Friday 27th of September 2024
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Observing the Rituals (Sha’a’ir)

As God Himself says: “… and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts.” [1]

The Arabic word “Sha’a’ir” is the plural of “Sha’eerah” used in the Quran on different occasions and several meanings. One of them is used for the Hajj rituals including the stops (in certain places), circumambulation, and sa’iy (the running between Safa and Marwa). The second meaning is the camel which is fattened for sacrifice. The third meaning is the religion of God; and the fourth meaning would be anything signifying obedience to God for the performance of which man rises and any negligence of it is not permissible. In this relation, God says: “… do not violate the sings appointed be Allah.” [2] Therefore, when it is said one of the fruits and effects of piety is to observe religious rituals, it means that a pious man has to perform duties in relation to the religion that God has determined and the holy prophet (SAW) and the imams of guidance have elaborated, that too, with devotion and love. Even if one fails to perform such duties, he has to ask God to help and give him the blessing of its performance.

The above-said verse is used to show that the Hajj rituals being an example of the divine decrees is the result of piety of hearts, for when a heart is purified, it has the capacity to direct a man to act according to the rules of religion and decrees of God. Only a diseased heart disobeys and rebels against the path of guidance.  

[1] Qur'an, 22:32.
[2] Qur'an, 5:2.


2) God Loves The Pious

This is one of the other achievements of piety and self-restraint. In this relation, God says: “Whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil), then surely Allah loves those who guards (against evil).”[1]

The fact that God loves the pious can be seen elsewhere in the holy Quran including the verses 4 and 7 of the chapter “Repentance (9)”.

What are the results and fruits of being loved by God? When a person loves another person, he will do his best to please him and never does anything to hurt him. Now, when God loves someone, you can guess what He will do. We may love someone but we may not have all the possibilities and our hands may be tied. However, waht God, Who has everything under His control, Who is Omnipotent, and Who has created the universe without labor, will do with one whom He loves? Imagine what God will do with one who extends his hands towards Him!

3) Wilayah (Guardianship)

About the guardians of the Inviolable Mosque (the Ka’aba), we read: “And what (excuse) have they that Allah should not chastise them while they hinder (men) from the Inviolable Mosque and they are not (fit to be) guardians of it; its guardians are only those who guard (against evil), but most of them do not know”[2]

From this rule, it is inferred that leadership in all parts of the world is the right of the pious and the leadership of transgressors is wrong and an act of  

[1] Qur'an, 3:76.
[2] Qur'an, 8:34.


usurpation. Hence, Muslims’ affairs should be administered by the pious. Imagine what will be the result if the reins of affairs are put in the hands of such people!

It is for the same reason that we believe human leaders have to be the pious, for they are the true example of the prophets and saints.

4) The Hereafter

The Lord of the universe has said: “Say: The provision of this world is short, and the hereafter is better for him who guards (against) evil; and you shall not be wronged the husk of a date stone.” [1]

In another verse, He has said: “…the abode of the hereafter is better for those who guard (against evil) ;do you not then understand?” [2]

The same meaning is repeated in the verse 109 of the Quranic Chapter of “Yusuf (12)”. In this chapter, we read: “And certainly the reward of the hereafter is much better for those who believe and guard (against evil).” [3]

Elsewhere, He has said: “And if they had believed and guarded themselves (against evil), reward from Allah would certainly have been better; had they but known (this).” [4]

In another verse, God says: “…if you believe and guard (against evil) He will give you your rewards, and will not ask of you your possession.” [5]

On piety, God says: “Those among them who do good (to others) and guard (against evil) shall have a great reward.” [6]  

[1] Qur'an, 4:77.
[2] Qur'an, 6:32.
[3] Qur'an, 12:57.
[4] Qur'an, 2:103.
[5] Qur'an, 47:36.
[6] Qur'an, 3:172.


Again in another verse, He has said: “A parable of the garden which those guarding (against evil) are promised: therein are rivers of water that does not alter, and rivers of milk the whereof does not change, and rivers of drink delicious to those who drink, and rivers of honey purified; and for them therein are all fruits and forgiveness from their Lord.” [1]

After describing the gardens of Paradise, God says: “The gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please. Thus does Allah reward those who guard (against evil).” [2]

Elsewhere, He has said: “But (as for) those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have lofty halls, above them lofty halls, built (for them), beneath which rivers flow; (this is) the promise of Allah: and Allah will not fail in (His) promise”[3]

In describing the Paradise for those who repent and the worthy believers, God says: “…these shall enter the garden, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly in any way: the gardens of perpetuity which the Beneficent God has promised to His servants in the unseen; surely His promise shall come to pass. They shall not hear therein any vain discourse, but only peace, and they shall have their sustenance therein morning and evening.” [4]

Then He says: “This is the garden which We cause those of Our servants to inherit who guard (against evil).” [5]  

[1] Qur'an, 47:15.
[2] Qur'an, 16:31.
[3] Qur'an, 39:20.
[4] Qur'an, 19:60-62.
[5] Qur'an, 19:63.

After describing the provision of the life of this world, in another verse, God says: “Shall I tell you of what is better than these? For those who guard (against evil) are gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and pure mates and Allah’s pleasure; and Allah is seer of His servants.” [1]

All these rewards are important and noteworthy but what the pious must take into consideration is Allah’s pleasure which cannot be valued. All prophets, Imams and the saints of Allah have tried to reach it, for prophethood, divine mission, Wilayah and Imamate are summed up in it. Human beings were created to obey God and to win His pleasure. When Allah’s pleasure is won, everything is won too.

It would not be out of place to talk here about the paradise of the pious. The late Koleini has reported that Imam Baqir (AS) has said: “The Holy Prophet (SW)was asked about the meaning of the Quranic verse: “The day on which We will gather those who guard (against evil) to the Beneficent God to receive honors.”[2] The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: ‘O Ali, this group of people is but riders and they are a few men who refrain from committing sins. Therefore, God loved them and gave them a special position, praised their deeds and called them the pious.’”

Then, the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: O Ali! By Allah Who has split the grain, brought out the plant and created the creatures, they will come out of graves while angels will receive them with she-camels of honor, adorned with gold, pearl, rubies and green silk as well as purple cloth, and those she-camels shall fly with them towards the gathering place in the heaven. Every man shall be accompanied by a thousand angels from every side to the gate of paradise.  

[1] Qur'an, 3:15.
[2] Qur'an, 19:85.

Near the gate of paradise, there is a tree which is purified. Each will drink a syrup of it. Then, God Almighty will clean their hearts from jealousy and will make extra hair on their bodies fall down. This is the meaning of “and their Lord shall make them drink a pure drink.” [1]

Then, from the left side of that tree, they will move to another spring called the Spring of Life when they perform ‘Ghusl’ [2] as a result of which they will never die. Then, they will stop before the Throne where they are made safe from pests, diseases, pains, cold and hot. Then, the Omnipotent God will address the angels as the following: ‘Take them to Paradise. Do not make them wait with other people, for My pleasure has become incumbent on them. How can I halt them with the companions of good deeds and bad deed?’

Thereafter, the angels accompany them to Paradise. When they reach the gate of Paradise, angels knock at the door, making a great sound. The assembly of Houris, whom the Benevolent God has prepared in palaces, hear the sound, rejoice and give one another the good tidings, saying: ‘The friends of God are coming towards us!’ Then, the gate of Paradise is opened to them and they will enter it. A group of Houris and humans will receive and welcome them, saying: ‘How eager we were to meet you!’ God’s friends will say the same thing. Then, Imam Ali (AS) asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW) about the meaning of God’s words: “They shall have high halls, above them high halls”, saying: ‘Why have these places been built?’ The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: ‘O Ali! God has made these places with pearls, rubies and topaz, with their ceilings of gold and silver for His friends. Each place has a thousand gates of gold with an angel guarding at each gate. Therein are upraised couches and some raised upon the others,  

[1] Qur'an, 76:21.
[2] Meaning “Ritual ablution”.

of fine silk in different colors, filled with musk, ambergris and camphor. This is the meaning of words of God Almighty: “And exalted throne”. [1]

When a believer enters his abode in Paradise, they will put a royal crown of honor on his head with rubies and pearls, dress him with garments of gold and silver of seventy colors interwoven with gold, silver, pearls and rubies as God Almighty has said: “they shall be made to wear therein bracelets of gold and pearls, and their dress therein shall be silk.” [2]

When the believer takes his seat on the throne, his throne will start moving out of joy and when that friend of Allah settles in his abode, a guardian angel will ask him permission to greet him with the divine regards. Then, the believer’s servants of girls and boys will say to him: “Be in your place. The friend of Allah is in his seat and his pure beautiful mate is prepared to receive him. Wait until the friend of God becomes free.”

His mate will came flauntingly out of her tent towards him. The servant girls will surround her. He wears a garment or rubies, pearls and topaz perfumed with musk and ambergris and sandals of gold decorated with rubies and pearls with rubies as sandal laces.

When the houri approaches the friend of God, she will arise and will say out of eagerness: “O God’s friend! Today is not the day of hardship. Arise! I belong to you and you belong to me!”

They will then hug each other for a long time without getting tired “…and the angels will enter unto them from every gate.” [3] And will say: “Peace be upon you because you were constant. How excellent, is then, the issue of the abode.” [4]  

[1] Qur'an, 56:34.
[2] Qur'an, 35:33.
[3] Qur'an, 13:23.
[4] Qur'an, 13:24.

The excellent abode is a reference to God’s words: “And when you see there, you shall see blessings and a great kingdom.” [1]

The Holly prophet (SAW) said: “This is a reference to what angels and God’s messengers ask permission from Him and they do not enter it without permission with regard to the great kingdom and bounties. Rivers flow beneath the palaces with fruits at close hand. God Almighty has said: “Its shades will be close over them and its fruits will be hanging low.” [2]

This is in a way that if the believer rises up, the trees will rise up too at the height of his stature and if he sits down, the branches will bow down to be easy to reach. If he wishes, the branches will come down lower.

Imam Baqir (AS) has said: “Gardens mentioned in the Holy Quran are garden of Eden, garden of Paradise, garden of Bliss, and garden of Refuge. There are other gardens in the Holy Quran, which are intermingled with these gardens, that the believer will enjoy them in whatever manner he wishes. Whenever the believer wishes for anything, he will say: ‘Glory to Thee, my Lord’ and upon saying it, he will have it. This is a reference to God’s words: “Their cry in it (Paradise) shall be: Glory to Thee, O Allah! And their greeting in it shall be: Peace; and the last of their cry shall be: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.”” [3]

5) Having No Fear or Sorrow (The Pious Have No Grief)

As God has said “O children of Adam! If there come to you apostles from among you relating to you My communications, then whoever shall guard (against evil) and act aright- They shall have no fear nor shall they  

[1] Qur'an, 76:20.
[2] Qur'an, 76:14.
[3] Qur'an, 10:10.

grieve.” [1] Obviously, only a person who has no strong shelter for himself has fear and is sorrowful. But how will a person, who has chosen piety and is whole-heartedly devoted to God and has no guardian, protector, giver of honor, savior and king other than God, be sorrowful? In this respect, whether the fear is related to this world or the hereafter, only piety can remove it.

6) Ease of Affairs (The Pious At Ease)

In the Holy Quran, God says: “Then as for him who gives (in charity) and fears Allah, and accepts the best, We will facilitate for him the easy end.” [2]

This is evidently clear, for one who exercises piety, establishes a kind of relation with the Lord of the universe Who is the Causer of causes. Hence, He will resolve all problems, for He is the Remover of all sorrows and Destroyer of griefs.

7) Reaching A Higher Rank (Piety, A Superior Stage)

In relation to disbelievers, God says: “The life of this world is made to seem fair to those who disbelieve, and they mock those who believe, and those who guard (against evil) shall be above them on the Day of Resurrection; and Allah gives means of subsistence to whom he pleases without measure. ” [3]  

[1] Qur'an, 7:35.
[2] Qur'an, 92:5-7.
[3] Qur'an, 2:212.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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