Wednesday 15th of January 2025
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What the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) Said About Imam Hassan & Imam Hussain (pbut)?

According to al-Bara'; I saw the prophet (S.A.W) with al-Hasan son of 'Ali on his shoulder and saying, " O. Allah, I love him, so love him".
References: Saheeh Moslem Ch.5 p.36/ Saheeh al-Bokhary, book of Fadha'il al-Sahaba Ch.2 p.1281/Jami' al-Osool Ch.9 H.6552 p.27/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.176/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.12/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa, S.10 p.137/Matalib al-So'ul p.227/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2585 p.31/Is'af al-Raghibeen p.193.
Al-Naysaboorie quoted abu-Hazim and abu-Hurayra as saying: " I saw the Messenger carrying al-Husayn son of 'Ali and saying, " O Allah, I love him, so love him".
References: Al-Hakim described this Hadith's ascription as credible but both of them did not publicize it, Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3 p.185. The same hadith was narrated mentioning al-Hasan instead; both are found, Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3 p.195.
Al-Hakim ascribed this Hadith to abu-Horayra: " The Prophet came out to us with al-Hasan and al-Husayn on his shoulders, kissing them alternatively until he came to the point where we were standing; a man then said, " O Messenger of God, do you love them? He replied, " Yes, whosoever loves them has loved me and whosoever hates them has hated me".
References: Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3 p.182/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.35, 205.
According to Ibn-Abbas: " When the verse, {I do not ask of you a wage for this, except love for the kinsfolk} was revealed, people said, " O Messenger of God, who are those kinsfolk of yours whose love became an obligation upon us? He replied, " 'Ali, Fatima and their two sons".
References: Noor al-Absar p.123, 124/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2641 p.47/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.453, 454/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.13/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9, second Hadith p.25, 26/Al-Ithaf Bi-Hob al-Ashraf p.43/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa, S.10 p.170/Matalib al-So'ul p.52/Kifayat al-Talib S.11 p.91.
According to Abu-Bakr: " I heard the Prophet (S.A.W) saying from the pulpit looking at the crowd at a time and at al-Hasan, who was beside him, at another, " This son of mine is a master and perhaps through him Allah will set things right between two parties of Moslems".
References: Saheeh al-Bokhary, book of Fadha'il al-Sahaba Ch.2 H.3536 p.1280/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.251/Is'af al-Raghibeen Fi Seerat al-Mostafa p.191/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.12/Tathkirat al-Khawas p.177/ Al-Isaba Ch.1 p.330/Matalib al-So'ul Fi Manaqib Aal al-Rasool p.227/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa, S.10 p.137/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2590 p.33/Kanz al-Ommal Ch.31 H.570 p.157/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.17/ Tareekh Ibn ِAsakir Ch.13 p.271/Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3 p.192/Jami' al-Osool Ch.9 H.6562 p.33/Al-Ithaf Bi-Hob al-Ashraf p.34/Kifayat al-Talib S.97 p.340-353.
Another narration by al-Tirmithy, the Prophet(S.A.W) said: " Truly, by this son of mine, Allah will straighten out two great parties".
According to Ya'la Ibn-Morra: " We were in the company of the Messenger and where invited to a meal and there he was al-Husayn playing in the road, and then the Prophet (S.A.W) hurried ahead of us and stretched out his hands putting one under his chin and the other behind the back of his head, embraced and kissed him and said: " Husayn is from me and I am from him; Allah loves whoso loves him; both al-Hasan and al-Husayn are of the Asbat (sing.sibt, a grandson).
References: Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2586 p.32/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.207/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.181/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.19/ Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.29/Thakha'ir al-Oqba p.133/Sonan Ibn Majah Ch.1 p.51/Tareekh Ibn ِAsakir Ch.14 p.149-150/Kanz al-Ommal Ch.3 H.590 p.105/Matalib al-So'ul p.250/Kifayat al-Talib S.97 p.351.
According to Anas: " No one looked more like the Prophet (S.A.W) than al-Hasan son of 'Ali (A.S.).
References: Saheeh al-Bokhary, book of Fadha'il al-Sahaba Ch.2 H.3542 p.1281/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.12/Matalib al-So'ul p.230.
Ibn-Seereen quoted Anas as saying, " Al-Hasan and al-Husayn resembled the Messenger of God more than anyone else".
Reference: Al-Isaba Fi Tamyeez al-Sahaba Ch.1 p.333.
Abu al-Hasan 'Alee al-Toyoory al-Halabie ascribed a Hadith to al-Harith who ascribed it to 'Ali(A.S.), " More than anyone, al-Hasan resembled the Messenger of Allah in between the chin and the top; and more than anyone al-Husayn resembled the Messenger of Allah in between the chin and the toe".
Reference: Al-Husayn Ibn 'Alee by Ibn al-Adeem p.32-33.
Anas Ibn Malik quoted the Prophet as saying, " We, the descendants of Abd al-Mottalib, are the masters of the inhabitants of Paradise; I, Hamza, 'Ali, Ja'far, al-Hasan, al-Husayn and al-Mahdi".
References: Kanz al-Ommal Ch. 13 H.469 p.83/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.32/Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee by Ibn al-Maghazily p.95/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa, end of S.11 p.160-187/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.451/Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee in al-Riyadh al-Nadhira H.268 p.202.
Salman quoted the Messenger of God (S.A.W) as saying about al-Hasan and al-Husayn (PBUT), " Whoso loves them, I love and whoso I love, Allah Loves, and whoso Allah loves will admit to the Gardens of Bliss; and whoso hates them, I hate, and whoso I hate, Allah hates and whoso Allah hates will admit to the chastisement of Gehenna and for him there is a mighty chastisement".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.14 p.156/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.2 H.2655 p.50/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.181/Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3/Ma'rifat al-Sahaba p.181/Kifayat al-Talib p.422-423.
According to Abu-Ishac, 'Ali (A.S.) said the following and looked at al-Hasan or al-Husayn; " This son of mine is a master as the Prophet (S.A.W) named him; and from his loin (descendants) a man will be born who has the same name as your Prophet and is similar to him in looks".
References: Noor al-Absar p.187 based on al-Yawaqeet Wa al-Jawahir. Al-Tabari.based a Hadith on Hothayfa Ibn al-Yaman who quoted the Prophet (S.A.W) as saying: " If only one day remains of life in this world, Allah will prolong it so that He will send forth a man from among the offsprings of my sons; he has the same name as mine". Salman said: " Of which one of your sons, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: " Of this son of mine", and he tapped al-Husayn (S.A.W) with his hand. 
Thakha'ir al-Oqba p.136-137/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.326/Oqad al-Dorar Fi Akhbar al-Montathar p.24/Al-Bayan Fi Akhbar Sahib al-Zaman p.503.
According to Hothayfa: " We saw delight in the Prophet's face one day, so we asked him about it, he said: " How could I not delight when (archangel) Gabriel has already come to me and brought me news of Hasan and Husayn being masters of the youths of Paradise and of their father being better to them".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.2 p.209/Thakha'ir al-Oqba p.129. In another wording " Their father is superior to them", Silsilat al-Ahadeeth al-Saheeha Ch.2 p.444/Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.13 p.209/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.35/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.2 H.2617 p.39, Ch.19 H650 p.292/Kanz al-Ommal Ch. 13 H.554 p.97/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.99/Tareekh Baghdad Ch.1 p.150/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.183/Al-Jami' al-Sagheer Ch.1 H.3837 p.441/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa p.191/Mizan al-'Itidal Ch.4 p.149/Kifayat al-Talib S.97 p.341.
Said Ibn Arqam quoted the Prophet(S.A.W) as saying about 'Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan and al-Husayn: " I am an enemy of their enemy and a friend of their friend".
References: This Hadith was narrated with similar wording in Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.83/Al-Husayn Ibn 'Alee by Ibn al-Adeem p.35/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2619, 2620, 2621 p.40/Jami' al-Osool Ch.9 H.6707 p.158/Sonan Ibn Majah Ch.1 p.52/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.36/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa S.11 p.144/Kanz al-Ommal Ch. 13 H.471 p.84/Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee by al-Maghazily p.105/Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.13 p.218, Ch.14 p.157/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.169/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.258/Matalib al-So'ul p.52.
Abdullah Ibn Omran quoted the Prophet as saying: " Truly, al-Hasan and al-Husayn are my fragrant roses from this world".
References: Saheeh al-Bokhary, book of Fadha'il al-Sahaba H.3543 p.1282/Matalib al-So'ul p.250/Is'af al-Raghibeen p.125/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.281/Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.14 p.129, Ch.13 p.212/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.19/Al-Isaba Ch.1 p.332/Al-Husayn Ibn 'Alee by Ibn al-Adeem p.63/Kanz al-Ommal Ch. 13 H.558 p.98/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2884 p.127/Kifayat al-Talib S.93 p.330/Al-Jawhara Fi Nasab 'Alee Wa Aalyh p.40.
Aysha reported that the Prophet (S.A.W) went out early in the morning one day putting on a painted garment made of black hair; then al-Hasan son of 'Ali came and he let him in (under the garment) and then al-Husayn came and entered with him and then Fatima came and he let her enter and then 'Alee came and he let him enter; then he said: " People of the House, Allah only desires to put away from you abomination and to cleanse you".
References: Ma'rifat Ma Yajib Li Aal al-Bayt al-Nabawy p.39-40/Saheeh Moslem Kitab al-Fadha'il Ch.5 p.37/Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.13 p.202/Jami' al-Osool Ch.9 H.6705 p.156/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.35/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.167/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.20/Noor al-Absar p.123.
According to Jabir Ibn Abdullah, " While the Prophet (S.A.W) was in Arafat one day he addressed 'Alee who was facing him saying: " Come near me O 'Ali; I and you where created from the same tree; your body was made from my body; I and you where created from a tree the trunk of which is me, you are its branch and al-Hasan and al-Husayn are its twigs; whoso clings to any of its twigs, Allah will admit to Paradise".
References: Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee in al-Riyadh al-Nadhira p. 122/Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1 p.108/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.1 p.51/Kifayat al-Talib S.87 p.317, 425, 426.
Mina' Ibn Mina', the friend of Abdulrahman Ibn Aawf said: " Don't you ask before Hadith is mixed with lies! The Prophet (S.A.W) said: " I am a tree, Fatima is its trunk or branch, 'Ali is its seed, al-Hasan and al-Husayn are its fruits and our shia (adherents) are its leaves; the tree is in Eden; the trunk, the branch, the seed, the leaves and the fruits are in The Garden.
References: Al-Husayn Ibn 'Alee by Ibn al-Adeem p.41/Tareekh Ibn Asakir p.168/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.30/Mizan al-'Itidal Ch.1 p.505, Ch.4 p.237.
According to 'Ali; " The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) visited us and stayed the night over at our place; al-Hasan and al-Husayn where sleeping, then al-Hasan asked for a drink and the Messenger took up a waterskin of ours and started squeezing it into a cup and handed it to al-Hasan; then al-Husayn reached for it to drink; the Messenger prevented him and started with al-Hasan; Fatima (S.A.W) then said: " O Messenger of Allah, as if you love him more than the other!" He said: " He asked to drink first", and continued: " You, these two, this sleeping man- 'Ali- and I are in one and the same place on the Day of Resurrection".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.14 P.163/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.258/Al-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya Ch.8 p.207/Kanz al-Ommal Ch. 13 H.479 p.85/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.170-179/Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee in al-Riyadh al-Nadhira H.269 p. 202-203/Kifayat al-Talib S.8 p.81.
According to 'Ali (A.S.): " The Prophet (S.A.W) took the hands of Hasan and Husayn and said: " Whoso loves me, these two, their father and mother will have the same rank as mine on the Day of Judgment".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.13 p.196/Jami' al-Osool Ch.9 H.6706 p.157/Tathkirat al-Khawas p.211/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.26/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.254/Sharh Mosnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbel Ch.1 H.576 p.413/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa S.10 p.153/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2622 p.40-41 H.2654 p.50/Is'af al-Raghibeen p.126
'Ali quoted the Prophet (S.A.W) as saying: " I, 'Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan, al-Husayn and whoso loves us, eat and drink together until men are judged". A man heard that and asked about it saying, " How about the presentation before Allah and the reckoning?" I said: " How was it then for the man in sura Ya Sin who was admitted to Paradise immediately?"References: Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.174/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2623 p.41/Kanz al-Ommal Ch.13 H.472 p.84.
The Prophet (S.A.W) said to 'Ali (A.S.): " Truly, the first four people to enter Paradise are I, you, al-Hasan and al-Husayn; our descendants are behind our backs; our wives are behind our descendants and our adherents are on our right and left sides".
References: Noor al-Absar p.123/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2624/Kanz al-Ommal Ch. 3 H.512 p.90/Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1 p.109/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.174/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa end of S.11 p.161/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.451/Is'af al-Raghibeen p.141-142/Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee in al-Riyadh al-Nadhira H.270 p. 203/Kifayat al-Talib S.91 p.326
According to Salman; " We where sitting around the Prophet (S.A.W) early in the day when um-Ayman (a wife of the Prophet) came and said: " O Messenger of Allah, al-Hasan and al-Husayn went missing"; the Messenger said: " Get up and search for my two sons". Each one followed a direction and I followed the Prophet (S.A.W); he did not stop until he came upon a mountain foot and there was al-Hasan and al-Husayn clinging to each other and a serpent was standing on its tail with something like a flame coming out of its mouth. 
The Prophet (S.A.W) hurried towards it and it entered into a hole, the Prophet (S.A.W) then came up to them, separated them, wiped their faces clean and said: " May my father and mother be your ransom, how precious you are to Allah!" He then carried one on each shoulder. Then I said: " Yours is blessedness, how excellent a mount yours is! The Messenger said: " And what an excellent riders they are! And their father is superior to them". 
References: Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1 p.104/Thakha'ir al-Oqba p.130
According to Anas Ibn Malik: " The Messenger (S.A.W) was sleeping on his back in one of his houses when al-Hasan came up walking slowly until he sat on the Prophet's chest and passed water. I then came up to pull him away when the Messenger woke up and said: " Woe unto you O Anas, leave my son and the product of my heart alone. Whosoever harms him has harmed me and whosoever harms me has harmed Allah. Then, the Messenger (S.A.W) called for water and poured it onto the spot.
References: Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9/Kanz al-Ommal Ch.13 H.617 p.110/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2627 p.32-43/Thakha'ir al-Oqba p.132
According to Salman: " I dropped in on the Prophet (S.A.W) and there he was al-Husayn on his thigh and he was kissing him in his eyes and mouth and saying: " You are a master, a son of a master, a brother of a master and a father of masters; you are an imam, a son of imam, a brother of an imam and a father of imams; you are a hujja (a complete authority), a son of a hujja, a brother of a hujja and a father of hujaj (pl. of hujja); of your offsprings the ninth is The Qa'im (standing) between them.
References: Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy p.146/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.44.
According to 'Akrima: " After Fatima (A.S.) gave birth to al-Hasan (A.S.) she brought him to the Prophet(S.A.W) and he gave him his name. Similarly, after she gave birth to al-Husayn, she brought him to the Prophet and said: " This one is better than the other"; The Prophet then derived for him a name from his(al-Hasan's) name; he said, " This is Husayn". 
References: Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.248/Al-Husayn Ibn 'Alee by Ibn al-'Adeem p.26/Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.14 p.119/Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3 p.189.
Salman quoted the Prophet as saying: " I named them-i.e. Al-Hasan and al-Husayn- after Aaron's two sons, Shobbar and Shobayr".References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.14 p.118/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.247/al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2778 p.97/Kanz al-Ommal Ch.3 H.p.97/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa p.192.
Al-Kanji al-Shafi'y based a tradition on Abdullah son of al-Hasan son of al-Hasan son of 'Ali son of abu-Talib, according to Rabi'a al-Sa'dee; When people's opinion differed about the Preference, I saddled my camel, took my provision and journeyed until I entered Madinah and came to see Hothayfa Ibn al-Yaman who said: " Who is your people?"
I said; " I am an Iraqi".
He said: " From where in Iraq?"
I said: " I am a man from Kufa".
He said: " You are welcome, people of Kufa".
I said: " Our people's opinion differed about the Preference. Therefore, I came to ask you about it".
He said: " To the expert you came, I won't tell you except what my ears had heard, my heart had known and my eyes had seen. The Prophet came out to us-as if I am seeing him right now- carrying al-Husayn son of 'Ali on his shoulder and putting his good hand on his (al-Husayn's) foot and clinging it to his chest and said: " Surely, I know what you will differ about after me. This is al-Husayn son of 'Ali; he has the best grandfather and grandmother; his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, is the master of all Prophets; his grandmother is Khadija daughter of Khowaylid, the first of all women to believe in Allah and His Messenger.
This, al-Husayn son of 'Ali has the best father in all people, the best mother in all people; his father is 'Ali son of abu-Talib, the Messenger's brother, vice and cousin, the first of all men to believe in Allah and His Messenger; his mother is Fatima daughter of Muhammad, the Leader of all women. This, al-Husayn son of 'Ali has the best (paternal) uncle and the best (paternal) aunt; his uncle is Ja'far son of Abu-Talib who is adorned with two wings with which he flies to wherever he wants in Paradise, and his aunt is Umm-Hany daughter of Abu-Talib.
This, al-Husayn son of 'Ali has the best (maternal) uncle and the best (maternal) aunt; his uncle is al-Qasim son of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and his aunt is Zaynab daughter of Muhammad". He then put him on his shoulder, separated his arms then knelt and said: " O people, this is al-Husayn son of 'Ali; his grandfather and grandmother are in Paradise; his (paternal) uncle and aunt are in Paradise; his (maternal) uncle and aunt are in Paradise; he and his brother are in Paradise. Surely, no one of the prophet's descendants was given what he was given except Joseph son of Jacob .
References: Kifayat al-Talib p.240/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.45/Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.13 p.228, 229 Ch.14 p.173/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.184
Al-Haythamy and al-Tabarany narrated a Hadith ascribed to Abdullah Ibn Abbas who said: " I was at the Prophet's place and al-Husayn (A.S.) was sitting on his right thigh and his son Ibrahim (A.S.) was sitting on his left thigh and he was kissing them alternatively when Gabriel descended and said: " O Muhammad, Allah greets you and says: " I am not letting you keep both of them, so sacrifice one of them for the other". 
The Prophet (S.A.W) looked at his son Ibrahim and cried and looked at al-Husayn and cried and said: " If Ibrahim dies no one would grieve over him but me and al-Husayn's mother is Fatima and his father is 'Ali son of Abu-Talib, my cousin and blood relative; and if he dies, my daughter, my cousin and I will grieve over him and I choose my grief over theirs; Ibrahim died three years later. When the Prophet used to say see al-Husayn coming thereafter he would kiss and embrace him and say: " I sacrificed my son Ibrahim for him". 
References; Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9/ Thakha'ir al-Uqba p.127/Tareekh Baghdad Ch.2 p.201
According to Ibn Abbas; " Al-Hasan and al-Husayn wrestled with one another at the Messenger's place and he started encouraging al-Hasan by saying; " Come on, O Hasan! Well-done O Hasan". Aysha. -Or Fatima (A.S.) in another wording- said then: " Do you help the big over the little one?" He said: " Gabriel is saying, well done O Husayn!"
References:Tareekh ib Asakir Ch.13 p.223, Ch.14 p.165/Noor al-Absar p.139/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.42/Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1 p.105/Thakha'r al-Uqba p.134/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.19/al-Isaba Ch.1 p.332/Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.3 p.284/al-Jawhara Fi Nasab 'Alee Wa Aalyh p.22.
Uqba Ibn Aamir quoted the Prophet (S.A.W) as saying: " When the people of Paradise become settled in it, Paradise would say: " O Lord, did you not promise me to grace me with two of your Pillars?" He would say, " Did I not grace you with al-Hasan and al-Husayn?" Paradise would then swing with pride, as a bride would do".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.3 p.228/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.184/Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1.H.597.p.84/ Kifayat al-Talib S.85 p.311
Amr Ibn Ziad al-Thobani quoted the Prophet (S.A.W) as saying: "Truly; Fatima, 'Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husayn are in the Yard of Sanctity (Paradise), in a white dome the ceiling of which is God's throne".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.13 p.229/Kanz al-Ommal Ch.13 H.474 p.84/Kifayat al-Talib Ch.85 p.311.
Ibn Abbas quoted the Prophet (S.A.W) as saying: " In the night I was ascended to heaven I saw the following written on The Garden's gate, There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah, 'Ali is the Love of Allah, al-Hasan and al-Husayn are the Elite of Allah, Fatima is the Slavegirl of Allah, upon their hater is the Curse of Allah".
References: Tareekh Ibn Asakir Ch.14 p.170/Tareekh Baghdad Ch.1 p.274/maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1 p.108/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.73/Kifayat al-Talib p.423.
Abu-Salama quoted abu-Horayra as saying: " Al-Aqra' Ibn Habis dropped in on the Prophet (S.A.W) and saw him kissing either Hasan or Husayn; he said: " Do you kiss him? I have ten children I never kissed anyone of them!" The Messenger replied: " Truly, Allah does not have mercy upon someone who does not have mercy upon others".
References: Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1p.102/Thakha'ir al-Oqba p.126/Al-Jawhara Fi Nasab 'Alee Wa Aalyh p.23.
According to Ibn Abbas: " The Prophet (S.A.W) used to fortify al-Hasan and al-Husayn by pronouncing this charm over them, I fortify you with Allah's Perfect Words from every Satan and vermin and from every evil eye. He would then say: " This is how Abraham used to fortify his sons Ishmael and Isaac".
References: Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.44/Thakha'r al-Uqba p.133, 134/Tathkiratol khawas p.177/Fara'id al-Simtayn Ch.2 p.112/Al-Iqd al-Fareed Ch.181/Noor al-Absar p.133.
According to 'Alee son of Husayn (the fourth imam): " Al-Hasan son of 'Ali preached to people when 'Ali (A.S.) was murdered; he praised Allah and said: " The man who has died today could have been not be surpassed by any of the ancients and no one of the later folk can catch up with him regarding deeds; the Messenger of Allah used to give him his banner and he would fight with (archangels) Gabriel to his right and Michael to his left and he would not come back until Allah has bestowed victory upon him.
He has not left behind any gold or silver save Seven-hundred dirhems remaining from his allowance, with which he was planning to purchase a servant for his family. He continued: " O people, he who has known me, so he did and he who hasn't, let him know that I am al-Hasan son of 'Ali, I am the Prophet's son, I am the Vice's son, I am the Harbinger's (bringer of good tidings) son, I am the Warner's son, I am the son of the Caller unto Allah by His leave, I am the son of the Light-giving Lamp, 
I am from the household whom Gabriel used to descend to and ascend from, I am from the household whom Allah Has put away from them abomination and cleansed them, I am from a household whom Allah made loving them a duty upon every Moslem, thus His saying to His Prophet (S.A.W): { Say: I do not ask of you a wage for this, except love for the kinsfolk; and whosoever gains a good deed, We shall give him increase of good in respect of it}; so the meaning of gaining of the good deed is loving us, the Prophet's Household". 
References: Mostadrak al-Saheehayn Ch.3 p.188, 189/Thakha'ir al-Uqbap.138/Maqatil al-Talibyeen p.33/al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa Ch.11 p.170
According to Abdullah Ibn Abbas: " the Prophet (S.A.W) was asked about the certain words that Adam received from his Lord for which He forgave him, The Prophet said: " He asked Him, " By the right Mohammed, 'Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan and al-Husayn have, that you forgive me".
References: Manaqib al-Imam 'Alee by al-Maghazily p.104, 105/Yanabi' al-Mawadda Ch.2 p.248.
Al-Tabaranie related a Hadith based on "Alee Ibn Abdulaziz who based it on abu-Na'im, Abdulsalam Ibn Harb and Yazeed Ibn abi-Ziad as follows: After leaving Aysha's place the Prophet (S.A.W) passed by Fatima's (A.S.) house and heard Husayn crying, so he said: " Didn't you know that his crying hurts me?"
References: Siyar A'lam al-Nobala' Ch.4 p.284/Al-Mojam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.284 p.116/Noor al-Absar p.139/Kifayat al-Talib p.433
Al-Khawarizmy related a Hadith by the Messenger (S.A.W) saying: " I am the scale of knowledge, 'Ali is its pans, al-Hasan and al-Husayn are its strings, Fatima is its hook and the imams of my community are its column; in it the works of those who love us and those who hate us are weighed".
Reference: Maqtal al-Husayn by al-Khawarizmy Ch.1 p.107
'Ali son of Abu-Talib (A.S.) quoted the Prophet (S.A.W) as saying: " I swear by the One in whose Hand my life is! A man's soul does not leave his body until it eats from the fruits of Paradise or from the Tree of Zakkoum (a tree in Hell), he sees Death's Angel, he sees me, 'Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan and al-Husayn; if he used to love us, I will say O Death's Angel, treat him gently because he used to love me and my household; and if he used to hate me and my household, I will say, O Death's Angel, be severe towards him because he used to hate me and my household. Only a believer loves us and only a wretched hates us".

source : http://abna.ir/
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