Based on Quranic verses and narration it is certain that the true believer is the highest and best living creature in the sight of Allah or in the other word a true believer is the pride of the universe and Allah Almighty brags about him before all his creatures.
Of course the true believer is someone whose actions and life, his beliefs and practices and ethics are all based on the teachings of the holy Qur’an and the Prophet's pure culture and the Infallible Imams (AS). In a hadith the Prophet (pbuh) said: the story of a believer in the sight of Allah is like the Archangel, indeed the true believer is higher than the Archangel in the sight of Allah.( Oyoun Akhbar Al-Ridha (v) 2, 29. 33)
The Wise commentary: Professor Hussein Ansarian.
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