Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Six Ways to Help the People of Bahrain

As Muslims and people of conscience, it is incumbent upon us to do whatever is in our ability to raise awareness of this tragedy and help the oppressed. Below are a few suggestions:

Keep Appraised of What Is Happening and Inform Others. Most Western and even Middle Eastern news sources have unfortunately proven themselves to be disappointingly biased and lacking in coverage of the situation. PressTV and ABNA are routinely being updated with the reality on the ground, so follow these sources closely. As new events unfold, post them on your Facebook wall, Tweet about them, and share them on religious, community, and other relevant email lists

Call the Bahraini, Saudi, and Emirati Embassies and voice your condemnation of this brutal behavior. The Bahraini Embassy can be reached at 1-202-342-1111, the Saudi Embassy at 1-202-342-3800, and the Emirati Embassy at 1-202-243-2400. (Make sure to call during working hours.) Speak to the operator and ask for the Ambassador's office. Be polite but firm, and speak your mind about the injustices happening in Bahrain. If necessary, leave a voicemail.

Contact Your Elected Representatives and ask for Congress to condemn the massacre. You can find the contact information for your Senators and Representative at WhoIsMyRepresentative.com. Call and ask to speak to the Congressperson's office, and let them know that as their constituent, you expect them to condemn this behavior. Tell them that this issue is very close to your heart, and if they fail to speak up, they should not count on your vote during the next elections. Email the Congressperson's office as well. A sample email message is as follows: 


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong condemnation of the current massacre being perpetrated against the Bahraini people by Bahraini and Saudi armed forces. As your constituent, I urge you to introduce and/or support legislation in Congress which condemns this barbaric behavior and suspends US aid to the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain until Saudi Arabia and UAE withdraws their troops from Bahrain, and until the Bahraini government withdraws all local and foreign troops, respects its people's rights to peacefully assemble and protest, and allows for free and fair elections in the country.

Respectfully yours,

[Name, Address, Phone Number]

Organize a Public Demonstration to inform others about the tragedy. Most Western news sources have completely ignored or underplayed the severity of the situation, and it is our obligation to inform the masses about the Bahraini people's plight. You don't need more than a few hours to plan a demonstration. Even a small group of five people holding signs at a busy intersection for an hour can potentially inform thousands of people about the massacre. Urge onlookers to contact their elected representatives asking them to condemn this aggression.

Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper, and express your condemnation of the brutality. Mention exact numbers and figures. If your newspaper has not given adequate coverage to the situation in Bahrain, state your disappointment and disapproval. Also, call the news bureau and urge them to include coverage of the tragedy on the front page.

Pray for the safety and success of the revolutionaries, and for an end to the oppressors' folly. Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) has a particular Supplication for the People of the Frontiers, which is very relevant to this situation. Also recommended for times like this is Du'a Jawshan Sagheer. The Awaited One Foundation has started a One Million Salawat Campaign for the safety of the protestors. Pray to God to help the oppressed in Bahrain and elsewhere in the world, and for the hastening of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi, who will truly put an end to oppression in the world and establish the Reign of Justice.

If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to share them below!

source : http://www.abna.ir
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