Friday 27th of September 2024
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An Exemplary Family

The lives of Ali (A.S.) and Fatima (S.A.) are a school of thought for the next generations so that the people may learn a lesson from them. They had such coordination that when Ali (A.S.) got free from the work outside the house, he used to lend a helping hand to Fatima (S.A.). On the other hand, the daughter of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also, always tried to keep Abul Hassan (Ali) (A.S.) happy. Both led such a life full of love and affection that they never called each other by their names, rather, whenever Ali (A.S.) called her he addressed her by "Daughter of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)" and Fatima (S.A.) would address him as "Ameer ul Momineen" (the Chief of the Faithfuls).

They never neglected the training of their children. They always gave their response with love and affection. They loved their children too much, so far so, that they never got angry with them & rebuke them and never said anything to them, which may annoy or case their sorrow.

source : http://www.ezsoftech.com
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