Friday 10th of January 2025
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US Muslim media redeems Islamic image

Offering a window into Muslims' life in Ramadan, a recently founded Dearborn company has produced its first Ramadan commercial, displaying a glimpse into Muslim lives and traditions during the holy month, news agencies reported. “A part of the message is to show that Islam is very diverse,” said Wissam Bazzi, of Dearborn Heights and founder of Piximotion. “Islam in the mainstream media is not the only perspective.”
US Muslim media redeems Islamic image

Offering a window into Muslims' life in Ramadan, a recently founded Dearborn company has produced its first Ramadan commercial, displaying a glimpse into Muslim lives and traditions during the holy month, news agencies reported.

“A part of the message is to show that Islam is very diverse,” said Wissam Bazzi, of Dearborn Heights and founder of Piximotion. “Islam in the mainstream media is not the only perspective.”

The 30-second clip features Muslims of various backgrounds, including scenes of families gathering for Iftar, the time to break fast. The commercial highlights thankfulness, discipline and family as some of the key components of what makes Ramadan a special time for Muslims.

The commercial, ends with the message: “It’s Ramadan. A month of human values. From your Muslim friends and neighbors, happy Ramadan.”

Featuring the special time of Ramadan, the project shows the humanity of Muslims, Bazzi added.

The Ramadan commercial is airing in 74 zip codes in Michigan and southern Florida for Comcast Cable customers. More than $5,000 in funds for the commercial were raised through crowdfunding site LaunchGood and about $25,000 were raised altogether. Bazzi said the interest was so great that people even stopped into his office to support the project.

“It’s a beautiful effort of our whole community coming together. The unification of so many different individuals,” Bazzi noted.

Supporters will be glad to hear that the project doesn’t end when Ramadan does. Bazzi said they are planning for a bigger commercial next year.

source : abna
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