Wednesday 8th of January 2025
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Was the wife of Hazrat Abbas, Lady Lubaba, present in Karbala?

Concise answer

  1. Lubaba was the daughter of Ubaidullah bin Abbas[1] (the Prophet”s cousin) and the wife of Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas (AS).  Following the event of Karbala and the martyrdom of Hazrat Abbas, she married Zaid bin Hasan[2].[3] It has been said that she had two sons from Hazrat Abbas (AS) who were named Fazl and ”Ubaidullah.  It has been further added that Abbas” lineage and offspring continued through ”Ubaidullah only.[4]
    When it comes to Lubaba”s presence in Karbala, there is no solid report in any reliable historic sources in this regard and that her name is not seen among a list of people from the Prophet”s household who were taken captives by Yazid.  However, there is no concrete proof or evidence to indicate that she was absent in Karbala on the day of Ashura. Therefore, one cannot say anything in this regard in the affirmative or in the negative.

[1]  According to the following historical sources, Lubaba was the daughter of Ubaidullah bin Abbas: Ibn Habib Hashemi (245 A.H.), Muhammad al-Muhber, research, Elza Lekhtan, Shutaiter, p. 441, Beirut, Dar al-Afaq al-Jadidah, Zubairi (236 A.H.), Mus”ab bin ”Abdullah, The Lineage of Quraish (Nasab-e Quraish), research, Leifi Borofensal, p. 32, Cairo, Dar al-Ma”aref, 3rd edition (date missing).

[2] Zaid bin Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Talib, Katib Waqedi, Muhammad bin Sa”d, al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, research, Abdul Qadir Ataa, Muhammad, vol.5, p. 244, Beirut, Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyyah, first edition, 1410 A.H.

[3] Alavi, Ali Muhammad, Al-Majd fi insa Bit Taibeen, research, Mahdi Damghani, Ahmad Mar”ashi, Sayyid Mahmood, p. 231, Qom, Ayatollah Mar”ashi Najfi Library, first edition, 1409 A.H; Namazi Shahroudi, Ali Mustadrakat ”Ilm al-Rijal al-Hadith, vol.2, p. 391, Tehran, Haideri, first edition.  

[4] Mustadrakat Ilm Rijal al-Hadith, vol.4, p. 351. 


source : Islamquest
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