Saturday 20th of July 2024
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Selection of Ahadith

15.1 - The Youth

1) قال رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: ألشباب شعبة من الجنون.

1. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “The period of the youth is from the stages of obsession.”[30]


2) قال الإمام عليّ عليه السّلام: جهل الشاب معذور وعلمه محقور.

2. Imām ʿAlī ibne Abī ālib  (a.s.) has said: “The ignorance of the young person is excusable and his knowledge is limited.”[31]


3) قال الإمام عليّ عليه السّلام: شيئان لا يعرف فضلهما إلاّ من فقدهما: ألشّباب والعافية.

3. Imām ʿAlī ibne Abī ālib  (a.s.) has said: “There are two things which people do not recognize the greatness of until they lose them: their youth and good health.”[32]


4) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: خير شبابكم من تشبّه بكهولكم وشرّ كهولكم من تشّبه بشبابكم.

4. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “The best of your youth are those who resemble your old people[33] and the worst of your old


people are those who resemble your young people.” [34]


5) قال الإمام الصادق عليه السّلام: وصيّة ورقة بن نوفل لخديجة بنت خوليد إذا دخل عليها يقول لـها: إعلمي أن الشّاب الحسن الخلق مفتاح للخير مغلاق للشرّ، وأن الشّاب الشحيح الخلق مغلاق للخير مفتاح للشرّ.

5. Imām Jaʿfar ibne Muammad as-ādiq (a.s.) has said: “Any time Waraqah ibne Nawfil would go to see Khadījah binte Khuwaylīd, he would advise her as such, ‘You should know that surely the young person who has good behaviour is the key to all goodness and is kept away from all evil, while the young person who has bad behaviour is kept away from all goodness and is the key to all evil.”[35]


6) قال الإمام عليّ عليه السّلام: إعلموا رحمكم اللّه أنّكم في زمان القائل فيه الحق قليل....فتاهم عارم، وشائبهم آثم، وعالـمهم منافق.

6. Imām ʿAlī ibne Abī ālib  (a.s.) has said: “You should know that, may Allāh have mercy upon you, surely you are living in a time in which those who profess to be on the Truth are very few in number … their youth are obstinate, their young people are sinners, and their scholars are hypocrites.”[36]



15.2 - Training of the Youth


7) قال الإمام عليّ عليه السّلام: إنّما قلب الحدث كالأرض الخالية، ما القي فيها من شيء إلاّ قبلته.

7. Imām ʿAlī ibne Abī ālib  (a.s.) has said: “Surely the heart of the youth is like the uncultivated ground – it will accept whatever you throw upon it [and that is what will grow from it].”[37]


8) قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السّلام: - للأحول -: أتيت البصرة؟ قال: نعم. قال: كيف رأيت مسارعة النّاس في هذا الأمر ودخولـهم فيه؟ فقال: واللّه إنـهم لقليل، وقد فعلوا وإن ذالك لقليل. فقال (عليه السّلام): عليك بالأحداث؛ فإنـهم أسرع إلى كلّ خير.

8. Imām Jaʿfar ibne Muammad as-ādiq (a.s.) said to a companion named Al-Awal: “’Have you been to Barah?’  The man replied, ‘Yes.’  The Imām (a.s.) then asked him, ‘How did you find the enthusiasm of the people in regards to this issue [of the Wilāyah and Imāmate of the Ahlul Baīt] and their acceptance of it?’  The man replied, ‘I swear by Allāh surely those people [who follow and accept this] are few in number.  They work upon this [propagating this belief to others, even though they are small in number.’  The Imām replied to him, ‘I advise you to work on the youth [in educating them on these issues] since surely they are quicker to accept all good things.’”[38]



 15.3 - Seeking knowledge while a Youth


 9) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلَم: من تعلّم في شبابه كان بـمنـزلة الرسم في الحجر، ومن تعلّم وهو كبير كان بـمنـزلة الكتاب على وجه الـماء.

 ا. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “The person who seeks knowledge while in his youth is similar to the act of inscribing something upon a rock; while the person who seeks knowledge while he is old is similar to the act of writing something upon the water.”[39]


10) قال الإمام عليّ عليه السّلام: العلم من الصغر كالنقش في الحجر.

10. Imām ʿAlī ibne Abī ālib  (a.s.) has said: “Gaining knowledge in one’s youth is like imprinting something on a rock [it will always remain].”[40]


11) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: من لـم يطلب العلم صغيرا فطلبه كبيرا فمات، مات شهيدا.

11. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “If a person who does not seek knowledge while he is youth, but rather goes to seek it when he becomes old and dies in this state, he dies as a martyr [Shahīd].”[41]


12) قال النبي أيّوب عليه السّلام: إن اللّه يزرع الحكمة في قلب الصغير والكبير، فإذا جعل اللّه العبد حكيما في الصبى لـم يضع منـزلته عند الحكماء حداثة سنّه وهم يرون عليه من اللّه نور كرامته.

12. The Prophet Ayyūb (a.s.) has said: “Surely Allāh implants wisdom [Al-ikmah] in the heart of the young person and the old person.  So then if Allāh makes a servant a wise person in his youth then he would not lower his status in the eyes of the intellectuals simply because he is of a young age since they will see the nūr (divine light) of Allāh radiating from this person.”[42]


15.4 - The Young person & refraining from seeking knowledge

13) قال الإمام الكاظم عليه السّلام: لو وجدت شابّاً من شبّان الشيعة لا يتفقه لضربته ضربة بالسيف.

13. Imām Mūsā ibne Jaʿfar al-Kādhim (a.s.) has said: “If I was to find a youth from amongst the youth of the Shīʾa not gaining a deep knowledge and understanding, I would surely strike him with a sword.”[43]


14) قال الإمام الباقر عليه السّلام: لو أُتيت بشاب من شباب الشيعة لا يتفقه (في الدين) لأدبته.

14. Imām Muammad ibne ʿAlī al-Bāqir (a.s.) has said: “If I were to find a youth from amongst the youth of the Shīʾa that was not engaged in gaining a deep knowledge and understanding [of the religion] I would seriously reprimand him.”[44]


15) قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السّلام: لستُ أُحب أن أرى الشاب منكم إلاّ غاديا في حالين: إمّا عالـما أو متعلما. فإن لـم يفعل فرّط، فإنّ فرّط ضيّع, فإنّ ضيّع أثـم، وإنْ أثـم سكن النار والّذي بعث محمّدا بالحق.

15. Imām Jaʿfar ibne Muammad as-ādiq (a.s.) has said: “I do not like to see the youth from amongst yourselves except that he/she is passing the life in one of two states: either as a scholar or as a student.  So then if he is not in one of these two states then he is one who has wasted (something) and surely the one who wastes is one who has squandered something and surely the act of squandering is a sin and the person who commits a sin shall reside in the Hell Fire – I swear by the one who appointed Muammad with The Truth.”[45]


15.5 - The greatness of a Young person who worships 'Allah

16) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: إنّ اللّه تعالى يحب الشاب التائب.

16. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “Surely Allāh, the High, loves the young person who is repents [for his sins].”[46]


17) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: ما من شيء أحب إلى اللّه تعالى من شاب تائب، وما من شيء أبغض إلى اللّه تعالى من شيخ مقيم على معاصيه.

17. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “There is nothing more beloved to Allāh, the High, than a young person who repents (for his sins); and there is nothing more detested in the sight of Allāh, the High, than an old person who perpetuates in disobeying Him.”[47]


18) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: إنّ اللّه تعالى يباهي بالشابّ العابد الـملائكة، يقول: أنظروا إلى عبدي! ترك شهوته من أجلي.

18. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “Surely Allāh, The High, boasts to the Angels in regards to the young person who is a servant (of His) and He says, ‘Look towards my servant!  He has refrained from following his lowly desires for My sake alone.’”[48]


19) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: فضل الشاب العابد الذي تعبّد في صباه على الشيخ الذي تعبّد بعد ما كبرت سنّه كفضل الـمرسلين على سائر الناس.

19. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “The greatness of the worshipper of Allāh who is a youth and who worships Allāh while in the stage of his youth over the old person who worships [Allāh] after he has become of old age is like the greatness of the deputed ones [the Prophets and Messengers] over all other creations.”[49]


20) قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: سبعة في ظلّ عرش اللّه عزّ وجلّ يوم لا ظلّ إلاّ ظلّه: إمام عادل، وشاب نشأ في عبادة اللّه عزّ وجلّ.

20. The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.a.) has said: “There are seven individuals who shall be protected under the shade of the Throne [Power] of Allāh, the Noble and Grand on the day when there shall be no shade except for His shade: the just leader … and the youth who spent his time in the worship of Allāh, the Noble and Grand.”[50]


15.6 - The greatness of the person who spends his Youth in the obidience to Allah

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