Friday 27th of September 2024
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Comfort and Discomfort at the Time of Death

Much has been mentioned in narrations about comfort and discomfort at the time of death. In some, it (the trouble or pain) has been compared with the pain experienced when one's skin is peeled. In some it is said that the pain of death is much less compared to the revolving of a large stony door of a castle having nails, in one's eyes. In yet another narration it is said that the pain of death is like that experienced when one's body is cut into pieces by scissors or torn with a saw. So it has come to notice that some dying persons have suffered pains beyond description, which make the observers tremble.

But, on the other hand, for some persons death has been as pleasing as smelling a fragrant flower.

Those whom the angels cause to die in a good state, saying: Peace be on you: enter the garden for what you did. (16:32)

In some traditions it is mentioned by the infallibles, that for some people, death is like taking off dirty clothes and putting on a clean dress. In some other narrations it is compared with liberating the body from chains and yokes, as if death is like being freed from the imprisonment of this material world.

Sometimes Discomfort at the Time of Death Redeems Sins

Discomforts or comforts at the time of death mentioned above do not represent a hard and fast rule. It is not that a righteous person never experiences death time trouble. There are many a faithful whose souls depart easily. Also there are some good and faithful people who get God's mercy whereby their sins are wiped out through the

death pains and discomforts. This is because though one is faithful, he must also leave the world in a clean state (after removal of the blemishes of sins) so that he may be clean in the Hereafter also and may become eligible for divine grace right from the first stage of grave. In the case of infidels the death time pain is the starting point of his post-mortem punishments and tortures.

But how will it be when the angels cause them to die smiting their backs. (47:27)

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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