdarah replied, "We do what you do, we help you by our swords, and protect you by our bodies!"

 Banu Amir also said similar things, but the tribe of Bani Sa'd replied, "Let us think about it, and we will get back to you with a response."

 So, Mas'ud Ibn 'Amr wrote to Imam Husayn saying, "You come and I am going to be your helper. All of our necks are in your obedience."

 When Imam Husayn read the reply, he said, "May God protect you on the Day of Judgment."

 Later, Mas'ud gathered his army but, as they were on their way to meet the Imam at Karbala', the news reached them that Imam Husayn was killed. Mas'ud was very upset that he was not able to help the Imam in time.

 One man in the city had ten children, and when the Imam's messenger came with the message, he gathered his children and said, "I am going to help Imam Husayn. Whoever wants to help me is welcome." Two of his sons, Abdullah and 'Ubaydullah, accepted. The three of them joined the Imam in Mecca and stayed with him until they were killed with him at Karbala'.

 While the Imam was in Mecca, the people of Kufah sent letters inviting him, individually and in groups, all asking the Imam to come to Kufah. They stated that they were rejecting the governor of Kufah, an-Nu'man Ibn Bashir. The letters of

invitation continued. In one day, he received six hundred letters.

 They insisted, but he never replied to any of them. The last letter that came to him was from Shibth Ibn Rab'i, Hajjaj Ibn Abjar, Yazid Ibn al-Harith, Azra Ibn Qays, 'Amr Ibn al-Hajjaj, and Muhammad Ibn 'Umayr Ibn 'Utarib. Their letter said, "Indeed, people are waiting for you. They have no choice but you, O son of the Messenger of God! Hurry! Hurry! The land is green, the fruits are ripe, and if you arrive, you arrive to an army totally loyal to you."

 The Imam received two sacs of letters, 12,000 in all, and wrote one letter in response to all of them. He gave replies to the last two messengers of Kufah, saying: "In the name of God, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful. From Husayn Ibn 'Ali, to the group of Muslims and believers: Indeed, Hani and Sa'id came to me carrying your letters and they are the last messengers that came from you. I understand every episode you have mentioned, and the arguments of most of you, 'We have no leader, come to us, and may God guide us through you to the truth.' Therefore, I send to you my brother and cousin; a trustworthy one from my family, and I commanded him to write to me about your situation and your decision. If he writes to me the decision of most of the people and the intelligent ones among you, as you have written to me and I have read your letters, then I will come to you as soon as possible. Indeed, a leader should follow the Qur'an and be just to the people. He should believe in truth and strain himself for the sake of God. Peace."

 Then, he gave the letter to Muslim Ibn 'Aqil and said, "Go to Kufah. Whatever God wishes will happen, and I wish that you and I will be in the ranks of the martyrs. When you arrive in Kufah, reside with the reliable people."


  The Imam sent three people with Muslim: Qays Ibn Mash'ar al-Saydawi, 'Imarah Ibn 'Abdullah al-Saluli and 'Abdul Rahman Ibn 'Abdullah al-Azdi. The Imam said to Muslim, "Fear God, and check to see if whatever the people of Kufah are saying in their letters is true. If that is the case, write me a letter immediately about the situation."

 Muslim left Mecca on the 15th of Ramadan traveling by way of Medinah. He went to Masjid al-Nabi and prayed there. Then he bade farewell to his relatives and asked two people to help lead the way for him to Kufah. On the way, they were lost and decided to stop, but Muslim kept going. He did not stop until he reached a place called Batn al-Khabt where he found some water and stayed. He immediately sent a messenger to Imam Husayn and informed him of what happened. The Imam replied that he should continue towards Kufah without any delay. On his way he stayed near the water of the tribe of Tay, then he left.

 He arrived in Kufah on the 5th of Shawwal and went to the house of Mukhtar Ibn Abi Ubayd al-Thaqafi who was an intelligent, experienced person and a follower of the People of the House. From his arrival, all the Followers of Kufah gathered to Muslim's house expressing their welcome and obedience to the Imam. After Muslim read the

Imam's letter to them, 'Abis Ibn Shabib al-Shakiri stood up and said, "I am not talking on behalf of these people and I do not know what they have in mind and I do not deceive you. I swear by God I tell you what I believe and what I will do, I will be there whenever you call me and I fight for you against your enemy, and I shall use my sword for you, until I reach my Lord, and I do not need anything but nearness to God."

 Habib Ibn Muzahir stood and said, "You said what is in your heart briefly, and I swear by God that I say the same thing." Sa'id Ibn 'Abdullah al-Hanafi stood and said similar things and then people paid allegiance to Muslim, and they were counted as 18,000, and in another report 25,000, and in Shi'bi's report, 40,000. Then, Muslim wrote a letter to the Imam and sent it with 'Abis Ibn Shabib al-Shakiri, explaining the situation and the intense desire of the people for his arrival. In his letter he said, "A leader does not lie to his people. The people of Kufah, so far, have paid allegiance to me, 18,000 of them, so depart for Kufah as you receive my letter."

 This happened twenty-seven nights before Muslim's death. The Kufans wrote to the Imam, "Continue on your way. You have 100,000 swords here. Please do not hesitate to come as soon as possible."

 Meanwhile, those who were allied with the Umayyads, such as 'Umar Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas wrote to Yazid telling him of the movement of Muslim and the people of Kufah and pointing out that his present governor, an-Nu'man Ibn Bashir is not fit to stand against them. Yazid consulted his

Christian chief advisor, Sirjawn. He advised Yazid to replace the governor with 'Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad who was a known bastard. Marjanah [1] is his mother and he is called Ibn Ziyad even though the identity of his father is not known. Sirjawn reminded Yazid that his father, Mu'awiyah adopted Ibn Ziyad and trained him in the military, and added that it was Mu'awiyah's wish to use Ibn Ziyad. Then, he gave Yazid a letter sealed by Mu'awiyah, predicting the importance of Ibn Ziyad in difficult situations. Yazid immediately opened the letter and implemented his father's plan.

 'Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad was in Basrah, not far from Kufah. Yazid wrote to him, "Go to Kufah, capture Muslim Ibn 'Aqil, and see what is appropriate to imprison him, send him to exile, or kill him."

 Ibn Ziyad went with five hundred people from Basrah and he did not delay or stop for any reason. Some of his people got sick on the way, and he left them to die in the desert. When he arrived in al-Qadisiyyah, his servant, Mahran, fell behind, and Ibn Ziyad left him to die.

 Before he reached the city, Ibn Ziyad dressed up like Imam Husayn so that, when he passed through the guards and the people, they would think that he was the Imam. They came to him and said, "O, grandson of the Prophet of God," but he did not reply at all. When he reached Kufah from the Najaf entrance, people came to him welcoming him with one voice, but he did not reply and continued

1. Marjana, Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad's mother, was such a notorious prostitute that everybody all over the Islamic State had heard of her name.

immediately towards Qasr al-lmarah, the castle of the governor. When he knocked on the door, the governor an-Nu'man did not open. Instead, he went up to the roof and said, "O Son of the Messenger of God! I am not going to welcome you in this castle!"

 Ibn Ziyad said, "Open the door, your night will be too long."

 When someone heard him and realized that it was a trick, he said, "O people! I swear by the Ka'bah that this is Ibn Ziyad, not Imam Husayn!"

 The people all ran away to their houses, and in the morning Ibn Ziyad announced a meeting in Masjid al-Kufah, and made a speech warning them and encouraging the enemies of the Prophet's House by giving bribes.

 He said, "Anyone who helps the enemy of the governor and does not report that to us will be hanged in front of his own house!"


  Ibn Ziyad immediately went hunting after Muslim. When Muslim heard about the speech of Ibn Ziyad and his threat, he decided to find a new place to stay. That night, he secretly left the house of Mukhtar and went to the house of Hani Ibn 'Urwah who was Sheikh of the tribe of Murad. He had 4,000 cavalry and 8,000 infantry, not including their other allies, which would be 30,000 all together. At that time, a man named Sharik Ibn 'Abdullah al-A'war was also visiting Hani. Ibn Ziyad and he were both from Basrah, so when Sharik became sick Ibn Ziyad came to visit.

Sharik told Muslim that this was the perfect time to kill Ibn Ziyad. While they were talking, Ibn Ziyad came in. Muslim hid. Sharik was nervous and said something to signify to Muslim to come and kill Ibn Ziyad.

 Ibn Ziyad looked at Hani and said, "It seems your cousin (Sharik) is hallucinating."

 Hani replied, "He has been talking nonsense for a while, ever since he got sick. He does not know what he is saying.

 After Ibn Ziyad left, Sharik asked Muslim, "Why did you not come to kill him'"

 Muslim replied, "For two reasons: First, I heard the Hadith of the Prophet saying, "Innal iman qayd ul-fatk" (a believer does not assassinate anybody by deception), and second, Hani's wife took my hand and made me swear to God not to kill him, crying and begging me not to."

 When Hani heard that, he said, ''Ya wailah! She has killed me, killed herself, and killed everybody by what she has done!"

 Sharik died after three days of his sickness. Ibn Ziyad honored him at his funeral. Later, when Ibn Ziyad realized that Sharik was helping to hide Muslim, he wanted to exhume his body, but he did not because it was buried near the grave of one of his own relatives.

 Meanwhile, the Followers were secretly contacting Muslim in Hani's house. Finally, Ibn Ziyad hired a slave named Ma'qil and gave him 3,000 Dinars to report on the Followers. Ma'qil disguised himself as a person from Syria and said he was the slave of a tribe of Followers

called Dhul-Kila and God has given him guidance to convert, and when he heard that there was someone following Imam Husayn, he came to help. He said he had money to give to the representative of the Imam.

 Ma'qil went to the masjid and infiltrated the people who were devoted to prayer. He saw Ibn 'Awsajah al-Asadi and got close to him. He told him that he had money for the Imam and he did not know what to do with it. So, Ibn 'Awsajah prayed for him and led him to Muslim Ibn 'Aqil. Muslim gave it to Abi Thumlah al-Sa'idi who was in charge of money. Everyday, this Ma'qil came to Muslim in Hani's house and reported to Ibn Ziyad all the activities of the Followers.


  When Ibn Ziyad was sure of Muslim's residence in Hani's house, he sent spies to watch the activities outside and inside the house and see who comes and who does not. Then, he sent some people to Hani, saying, "The governor missed you and he asked about your health and we have told him that you are an old man and cannot come, but he said he wanted to see you." They insisted that Hani would visit the governor. He refused, but they insisted and finally succeeded. When he arrived in the castle, Ibn Ziyad said to him, "A traitor comes on his feet!"

 Shurayh al-Qadi sat by his side as Ibn Ziyad said to Hani, "You have brought Muslim Ibn 'Aqil to your house! You have gathered arms for him!"

 Hani denied. When the argument became heated, Ibn Ziyad called Ma'qil. Then Hani said to Ibn Ziyad, "You know I know your father, and I

would like you to be honored, I would like to advise you. You and your people should leave this city and go to Sham (Syria) because now we have someone who is more deserving to be obeyed than you and your friends."

 Ibn Ziyad said, "You are not going to leave me until you bring him to me."

 Hani said, "If he was under my feet, I would not lift my feet for you."

 Ibn Ziyad threatened him with death, and Hani replied, "That would be a declaration of war."

 Ibn Ziyad took his sword and cut Hani's nose with it, then ordered the guards to take him down to the dungeon.

 'Amr Ibn Hajjaj, Hani's brother in law, heard that Hani was killed. He and a group of his tribe went and surrounded the castle. Ibn Ziyad ordered Shurayh al-Qadi to announce that Hani is alive and not dead. When he did that, they left, but he never told them that Hani was in the dungeon. When Shuray¦ went to the dungeon to see Hani, Hani said to him, "Ten of my people would take me away from this."

 Shurayh did not even let Hani know that his people actually did come, but they were tricked. Instead, he told Hani not to worry and everything will be fine.

 When Muslim heard the news about Hani he left Hani's house and called his followers. They gathered, and there were 4,000 in all. They chanted the slogan of the Muslims at the battle of Badr during the time of the Prophet. Muslim divided them into four groups and they marched towards the castle. Ibn

Ziyad had only thirty people. He locked all the doors and told Shurayh al-Qadi to deceive the people. Shurayh went to the roof of the castle and announced, "O people of Kufah! Do not kill yourselves. An army of reinforcements is coming from the capital Damascus!"

 One by one they left, and the four thousand shrank to three hundred, then to thirty, then when Muslim started praying the 'Esha -Evening- Prayer, there were only three people behind him. When he finished praying, there was no one left. He walked around the streets of Kufah, not knowing were to go.

 When Ibn Ziyad realized that his trick worked, he sent his spies to look from the high towers of the castle to check the reaction of the people. When he noticed that not many people were around, he ordered soldiers to see if any of the people left were rebellious. Then he tied torches to ropes and lowered them from the roof of the castle over the wall of the masjid to see if there was anybody hiding there.

 When they could not find anyone, Ibn Ziyad announced that anyone who gives shelter to Muslim would be killed, and he ordered his soldiers to search all the houses and capture Muslim. Then, he ordered guards at the entrance of the city to catch all of those who were on Muslim's side.

 Meanwhile, Mukhtar Ibn 'Ubaydullah al-Thaqafi was in his village, Khatwaniyyah. Ibn Ziyad ordered everyone to denounce Imam Husayn and carry the white flag of surrender, and everyone did, including Mukhtar, but Ibn Ziyad ordered to imprison Mukhtar and 'Amr Ibn al-Harith, and hit them with

his sword. They remained in prison until the day of Ashura. [1]

 Muslim walked alone in the streets of Kufah in the neighborhood of Kindah. After some time, he became tired and stood in the middle of the street. The owner of one of the houses there was a woman called Taw'ah who had a son named Bilal. She was looking for her son to come home but she saw Muslim standing in the street. She did not recognize him at first, but when she realized that he was Muslim Ibn 'Aqil, she gave him shelter, fed him, and kept him in a different room than her son's. When her son came home and saw his mother going to the other room, he asked her what was going on, and she refused to tell him. He kept insisting until, after making him promise to keep it secret, she told him.

 But, in the morning, her son Bilal went and told Ibn Ziyad where Muslim was. Ibn al-'Ash'ath came with seventy soldiers to capture Muslim at dawn while he was praying. When he heard horses galloping, Muslim knew that he was discovered. He finished his prayer and said to Taw'ah, "You have done what you should do, may the Messenger of God intercede for you. Yesterday, I dreamed that my uncle 'Ali, Leader of the Faithful, told me: You will be with me tomorrow."

 The soldiers got off their horses and came in, but Muslim went to them, fought them, and forced them out of the house. He fought bravely, pushing all of the soldiers back into the street and killing forty-one of them. He fought with the strength of a

1. Day of 'Ashir i s the tenth of Muharram, celebrated as a day of mourning (the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussayn).

man that knows it is his last fight. He cut, hit, and pushed soldiers out of his way. Some of them, he grabbed by their hands and threw them onto the rooftops. With more than half of his troops dead and the rest injured, the leader sent a message to Ibn Ziyad requesting more troops. Ibn Ziyad responded, "What? I sent you out to get one man, not an army!"

 The leader replied, "Do you think you want me to catch a grocery boy of Kufah' You want me to capture a sword of the People of Mu¦ammad!" Muslim fought one-on-one and hit Bukayr twice. Bukayr's sword hit Muslim on his mouth and cut his upper lip. Muslim hit him on his head and neck and killed him. They realized that they could not get him one by one, so they went on the rooftops and hit him with stones. Then, they set reeds on fire and threw them at him.

 He said:

 "I swear I am not going to die except as a free man!

 Though death is a bad thing,

 Everyone faces difficulty some day.

 Hot and cold would mix one day.

 His soul would return to him, and be permanent.

 I am afraid that I would be lied to, or deceived."

 He became weak from his wounds and loss of blood and he leaned against a wall. They continued shooting arrows and throwing rocks until he said,

"Why do you throw rocks on me and we are the family of the Prophets? We are not unbelievers!"

 Ibn al-'Ash'ath, the chief of the army, came close to him and said, "Do not kill yourself, you are under my protection."

 Muslim answered, "I am not going to be captured as long as I have power. No! That will never happen!"

 Muslim attacked him and the chief ran away. Once he retreated away from Muslim, the chief gave the order and the soldiers all attacked at once from all sides. Someone hit Muslim from behind. He fought and retreated backwards until he fell into a covered pit that they dug as a trap for him. After he fell into the pit, they took his sword from his hand and captured him. When they took his sword away from him, he cried.


  While in Mecca, Imam Husayn received the news that Yazid had sent 'Umar Ibn Sa'd Ibn al-As as delegate of the caliph to the Hajj pilgrims and that among his duties was to kill Imam Husayn, on the spot, wherever he finds him. Because of this, the Imam decided to leave Mecca before the pilgrimage season. Before he left, he gave a sermon:

 "In the name of God. All Praises to God... Death is written on the children of Adam as a necklace is designed for the neck of a girl. I see myself to be torn by beasts between Karbala' and Nawawis. Whatever Cod likes, we will do. We are patient with His test. We are not going to deviate from the teachings of the Messenger of God. Whoever wishes to come with us, he may. I am going to leave tomorrow morning."

 He left Mecca on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah, 60 of Hijrah (680 CE). With him were his family, his followers from the Hijaz area, Basrah, and Kufah. Many dignitaries of Mecca tried to change his mind. His cousin 'Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas asked him to wait, and warned him, "You might be killed, and the people of Iraq are not reliable. At least go some other place, such as Yemen, where your father had followers."

 The Imam replied, "O my cousin! I know that you are sincere, but I have decided on this journey."

 Ibn 'Abbas said, "Then, do not take your children and your family, I am afraid if you take them, they may see you die."


  They brought him to Ibn Ziyad and when Muslim saw water he asked for some. Bahili said to him, "You are not going to taste this water until you taste the fire of Hell."

 Muslim said, "Who Are You? You are the one who deserves the fire!" And sat at the wall of the castle. Later, a woman named 'Umarah gave him a bowl of water. Whenever Muslim tried to drink, the bowl became filled with his own pouring blood. After the third time trying to drink the water, all of his teeth fell into the bowl. He gave up and put the bowl down. Then, the guards took him inside and ordered him to say 'Salaam Alaykum' to the new governor, Ibn Ziyad. Muslim replied, "Shut up! He is your

governor. I say Salaam to whoever follows the truth!"

 Ibn Ziyad laughed and said, "If you say 'Salaam Alaykum' or not, you are going to die anyway."

 Muslim said, "If you kill me, there have been better people than me killed by worse people than you."

 Ibn Ziyad said, "You have rebelled against your leader, you have divided Muslims and have created disorder."

 Muslim said, "Indeed, Mu'awiyah and his son Yazid have divided Muslims and created disorder. And your father is the beginning of disorder! I wish to reach martyrdom at the hands of the worst person in the world."

 Then Muslim asked someone in the court to write a will for him. He looked at the people and recognized 'Umar Ibn Sa'd [1] and asked if he would carry his will but 'Umar refused. Ibn Ziyad ordered him to take it because he wanted to find out for himself what Muslim would write.

 Muslim went to 'Umar and said, "First pay the loan I took when I came to Ziyad, six hundred Dirhams. Second, take my body from Ibn Ziyad and give it an Islamic burial. Third, write to Imam Husayn and tell him what happened to me."

 'Umar Ibn Sa'd immediately went to Ibn Ziyad and revealed it to him. Ibn Ziyad said to 'Umar Ibn Sa'd, "The trustworthy one never betrays you but sometimes you trust a liar."

Then, he came to Muslim and said, "You came to people and divided them."

 Muslim replied, "No! Never! I did not come for that, but people of this city claim that your father has killed their best people and we came to bring justice and to implement the Qur'an."

 Ibn Ziyad said, "That is not your business, we were giving them justice."

 Muslim said, "God knows that you are not truthful and you kill people without justice."

 Then Ibn Ziyad cursed Imam 'Ali and Imam Husayn, and Muslim said, "You and your father deserve that more than anyone else." Ibn Ziyad ordered a man from Syria to take Muslim to the roof, cut his head off, and throw his body down into the street. He took him to the roof while Muslim was saying, "Subhanallah! O God, judge between us and these people who betrayed us, deceived us, and denied us." Then he turned his face to Medinah and said, "Assalamu 'ela al-Husayn." The Syrian killed him and dropped his head and his body to the ground.

 When he killed Muslim, he saw a strange and horrifying vision. After he killed Muslim, the man came to Ibn Ziyad, afraid, and said, "When I killed him I saw a man pointing to me, and it scared me."

 Ibn Ziyad waved him away and ordered Hani to be taken to the market. They tied Hani up and took him, and no one helped him. Hani struggled and managed to untie the ropes. He got out of the ropes, picked up a stick, and fought with it, but the guards

lunged at him all at once and killed him with their swords.

 Ibn Ziyad ordered the bodies of both Muslim and Hani to be dragged up and down the streets of Ziyad, and then hung upside down in a place called Kunnasah. He sent their heads to Yazid who hung them at the city wall of Damascus, his capital.

 With the heads, Ibn Ziyad sent a letter to Yazid, "Thank God that the leader of the faithful (Amir ul-Mu'minin)[1] was successful. We captured Muslim in the house of Hani. I scattered spies around them until I found them. I cut off their heads and sent them to you by two people who are reliable, and the Leader of the faithful can ask them about the details."

 Yazid replied to Ibn Ziyad, "You did what a wise man has to do, you spoke the truth, as I believed in you. I asked the two messengers the details and I have heard that Husayn Ibn 'Ali has gone towards Iraq. Keep your eyes open and kill people whom you are suspicious of. Do not wait for any proof. Husayn is the problem. Either you fight him or you send him to me."


  Two of Muslim's sons were in Ziyad. Al-Saduq (d. 381/991 CE) narrates in his book, al-'Amali, by his chain of Isnad from an old man of Ziyad, who said, "When the Imam was killed, two of Muslim's

1. This title, which means 'the leader of the faithful ones', though Prophet Mohammed said it to Imam 'Ali exclusively, was used to every one to come to power in the Islamic State.

children, Muhammad and Ibrahim, were captured. Ibn Ziyad put them in jail and ordered to give them a hard time. The two kids fasted all day and every night they were given one loaf of bread and water. They stayed that way for about a year. One night, they talked with each other and decided to tell the jailer about their identity so he might make it easy for them. That night, the youngest one asked the man, "Do you know who Muhammad was?"

 He said, "Of course I know Muhammad. He is the Prophet of God."

 "Do you know Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib''

 "Of course, I know him. He is known as Dhul-Janahayn [1]-the one with two wings. -"

 "Do you know 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib'

 "Of course I know him, He is the cousin of the Prophet."

 Then he said, "O Guard! We are children of the Prophet. We are the children of Muslim Ibn 'Aqil and you are being so hard on us."

 The old man collapsed at their feet and said, "O, the family of the Prophet! The door of the prison will be open for you. Go wherever you want to go."

1. Prophet Mohammed honored Ja'far Ibhn Abi Talib with the title of Dhul-Janahayn ( the one with two wings) after he had been martyred in the battele of Mu'ta and lost his two hands there. Hence, as Prophet Mohammed foretold, God will give Ja'far two wings instead of his two cut off hands in Paradise. With these two wings, Ja'far will fly in Paradise anywhere he likes.

 He gave them water and bread and showed them the way and advised them not to move in the daytime and go only in the night.

 One night, after they escaped, they ended up at the door of an old woman. They said, "O, old woman! We are strangers here and we do not know the way, would you let us with you for one night and in the day we will leave?"

 She sheltered them and when she asked them who they were they said, "We are the family of the Prophet and we ran away from the prison of Ibn Ziyad."

 She said, "I have a son-in-law who was on the side of Ibn Ziyad in Karbala' and I am afraid that he would catch you."

 She brought them food and water and they collapsed and fell asleep. During the night, the son-in-law came home unexpectedly. She asked him "What brought you here at this time?"

 He said, "I am searching for two prisoners who ran away from Ibn Ziyad's prison, and Ibn Ziyad has announced 1,000 Dirhams for the head of each of them. I am tired and I could not find them."

 She warned him, "That is not the right thing to do with the family of the Prophet."

 He said, "You seem to be taking sides, and you seem to know where they are. Let us take you to Ibn Ziyad!"

 She answered, "What would the governor want with me?"

 He said, "You have to open the door and give me shelter until I find these people."

 She opened it and fed him. During the night he heard the children's snoring and he searched the house until he found them.

 The younger one asked, "Who are you?"

 He said, "I am the owner of the house. Who are you?"

 The younger one said to the older one, "Get up, it seems that we are trapped!"

 Again the man insisted, "Who are you?"

 They answered, "If we tell you the truth, will you leave us alone?"

 He said, "Of course. You are in my house and the clemency of the Messenger of God is for you."

 After they told him everything, the man said, "You are indeed trapped, I praise God that He gave me success to capture you!"

 He tied them with ropes and in the morning he called his black slave, Fulayh and asked him to take the two kids and kill them. While the man watched, the slave took them near the bank of the river to kill them.

 One of the kids said to him, "We see that you have the color of Bilal, the caller to prayer of the Prophet, our grandfather."

 Fulayh asked, "Are you of the family of the Prophet Muhammad' What brought you here'"

 When they explained their story to him, he became very upset. Then, he fell to his knees, kissed their feet, and said, "I am not going to do what this man says!"

 He threw his sword far away, jumped into the river, and swam across to the other bank.

 Then, he stood up and said, "I am not your slave anymore!"

 After that, the man became upset that he lost his slave. He took the kids back to his home, called his son, and said to him, "I have collected the wealth of the world for you.

 Take these two kids to the river and kill them and bring back their heads."

 While the son was taking them to the river, one of the kids asked him, "Are you not afraid of the Day of Judgment' We are the family of the Prophet. Why does your father want to kill us?"

 When the son realized that they were telling the truth, he did exactly as the slave did, and ran away swimming across to the other bank. When the man saw this, he said, "I have to kill you myself."

 The kids asked him, "Why do you not sell us in the street and use the money for yourself without making the Prophet your enemy on the Day of Judgment?" He said, "The governor, Ibn Ziyad, would give me 2,000 pieces and you two will not sell for 2,000!"

 The kids asked, "Why do you not take us alive to Ibn Ziyad' Let him decide what to do with us. Why do you not have some mercy on us?"

 He said, "I have no mercy for you in my heart."

 They asked if they could pray for a few minutes. He laughed and said, "Go pray as much as you like! Prayer will not help you!"

 They prayed four units, then raised their faces towards heaven, and said, "O, God! The best Judge! Judge between us and this man by truth."

 When they were done, he chopped off the head of the older one first. The younger one hugged his dead brother's body. The man said, "Do not cry, I am going to let you join him soon," and then killed him. He dropped the bodies in the river and took the heads to Ibn Ziyad.

 Ibn Ziyad was sitting on his throne. When he recognized the heads, he asked, "How did you get them?"

 After the man explained the whole story, Ibn Ziyad said, "So, they were your guests and you did not respect the rights of guests in your own home?"

 Then Ibn Ziyad said, "God is indeed the best judge, and you deserve to be killed in the same spot where you killed them. Why did you not bring them to me?"

 He ordered someone to take him to the same spot and kill him. While the guards took him down the streets of Ziyad, children followed behind him, yelling at him and telling everyone that he is the killer of the People of the House of the Prophet.

 According to Mazrat Ahl ul-Bayt, page 93, "Their grave site is near al-Musayyab, on the way to Baghdad. Their names are Muhammad and Ibrahim. Apparently, their bodies were taken out of the river and buried immediately by some kind Muslims."

{ 44 }


  While in Mecca , Imam Husayn received the news that Yazid had send Umar Ibn sa'd Ibn al-As as delegate of the caliph to the Hajj pilgrims and that among his duties was to kill Imam Husayn, on the spot, wherever he finds him. Because of this, the Imam decided to leave Mecca before the pilgrimage Season . Before he left, he gave sermon:

"In the name of God. All praises to God… Death is written on the children of Adam as a necklace is designed for the neck of a girl. I see myself to be torn by beasts between Karbala' and Nawawis. Whatever God likes, we will do. We are patient with His test.

We are not going to deviate from the teachings of the Messenger of God. Whoever wishes to come with us, He may. I am going to leave tomorrow morning." He left Mecca on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah, 60 of Hijrah (680 CE). With him were his family, his followers from the Hijaz area, Basrah, and Kufah.

Many dignitaries of Mecca tried to change his mind. His cousin 'Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas asked him to wait, And warned him, "You might be killed, and the People of Iraq are not reliable. At least go some Other place, such as Yemen, where your father had Followers."

The Imam replied, "O my cousin! I know that You are sincere, but I have decided on this journey." Ibn 'Abbas said, "Then, do not take your Children and your family, I am afraid if you take Them, they may see you die."

 Imam Husayn replied, "By God, they are not going to leave me. If they leave me, they are going to be victims of someone who would not have mercy on them."

 Then, the Imam mentioned that he did not want any blood spilled in Mecca and he wanted the family to be united, and whatever happens would happen to them together. And, if he leaves them, they would not be under anyone's protection.



  The Imam left Mecca, and at Tan'im he met a caravan which carried luxury goods and royal robes and gowns. It was a delivery for the "king", Yazid Ibn Mu'awiyah from his governor at Yemen. The Imam ordered that all the cargo of the caravan be taken and given to poor people.

 He said, "Who is to have this luxury while poor people starve?" Then, he announced to the people and to the workers on the caravan, "Whoever wants to come with us, is welcome, and whoever wants his wages, we will give him his pay, and whoever wants to leave is free to leave."

 The Imam and his followers took none of the silk robes and royal gowns woven with gold thread. Those who wanted their pay received their portion and the rest was immediately given to poor people.


  Here, a man was on his way to Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage. The man came closer and asked someone, "Whose caravan is this?" And he was informed that it was the camp of Imam Husayn. To himself, he thought that he should pay his greeting of peace to the grandson of the Messenger of God.

 The Imam asked him, "Who are you?" He replied, "I am al-Farazdaq, son of Ghalib."

 The Imam greeted the famous poet kindly, then after some time, he asked him, "What do you know about the attitude of the people?"

 Al-Farazdaq answered, "Their hearts are with you, but their swords are with the Umayyads, and the destination comes from heaven."

 Imam said, "You spoke the truth, and everything is up to God. He does what He wishes, and we ask help only from Him." Then, al-Farazdaq asked him some religious questions.


  The Imam set camp here, and met Bishr Ibn Ghalib. When Bishr met the Imam, he saw him leaning on something, reading a book. Bishr asked him, "O grandson of the Messenger of God! What made you come to this desert?"

 The Imam replied, "These people have threatened me and these letters arrived from the people of Kufah whom I know are going to turn


against me. If they do so, God will send someone to humiliate them."

 The Imam asked him about the people of Kufah and he replied, "Their swords are with the Umayyads and their hearts are with you."

 The Imam said, "You are speaking the truth."


  Here, the Imam set camp. He wrote a letter to Muslim Ibn 'Aqil and gave it to Qays Ibn Mashar al-Saydawi to take to Kufah. In it he wrote, "O people of Kufah! I have received the letter of Muslim Ibn 'Aqil stating that you have gathered to help us and ask for our rights. I ask Almighty God to reward you for this action. For this reason, I left Mecca on Thursday the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. When my messenger arrives, be united until I reach Kufah in a few days."

 Meanwhile, the spies of Yazid were following him. For some time, the Imam stayed at the water of 'Abdullah Ibn Muti? who tried to convince the Imam not to go to Iraq, but the Imam refused.

 When Qays Ibn Mashar al-Saydawi reached al-Q-disiyyah, Ibn Ziyad's army captured him. When they tried to search him, he tore the letter apart. He was brought to the governor's castle in Kufah, and Ibn Ziyad asked him, "Why did you tear the letter?"

 Qays replied, "So you will not know what was in it."

 Ibn Ziyad said, "You have to tell me what was in it!"

 Qays refused. Then Ibn Ziyad said, "You have to go on the pulpit and curse Husayn, his brother, and


his father. Otherwise, I am going to cut you into pieces!"

 Qays went on the pulpit and blessed Amir al-Mu'minin Imam 'Ali and Hasan and Husayn, and cursed Ibn Ziyad and his father and the Ummayads. Then he said, "O people! I am the messenger of Husayn to you!" He told them where he left the Imam and said, "Go help him!"

 Ibn Ziyad ordered for him to be thrown from the top of the castle. He fell and died.


  The Imam set camp and stayed in Khuzamiyyah one day and one night. In the morning, his sister Zaynab came to him and told him that she heard someone reciting this poem:

 "O, the eyes try to be firm!

 Who would cry after me, on these martyrs?

 Cry on those people who are led

 By death to the final destination."

 The Imam said to his sister, "Whatever God wishes will happen."


  Here, the Imam set camp. Zuhayr Ibn al-Qayn al-Bajali was in the area and set camp near him. Zuhayr did not like the Imam and did not want to set camp near him, but, because there was water at Zarud, he had no other choice. At mealtime, a messenger of the Imam came to him and said that the Imam wanted to meet him. Zuhayr hesitated to

reply but his wife, Dilham, told him to go to the Imam and see what he wants. Zuhayr went to him and immediately came back to his people with a happy face. He ordered to take his camp closer to the Imam's camp and told his wife, "Go join your family, I do not want any of you to be harmed in any way because of me."

 Then, he faced his people again and said, "Whoever wants to help the grandson of the Messenger of God should come with me. Otherwise, Goodbye!"

 He revealed a conversation he had with Salman al-Farsi long ago. He said, "We went with Salman in Balanjar. Salman told me 'When you reach Imam Husayn and are able to help him and fight on his side, you should be more than happy to."'

 His wife said, "Whatever you decide, I go with your decision. Please remember me on the Day of Judgment with Imam Husayn's grandfather."

 Also at this stop, the news of the murder of Muslim and Hani Ibn Urwah reached the Imam. The Imam was deeply upset and many times said, "God bless them." He and other people cried with the sad news, the ladies wailed, and the whole camp was in mourning.

 Then, two of his companions stood and said, "O grandson of the Prophet of God! Please change your decision and do not go to Kufah."

 Others disagreed and said, "We have to continue and die the same way as Muslim and Hani died for the cause."

 The Imam listened to each conversation and looked deeply into their faces and then said, "There


is no goodness in life after these two." (Muslim and Hani)


  Here, someone came and asked Imam Husayn, "What is the Verse of Qur'an 'The day when we shall call all people by their leader.' about?"

 The Imam replied, "A leader who calls to guidance and people obey his call and a leader who calls to misguidance and others follow him. One leads to heaven and the other leads to hell."

 Also at this stop a man from Kufah met with the Imam and the Imam told him, "If I had met you in Medinah, I would have shown you the place of Gabriel in our house. (The window, in the house of the Prophet Muhammad, which was used as an entrance by the angel Gabriel, whenever he came to visit the Prophet) Do you think we do not know what we are doing?"

 Another came and said, "O son of the Messenger of God! I see you with only a few followers."

 The Imam pointed to a sack of letters and said, "This is filled with letters."


  Here, the Imam saw a man coming from Kufah and asked him about the people there. The man said, "All of them are against you."

 The Imam said, "Whatever God wishes will happen."


There was still no reply from his third messenger to Kufah, Qays Ibn Mashar al-Saydawi, but here, at Zubalah, the news reached the Imam that 'Abdullah Ibn Yaqtar, his second messenger to Kufah, was killed.

 When he was captured he was sent to Ibn Ziyad, and Ibn Ziyad ordered him to go to the pulpit and curse the liar son of liars. 'Abdullah showed his willingness to do so, but when he went up he said, "O, people! I am the messenger of Husayn son of Fatimah, to help him against son of Marjanah! (Ibn Ziyad)"

 Ibn Ziyad ordered him to be toppled from the top of the castle. He fell and broke most of his bones, but he was still able to talk. A man named Lakhmi, one of Ibn Ziyad's soldiers, came and cut off his head. When the people in the street asked him why he did that, he said, "To put him out of his misery."

 After this news, the Imam announced, "Anyone who has joined this caravan for any purpose other than dying for this cause should leave now." And people left him except for those who chose to stay, his family, and his companions.


  Here the Imam announced, "I am going to be killed and I saw in a dream that dogs are going to eat my flesh and the worst of those dogs will be an albino dog."

 At this point, 'Amr Ibn Luthan asked the Imam to return to Medinah. The Imam replied, "I know your opinion but I do not do but what God wishes. Indeed, they are not going to leave me alone until they take out my insides and if they do that, they will be the most humiliated nation in the world."


  Here, the Imam set camp and asked his children to re-supply with water and carry more water than they needed. When he heard one of his followers saying "Allahu Akbar," the Imam asked him, "Why did you say that?"

 He answered, "I see palm trees in the far distance."

 All the people around him said, "There are no palm trees around here in this desert?"

 When they looked carefully, they saw spears and horses.

 The Imam agreed and said, "That must be it." Then he asked, "Is there any shelter here?"

 They told him there is a place called Dhu-Hasm on the left and that is the best place to take shelter. The Imam went there and set his camp.

 Then, at noon, Hurr al-Riyahi, with 1,000 soldiers, appeared in front of the Imam, carrying a message from Ibn Ziyad ordering him to prevent the Imam from returning to Medinah or capture him and bring him to Kufah.

 When the Imam saw that the army of Hurr was thirsty, he asked his followers to give them and their horses water. They gave all of them and all of their

horses water except for the last animal. The inexperienced rider of this last camel came to the Imam, not knowing how to water his animal, and Imam Husayn told him, "Anikh al-Rawiyah."

 In the Hijazi Arabic dialect, it means "loosen the ropes around the camel's neck" (so it can drink), but in the Kufi Arabic dialect it means "loosen the neck of the water bag." So, the soldier loosened the knot around the water bag and the water spilled out.

 Then, Imam Husayn did it himself and showed the soldier how to loosen the ropes and let the camel drink. Then, after all of the army and their animals were finished drinking, the Imam stood and said, "I did not come here until all of your letters came to me, and the letters say that you do not have any leader and that you need me to help teach you guidance. If that is still your demand, give me something that shows that you are truthful in your promises, and if you do not like me, I will return to where I came from."

 The soldiers were silent. No one spoke a word. Then, Hajjaj Ibn Masraq made the call to prayer for the Dhuhr -Noon- Prayer. The Imam said to Hurr, "You are the chief of your army. You go and pray with your own people."

 Hurr replied, "No. We pray with your prayer." and Hurr, with all of his troops, prayed with the Imam.

 When the Imam finished the prayer, he stood and said, "O people! Fear God and find the truth and follow it. We are the members of the House of the Prophet. We deserve trust more than those who do injustice. If you do not like us or you ignore our rights or you have changed your minds from

whatever you have written to us before, then I will leave you."

 Hurr said, "Written? I do not know what letters you are talking about!" The Imam asked one of his followers to bring two sacks of letters.

 Hurr said, "I am not one of these people. I have been ordered not to leave you alone until I bring you back to Kufah to Ibn Ziyad.

 The Imam said, "Death is before that." He turned and told his followers to get ready to ride their horses, but Hurr stopped them from going.

 Then, for the first time in his life, the Imam spoke an insult, "Your mother sits mourning you." Then he said, "What do you want from us?"

 Hurr replied, "If anyone beside you had said those words to me, l would have replied the same to him, but I cannot do that to you. However, take a road between you and Kufah, which does not reach Kufah nor goes to Medinah, until I write to Ibn Ziyad and see what his orders are. May God relieve me from this catastrophe."

 Then he said to the Imam, "I bear witness that if you fight, you will be killed."

 The Imam said, "Are you threatening me with death? Are you going to kill me? Are you helping the Messenger of God?"

 When Hurr heard this, he turned around and left the Imam. He did not want a confrontation with the Imam.

 The Imam's caravan continued in an unknown direction, and Hurr's army followed behind.



  Here, the Imam gave a sermon to the people of Hurr:

 "O people! The Messenger of God said, 'Whoever sees an unjust governor who changes the forbidden to allowed and who breaks his promise, who is against the tradition of the Prophets, who acts unjustly and does not do anything against it in action or in words, God will enter him where the unjust person enters.' Indeed, these people follow Satan and have left the obedience of God. They spread mischief, they abandon all rules, they misuse wealth, and they make the illegal legal and the legal illegal. I deserve this leadership more than anyone else. Your letters came to me and your deputies came to me offering allegiance to me, saying that you will not betray me and that if I lead you, you will succeed. I am Husayn, son of 'Ali and Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of God. My soul is with your soul, my family is with your family, and I am one of you. If you do not do so and change your promise and your allegiance to me, that would not be a surprise to me. You have done so before to my father, my brother, and my cousin (Muslim Ibn 'Aqil). If you do that, you have missed your chance and you have lost your share and whoever breaks his promise he breaks it against himself. Peace be upon you."


  Here, a man met the Imam and asked him, "Why did you leave the house of your grandfather? (meaning Medinah)"

 The Imam replied, "Indeed, the Umayyads called our most honorable kin bad names, and I was patient. Then, they took my wealth, and I was patient. And they sought my blood and I ran away. Indeed, by God, they are going to kill me. Then, God will humiliate them, making them the most humiliated nation in the world."


  Here, four people from Kufah met the Imam. The Imam asked them about the situation of the people and they told him, "The dignitaries were bought by bribes. As for the common people, their hearts are with you, but their swords are against you."

 They told him how Qays Ibn Mashar al-Saydawi was killed. Then, the Imam recited, "Among the believers are men who are true to whatever covenant they made with God. Some of then have fulfilled [their covenant], some of them are waiting [to do so], and have not made any changes [in the religion]." [1]

 Tarammah Ibn 'Uday al-Ta'y said to the Imam, "I saw people before leaving Kufah and asked what the commotion was. They said that they were being recruited and sent to fight against the Imam. I urge you, by God, not to go to them. I do not see anyone with you. I request you to come with us to our mountain called Aja. We were able to isolate ourselves from the kings of Ghassan and Himyar. If you stay with us for ten days, I guarantee you that

1. The Holy Qur'an; Sura of al-Ahzab 33:23

20,060 of my tribe, the Tays would follow you and do whatever you order."

 The Imam refused and said, "We have a promise between us and these people and we can not leave until we see the result."

 The Imam thanked him, but refused. Then Tarammah asked permission to go by himself to deliver what he has to deliver for his family, and then return to join the Imam's camp. The Imam allowed him to do so, and he went, but he was too late in his return. On his way, he heard that Imam was killed.


  When the Imam set camp here, he saw another camp already set. He asked about them and they told him it is for 'Ubaydullah al-Ju'fi. When the Imam sent some of his followers to see him, Ju'fi asked them what they wanted, and the messenger said, "This is a message from Imam Husayn, asking you to help him."

 Ju'fi replied, "I swear by God, I left Kufah only because of what I saw, that people were leaving to fight against him and I knew that he is going to be killed and I am not going to help him. That is why I left Kufah so that I would be safe. I do not want to see him and I do not want him to see me."

 The messengers brought the reply back to Imam Husayn. The Imam got up, and with a group of his followers, went to Ju'fi's camp. Ju'fi received him well, honored him, and said, "I have not seen anyone of better character or more handsome than Husayn."

 Then, Ju'fi asked the Imam if he used red henna or black dye to dye his beard.

 The Imam replied, "O! Aging and gray hair came to me soon."

 When they sat, the Imam said, "Your people have written to me and asked my help and invited me to come to them. Now, it appears that it is not the case. You have sins in your life. Do you wish to erase them by repentance?"

 Ju'fi said, "What is that, O son of the Messenger of God!"

 The Imam replied, "You help the son of the daughter of the Prophet and fight by his side."

 Ju'fi said, "Indeed, I know that whoever follows you will be happy in the Hereafter, but what can I do to help? I saw no one in Kufah who would help you, and I do not like to die. Therefore, I give you my horses as gifts to you. This horse of mine, which is called Malhaqah, is the best horse to give victory to me, and I was not willing to give it to anybody in my life."

 The Imam replied, "If you are not willing to fight with us, we do not need your horses and we do not need you." Then, the Imam quoted, "And I am not one who takes the support of people who are astray." [1]

 The Imam said to Ju'fi "I do not take those who are astray as helpers. Now I will advise you as you have advised me. If you are able to avoid our call and not watch us die, do so. Indeed, whoever hears us and does not help us will go to hell."

1. The holy Qur'an; Sura of al-Kahf 18:51.

 Also at this stop, the heads of two other Arab tribes met the Imam. The Imam asked them, "Are you coming to help us?"

 They said, "We have children and we have been trusted with the wealth of people and we want to keep their trust."

 The Imam said the same to them, "Leave. Do not hear our call for help. Indeed, whoever hears our call for help and does not help us will end up in hell."

 At the end of the night, the Imam ordered his followers to leave Qasr Bani Maqatil


  When the Imam's caravan came near this place, they saw a man on a horse coming towards them. He was carrying a message from Ibn Ziyad to Hurr.

 Hurr came and read the letter to Imam Husayn, "Be firm with Husayn. When you read my letter, do not let him camp anywhere but in the desert where there is no water and no fortification."

 The Imam said, "Then, let us go to Nineveh or Ghadariyyah or Shufayyah."

 Hurr replied, "I cannot do that because the messenger is a spy on me."

 Zuhayr Ibn al-Qayn said, "O, grandson of the Messenger of God! To kill these people now is easier than fighting with the reinforcements that will come after them. Let us start fighting and finish them. After these will come people that we will not be able to fight."

 The Imam said, "I am not going to start the fighting."

 Zuhayr said, "There is a village here on the Euphrates and has a fort and the Euphrates crosses it. Let us go there."

 The Imam asked, "What is it called?"

 He said, "It's called Aqr (in Arabic, means 'the cutting'."

 The Imam said, "I seek refuge with God from Aqr."

 Then, the Imam asked Hurr to let him go a little bit further. Hurr agreed and the Imam's caravan went with Hurr's troops following behind until they reached Karbala'.

source : http://www.coiradio.com
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