Monday 22nd of July 2024
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The True Imam (Poem)

The True Imam (Poem)

To him came the groups of people
He spent his time guiding people
Shias had chance to get knowledge
And hear his preaching get knowledge
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari
One day with people was Askari
Accompanied was his son Mahdi
A Shia came and brought the khums
He said to Mahdi take the Khums
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Mahdi was three years in age
Better than adult in that age
Personality was so perfect
Had high knowledge high intellect
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

When father said receive the Khums
He opened bags and took out Khums
He divided it in three parts
And told details of all three parts
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He accepted one part and said
This part is genuine I accept
He rejected the second part
False coins are there in second part
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Said third part earned illegally
Is not accepted totally
Small measure was used to sell
Large measure used to buy it well
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

While buying buyer had cheated
While selling seller had cheated
Earned more money as he cheated
Such money was not accepted
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

The three years old Imam Mahdi
Was present before Askari
Askari gave him chance to show
He's next Imam, people could know
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Askari was the real Imam
Mahdi too is the real Imam
Both had knowledge of hidden things
Both had knowledge of everything
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Light Shone From Him
Bazal servant of Askari
Went to the house of Askari
Saw deep sleeping was great Imam
He was a powerful Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

From his head was shining a light
It was wonderful brightest light
The light rose high and high and high
It made bright earth and every sky
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Even though he was sleeping
His miracle was manifesting
His handsome face was very bright
Shining from him was divine light
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Descendent of Prophet Abraham (AS)
Descendant of Prophet Ibraheem
He was progeny of Ibraheem
Father, tenth Imam, Ali Naqi
Hadeesa mother holy lady
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Generosity of Great Imam Askari (AS)
A believer was Abu Hashim
Going on way was Abu Hashim
He saw powerful holy Imam
Riding horse was going Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Abu Hashim followed behind
In front was Askari the kind
Abu Hashim thought "I have loan"
There is no way of clearing loan!"
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Imam Askari touched the ground
And he drew some lines on the ground
He said "O Abu Hashim pick up
What every you find you pick up."
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Abu Hashim saw shining gold
He picked up from there shining gold
Askari was generous Imam
Knew hidden thoughts! Powerful Imam!
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Abu Hashim needed warm clothes
A worry came to him for clothes
Imam Askari touched the ground
He drew square on the ground
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Smiling at Abu Hashim
He said "Pick up Abu Hashim."
Abu Hashim saw shining gold
He picked up from there shining gold
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He went to shop and sold the gold
And got value of shining gold
He found exactly same amount
For loan and clothes needed amount
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Mind of Imam was powerful
On whole Imam was powerful
Generous Imam gave that much
By Abu Hashim needed how much
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Imam Askari (AS) was Generous Even To Enemies
Mutawakkel was oppressor
He was the king and a killer
He had killed many of Shias
Was bitter enemy of Shias
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Mutawakkal was enemy
He hated Prophet's progeny
In his court there was a poet
In favor of him was poet
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

One day son of poet was born
Needed money as son was born
He went to door of the people
But helpful were not those people
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

When he came to door of Imam
Gave four hundred Dirham, Imam
He never checked who's friend or foe
Helped every one who's friend or foe
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Got Loan Paid Off
Ibn Furat had a cousin
He had given loan to cousin
The cousin was not returning
Ibn Furat was suffering
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He wrote to Imam Askari
You help me Imam Asakari
Askari thus replied to him
Cousin will pay off loan to him
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

After giving money he'll die
On Friday surely he will die
All this will happen surely
Ibn Furat became happy
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Before Friday came his cousin
And paid off all money, cousin
Said in dream came 11th Imam
Warning him said 11th Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

"You know your death is approaching
Your loan you should be clearing
You should pay off to Ibn furat
Should clear loan of Ibn Furat"
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

For both of them he was helper
For loaner and the borrower
From fire of hell he saved loaner
To get money helped borrower
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Gave Eye Sight To A Blind Boy
Nasar bin Jaber was Shia
Came to meet Imam of Shia
He brought his son who became blind
Since past month he was blind
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He asked for help and got the help
Touching blind eye Imam gave help
As soon as he touched blinded eyes
Miracle worked on blinded eyes
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Immediately eyes got cured
By his miracle eyes got cured
He had power on health and soul
Even could give dead body soul
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

High Knowledge of Great Imam Askari (AS)
Seventy three Isme Aazam
God gave seventy two to him
Asif bin Barkhia had one
He performed miracle just one
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

In Saba city was Bilqis' throne
In blink of eye got Bilqis' throne
Each Imam had got seventy two
The Ism-e-‘Aazam seventy two
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

When Askari had to travel
Made just intention to travel
The earth got eager to obey
Allah's order was "Obey"
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

When he took forward just one step
In next country was second step
Earth shrank its distance under his feet
Went country to country Shias to meet
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Enemy Became Sincere Follower
A man in faith was Nasebi
Was every Imam's enemy
Had bitter feelings for Imam
He hated Imam Askari
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Said "I'll write to Imam letter
Using no ink I'll write letter
If he replies I will believe
He's true Imam I will believe

He wrote letter using no ink
Was same to Imam ink or no ink
The great Imam's powerful sight
Read his letter and he replied
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Also he wrote the writer's name
Also he wrote his parents' name
Nasebi read Imam's letter
Opened his eyes Imam's letter
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He could not cope with miracle
He fainted seeing miracle
Became conscious and said "Imam
I am your believer O Imam".
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Imprisoned Again
Out of prison for one year
He stayed at home for one year
Imprisoned he got once again
Suffered in prison once again
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Mo'temad knew Imam was pure
Infallible sinless and pure
He was jealous wanted to kill
Imprisoned to secretly kill
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

A man ‘Nakhreer' he appointed
To torture Imam he appointed
Nakhreer expressed his enmity
Oppressed Imam severely
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Imam was in a dark prison
Suffocating was dark prison
He suffered torture day and night
But prayed Namaz in day and night
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Nakhreer's wife said thus to Nakhreer
"Have fear of Allah O Nakhreer!"
Value, respect and have pity
As Prophet's son is Askari
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Nakhreer said "I will torture more
He should die I will torture more
Let him die torn by animals
And by eaten by animals!"
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

There was wild animals' place
He sent Imam to that place
He opened gate Imam entered
Animals rushed as he entered
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

They saw his handsome luminous face
His power miracle and grace
They recognized and bowed their head
And bowing heads with hearts they said
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

The tiger, lion, fox and bear
And all animals who were there
They bowed their heads on Imam's feet
With deep respects kissed his feet
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Such was power of great Imam
And miracle of great Imam
Enemies saw and were jealous
By his power they were jealous
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He was powerful in prison
He did miracles in prison
Whenever he wanted to go
He just made intention to go
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

The chains fell down on powerful feet
They fell and kissed his powerful feet
The door of prison wide opened
To let him go it wide opened
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Taking one step he went to place
To meet Shias went to that place
He called Shias and met them all
Answered questions guided them all
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Allah Greeted Aal-e-Yaseen
Yaseen was name of Muhammad
The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Ma'soomeen were ‘Aal-e-Yaseen
Highest in world ‘Aal-e-Yaseen
(After Muhammad (p.b.u.h))
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Allah said "Salam Aal-e-Yaseen!"
Askari too was Aal-e-Yaseen!"
Thus God greeted Askari
Who was Muhammad's progeny
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Allah Made Loving Ahl-e-Bayt Obligatory for Muslims
God said Muhammad tell Muslims
It's obligatory for Muslims
That they should love your ‘Aqruba
13 Masooms were ‘Aqruba'
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

This love was ‘Ajr' and the fee
Of his preaching was the fee
Askari 12th Masoom and one
Whose love's Wajib for each human
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Allah said say I ask no 'Ajr'
Except Aqruba's love which is the 'Ajr'
Became clear they should be loved
Allah's order's they should be loved
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

If attention to verse unpaid
Then fee of Prophet is unpaid
Namaz is waste, Roza is waste
And every good action is waste
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Fourteen are Masters of heaven
The person who wants the heaven
Should love all 14 Masomeen
Follow all 14 Masomeen
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Martyrdom of Ggreat Imam Hasan Askari (AS)

Mo'temad poisoned Askari
He secretly killed Askari
Poison spread in whole body
Gave pain to him in whole body
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Imam Mahdi reached his father
He served, took care of father
He saw his father leave the world
Suffering lot had left the world
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

When bathed and shrouded was body
Placed for Namaz was body
His brother, Ja'far-e- Tawwab
Stood in front Ja'far Tawwab
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He was sinner but repented
He could not be Namaz-leader
Infallible could lead Namaz
For Imam's funeral Namaz
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

A light shone bright as Mahdi came
To lead Namaz Mahdi came
Face very sad tears in eyes
Controlling mourning heart's cries
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

He led Namaz and disappeared
From sight of all disappeared
Body was taken to the grave
In Samarrah was buried in grave
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

The whole city was in mourning
And all of them were crying
Attended funeral of Imam
They cried saying to Imam
Billions of salutes to Askari
The great Imam Askari

Composed by: Saleha Fatima Midhat
Toronto, Canada


source : www.sibtayn.com
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