Saturday 11th of January 2025
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Backbiting= Eating the flesh of your dead brother

Backbiting= Eating the flesh of your dead brother

Backbiting is to speak ill of a believer behind his back, including matters concerning his moralities, appearance, or personality. Not only is backbiting restricted to words, but also it includes every behavior and deed, whether suggestive or direct The Prophet (PBUH) defined backbiting by saying:

"Do you know what is backbiting? ... It is to mention things that your brother dislikes. ... To mention things that are really found in the personality of your brother is backbiting. To mention things that are not found in the personality of your brother is slander."‌

Backbiting is however one of the meanest manners and most serious crimes and sins. God likens the backbiter to the one who eats the flesh of the dead:
O you who believe! Avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases is a sin, and do not spy nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? But you abhor it; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, surely Allah is Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful. The Holy Quran (Surah49, The Dwellings, Verse 12)."‌

Allah also said: "Surely those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter; and Allah knows, while you do not know."‌

"Allah does not love public accusation unless one is truly wronged. Allah is All-hearing and All-knowing. (4:148)"‌

The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Backbiting destroys the religion in a way that is more destructive than canker."‌ (1)
3. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Backbiting is worse than fornication."‌ He was asked: "O Messenger of Allah, why is it so?"‌ He (PBUH) replied: "The fornicator may repent and Allah accept his repentance; but although the backbiter may repent, Allah will never accept his repentance until his victim pardons him."‌

He (PBUH) also said: "I swear by Allah besides Whom there is no god that no believer can ever attain the benefits of this world and the world to come except by his good opinion of Allah, hope, good nature and abstaining from backbiting of the believers. I swear by Allah besides Whom there is no god, that no repenting believer will be punished except for his suspicion about Allah, despair, ill nature and backbiting of the believers. I swear by Allah besides Whom there is no god, that no believing servant has a good opinion of Allah except He will behave duly towards His believing servant. For Allah is generous and graceful, When His believing servant has a good opinion of Him, He does not fail to do according to it. So have a good opinion of Allah and wish for Him."‌

"He who publicizes an ill matter is regarded as him who originated it and whoever disregards a faithful believer for a matter will not die before that very matter sticks to him."‌ (2)

Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: "For him who publicizes an affair of a believer for disgracing and disrespecting him, Allah will dismiss him from His custody and deliver him to the Shaitan's."‌ (3)

"Do not backbite (others) so that others will not backbite you. Do not dig a hole for making your brother fall in it, lest you yourself may fall in it. As you condemn others, others will surely condemn you."‌ (4)


1. Quoted from Bihar ul-Anwar; Kitab ul-Ashara, page 177 (as quoted from al-Kafi).

2. Quoted from Bihar ul-Anwar; Kitab ul-Ashara, 177 (as quoted from Thawab ul-A'mal and al-Barqi's al-Mahassin).

3. Quoted from Bihar ul-Anwar; Kitab ul-Ashara, page 177 (as quoted from Thawab ul-A'mal, al-Barqi's al-Mahassin, and as-Saduq's al-Amali).

4. Quoted from Bihar ul-Anwar; Kitab ul-Ashara, 177 (as quoted from al-Amali).


source : www.tebyan.net
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