Monday 17th of June 2024
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Amr Beh Ma'roof Wa Nahi Az Munkar" sessions in the mosques of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari.

Amr Beh Ma'roof Wa Nahi Az Munkar
Mosque: The propagation office expert on mosque affairs, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari informed of holding sessions of "Amr Beh Ma'roof Wa Nahi Az Munkar"(calling towards virtues and denying from vices) in the mosques of the province with the co operation of the youth
Describing the activities of this office in the month of Muharram, Hujjat ul Islam Sha'ban Ali Yusufi, propagation office expert on mosque affairs, Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari told the Shabestan news reporter: This office will dispatch 500 clerics to the mosques of the province in order to propagate the true culture and essence of Muharram.

This office intends to hold the true traditional mourning ceremonies and for this purpose will dispatch eulogizers and clerics to the 8 central mosques of the province. He added.

Hujjat ul Islam Yusufi reported of holding the conference of the mosques' administrators on 19th of Azar and said: This conference was held to explain to the mosques' administrators the correct way of holding mourning ceremonies without creating fuss and in convenience for the citizens.

The expert on mosque affairs told about the dispersion of non monetary aid to the mosques and local religious bodies of the province and said: Up till now 358 and 192 metric tons of rice has been provided to the towns and villages of the province respectively. 57 and 39 metric tons of cooking oil and 32 and 38 metric tons of sugar have also been distributed between the town and village mosques respectively
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