Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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professor Ansarian: the punishment for the stinginess of people

professor Ansarian: the punishment for the stinginess of people

the punishment that Allah Almighty intends and plans to inflict human beings  by is due to his stinginess. human beings love their worldly properties and blongings so much and for this reason Allah reprimands them, Allah never punishes someone for what they have. suppose a person dies leaving a hundred million tomans, this issue can not damage Allah Almighty,s system, so the punishment is not whether they have done any charity with their money or not,  it is because of that stinginess they have developed deep down in their heart. as a matter of fact, despite being wealthy and rich they have disobeied  what Allah has ordered them to do. so, the presence of this moral vice in the human,s heart makes  a distance between him and doing a good deed and the punishment is also because of the same moral vice.

source : erfan.ir
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