Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The End of Darkness

The End of Darkness
DESPAIRIt is a desert, dark and fearful,No goal for man, no way, no companion,No sun, no candle, nothing is seen,As if he has gone blind.No wise man can he find to ask the way,When suddenly thunder roars tiger-like,And this man presses his ears for fear of the roar of thunder,Then follows a brief lightning,No one by him, no way is found,Darkness and silence, and no hope is left.It seems as if pain and torture are born with man, for, he has never ...

The Reaction after the Martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.)

The Reaction after the Martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.)
The martyrdom of Husayn was of great religious significance and had a deep heart-searching after-effect upon the Shi'is, giving a new turn to the mode and nature of the Shi'I movement. The tragic fate of the grandson of the Prophet stirred religious and moral sentiments, particularly among those of the Kufan followers of the House of the Prophet who had so zealously asked Husayn to come to Iraq to guide them on what they considered to be the ...

Historical Aspect of the Imam's Biography

Historical Aspect of the Imam's Biography
Imam and Alawide RevoltsWe have already indicated that one of the reasons which prompted al-Mamoon to bring Imam al-Rida (A.S.) to Khurasan and nominate him as his successor was to avoid a direct collision with the Alawides who were of the view that the Abbasides had monopolized authority and robbed them of their right to rule the Muslims. Al-Mamoon tried to deal with this problem which always used to push the Alawides to assault the government ...

Imam Musa al-Kazim's Letter to the Governor of Rey

Imam Musa al-Kazim's Letter to the Governor of Rey
During his era, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A.S.) held the titles patient and trustworthy. His piety was a characteristic known to all, and he became known as Kadhim- one who represses his anger. He was generous and kind to all Muslims, and would satisfy the needs of all those who approached him with their requests.In one incident, a wealthy man from Rey- a city in Iran - faced Imam Kadhim(A.S.). Afterwards he explained his encounter with the Imam as ...

Paradise and Hell are the Embodiment of our Deeds

Paradise and Hell are the Embodiment of our Deeds
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziMany people ask themselves, “Is the world after death similar to this world? Or does it have differences?”Its rewards, its punishments, and, finally, the laws and system which rule it, are they like this world? In response, it must be clearly stated that: We have many witnesses in hand which show that this world and that world are very different from each other, so that that which we know in this world ...

Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?

Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?
We have at our disposal in the English language many ahadith (traditions) on the best practices and foods including duas, for the conception of a child and the duration it spends in its mother’s womb. But are there any ahadith that you can shed light on in regards to the best practices for the first 2-4 years of a child’s development? Have the Ahlulbayt (as) suggested any specific foods and diet apart from the mother’s milk? ...

Presence of Heart” (hudhur-e qalbi), in Prayer

Presence of Heart” (hudhur-e qalbi), in Prayer
By: Muhsin Qara’atiWe have discussed the acts of worship and their conditions and philosophy. After stating those generalities, we shall now deal with their manifestations and examine the most apparent form of servitude which is prayer {salah}. First of all, we need to know the status of prayer from the perspective of the (Qur’an and hadith). Thereafter, we shall touch on its details and secrets. Let us recall some of the views of ...

Hazrat Fatima (A.S), the Sample of Deconstruction

Hazrat Fatima (A.S), the Sample of Deconstruction
The role of Fatimah (peace be upon her) in women's revival was fabulous. She is the sample of deconstruction of the misleading customs, which were prevalent among the people in the society and had captured their hearts. She was the practical sample of laws, through which the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) managed to apply the Islamic principles and programs. Like the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants), Fatimah ...

Imam Reza(AS) Leaves Madinah

 Imam Reza(AS) Leaves Madinah
Imam Reza(AS) Leaves Madinah Imam al-Reza, peace be on him, did not find any escape from responding to al-Ma'mu`n, so he went to the grave of his grandfather, the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, and said the final farewell to it, for he came to know that he would not visit it again.Muhawwil al-Sijista`ni has narrated, saying: "When the post regarding sending Ima`m al-Reza`, peace be on him, on a journey to Khurasan came, I ...

Peace Unto to the Impeccable Lady Hadrat Zainab (SA)

Peace Unto to the Impeccable Lady Hadrat Zainab (SA)
By: Seyyed Ali ShahbazPeace be upon you, O’ (Grand) Daughter of the Chief of Prophets,Peace be upon you, O’ Daughter of the Leader of the Pious.Peace be upon you, O’ Daughter of the Commander of the faithful,Peace be upon you, O’ (Grand)Daughter of Muhammad (SAWA), the Chosen (al-Mustafa),Peace be upon you, O’ Daughter of Ali (AS), the Content (with the decree of Allah, i.e. al-Murtaza),Peace be upon you, O’ ...

Imam Ali's Answering Difficult Questions

Imam Ali's Answering Difficult Questions
One day another Jewish person came to Imam Ali (AS). He was planning to ask Imam Ali (AS) such a question, which would take Imam Ali (AS) a long time to answer and because of that his Maghrib Prayers would be delayed.He asked, "Imam Ali you say you know everything in the world, then tell me which animals lay eggs and which animals give birth to their young ones."Imam Ali (AS) looked back at him smiled and said, "The animals who have their 'EARS' ...

The Bridge, Which Passes from the Top of the Hell

The Bridge, Which Passes from the Top of the Hell
Author : By: Shaykh Abbas QummiSerat' in the grammatical sense means a way or a road, and it's meaning according to the Shari'ah is a bridge or a road which passes from the top of hell. In a tradition from Ma'soom (A.S.) it is stated that `Poole Serat' is a bridge thinner than a hair, sharper than a sword, and hotter than fire (of this world).The true believers (Mo'meneen) will pass over it speedily like lightening. Some will find some ...

Handwritten Qurans by Imam Hussain and Imam Sajjad display at Astan Quds Museum

Handwritten Qurans by Imam Hussain and Imam Sajjad display at Astan Quds Museum
Precious and unique Qur'ans hand-written by the purified Imams (A.S.) have been put into display at the Qur'an and Exquisites Treasury of Astan Quds Razavi's Museum. Among these holy books, those written by Imam Hussein (A.S.) and Imam Sajjad (A.S.) attracted lots of attentions on the part of their lovers, during the two Imams' (A.S.) birth anniversaries.Director of Qur'an and Exquisites Treasury of Astan Quds Razavi's Museum said, “Among ...

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS) in Others' Views

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS) in Others' Views
The 17th of Rabi'-al-Awwal marks the birthday anniversary of, a member of the Prophet of Islam's household, Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS). Although Imam Sadiq (AS) suffered greatly during his lifetime, he took advantage of the period following the downfall of the Umayyids and the coming to power of the Abbasside dynasty to propagate the great religion of Islam and make Muslims aware of their duties towards Allah. Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) is a well-known ...

The Prophet's Recommendations to Imam Ali

The Prophet's Recommendations to Imam Ali
The Prophet (p.b.u.h) recommended Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) with maxims and decencies to be not specially for Imam Ali (p.b.u.h), but to be a guide and method for all Muslims...here, we choose only some passages from those recommendations and not all of their texts.1. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said to Imam Ali (p.b.u.h), "O Ali, from certainty is that you should not please anyone by displeasing Allah, or praise anyone for what Allah has given to you, or ...

Last Words of Prophet Mohammad (s)

Last Words of Prophet Mohammad (s)
In memory of the demise of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and his -grand child -Imam Hassan's (peace be upon him) on 28th day of Safar... Historians mentioned that the generous prophet (peace be upon him) called one of his followers in the last days of Safar and asked him to join him to Al Baqeea. He told him: I have been ordered to ask for absolution for people of al Baqeea, so come with me tonight. At night they walked out together and ...

The Night of Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad observed with devotion across Kashmir

The Night of Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad observed with devotion across Kashmir
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Shab-e-Meraj (night of ascent) was observed with religious fervour at various mosques and shrines across the Kashmir Valley with people taking part in night -long prayers.Religious preachers delivered sermons highlighting the importance of the occasion at various places of worship even as the devout kept themselves engaged in prayers, Quranic recitations and Naat khwani (couplets recited in the praise of the holy ...

Nahjul Balagha, the Path to Virtue

Nahjul Balagha, the Path to Virtue
Introduction:Imam Ali’s book, Nahjul-Balagha, is a compilation of the sermons, letters and brief speeches of ‘the Lion of Allah’ - Imam Ali (AS). The compilation of this work was undertaken by Seyyed Ali Naqi (Faiz-ul-Islam) more than 100 years ago. Undoubtedly “Nahjul-Balagha” is one of the pillars of Islamic ideology. It is an infinite ocean of scientific, literary, religious, social, behavioral and political ...

6- Every Shi'ah considers the Sunnis as Muslims, but to what degree? I have heard some people say they are only Muslims by ID, and in the hereafter they shall be judged as polytheists. What's the real thing?

6- Every Shi'ah considers the Sunnis as Muslims, but to what degree? I have heard some people say they are only Muslims by ID, and in the hereafter they shall be judged as polytheists. What's the real thing?

The Ithna 'ashari Shiah believe that every person that testifies to the Oneness of Allah and the Finality of Prophethood of Muhammad (saw), believes in the day of judgement is a muslim and a brother/sister of Islam. Therefore Shiah have no doubt about Sunni's being Muslims. Thus what is contrary to this and attributed to Shiah are fabrications of the common enemies of Muslims apprehensive of Islamic Unity.

Importance of Prayer

Importance of Prayer