Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

How Imam Ali(A.S.) Made Enemies

How Imam Ali(A.S.) Made Enemies
We shall restrict our discussion to the period of his somewhat more than four-year caliphate. 'Ali was all the time a two-powered personality; 'Ali always had the powers both of attraction and repulsion. In fact, we see right from the beginning of the Islamic age one group who gravitated more round 'Ali, and another group who did not have such a good connection with him and who were occasionally pained by his existence. But the period of 'Ali's ...

Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq & the Shi’a School of Thought

Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq & the Shi’a School of Thought
By: Ayatullah al-Uzma Lutfullah as-Safi al-GulpayganiQUESTION: Was Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) the founder of the Shi‘a school or its promulgator and explainer?ANSWER: Imam as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) acquainted the public with the original Shi‘a school of thought, which perhaps even some friends and devotees of Ahl al-Bait (peace be upon them) had not recognized properly. By establishing that vast school of knowledge, he ...

28th Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hasan Mujtaba (PBUT)

28th Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hasan Mujtaba (PBUT)
On the Sad and Mourning occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Holy Prophet of Islam Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.W.), Imam Hasan Mujtaba(A.S.) and Imam Reza(A.S.) we extend our Heartfelt Grief and Condolences to Millions strong Muslim Ummah and all the lovers of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (PBUT) in the world. 28th Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hasan Mujtaba (PBUT) A Brief Biography of the Holy Prophet of ...

Hadrat Fatima and The House of Grief

Hadrat Fatima and The House of Grief
When political opposition fails, silent protest starts. This kind of protest can be more effective than the first, because in addition to having the benefits of offending and disapproving of the opponent's acts, it also gives the person the chance of keeping calm and tranquil.Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S.) acted in such a manner when she realized that with the weaknesses, which afflicted her, she could not prevail. So she took refuge in a house in ...

The Secret of Imam Ali's Force of Attraction

The Secret of Imam Ali's Force of Attraction
What is the reason for the friendship and love for Ali in people's hearts? Nobody has yet discovered the secret of this love. That is, no one has been able to formulate it, and say that if it were like this then that would follow, or if it were like that then this would happen. However it does of course have a secret. (Bayt Agency) - There is something in the love which dazzles the one who loves and draws him towards it. This attraction and ...

Imam Sajjad’s Sermon in Syria (Damascus):

Imam Sajjad’s Sermon in Syria (Damascus):
Imam Sadjad: I am the son of the one who was backed by Gabriel, supported by Mikael. I am the son of the one who defended the Muslims, killed the oath breakers of allegiance and the unjust and the renegades, struggled against his tiring enemies, the most excellent one of those who walked (to war) from among Quraysh, the first to respond to Allah from among the believers, the prior to all the previous ones, the breaker of the aggressors, the ...

Reward of going on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH)

 Reward of going on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH)
Addressing Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him), Prophet Muhammad (Blessings of God Upon Him and His Progeny) said: "O Ali, he who goes on pilgrimage to me or one of my descendents, will be visited by me on the Day of Judgment and will be saved by me from the fear of the Day of Judgment."‌ (Thavab ul A'maal, p. 242, Kamil ul Ziyaraat, p. 41, Bihar ul Anwar, vol. 100, p. 123) There are four traditions from three Imams on the reward for pilgrimage to ...

Imam Ali Ibn Husayn

Imam Ali Ibn Husayn
Ali ibn al-Husayn Zaynul-'Abidin ( Peace be Upon him ) Name: 'Ali. Title: Zaynu'l-'Abidln. Agnomen: Abu Muhammad. Father's name: al-Husayn Sayyidu 'sh-Shuhada'. Mother's name: Shahr Banu, daughter of Yazdeger III, the King of Persia. Birth: In Medina, on Saturday, 15th Jumada 'I-ula 36 AH. Death: Died at the age of 58, in Medina; poisoned by al-Walid ibn 'Abdi 'I-Malik ibn Marwan on 25th Muharram 95 AH; buried in Jannatu 'I-Baqi', in ...

Muslim Public Treasury

Muslim Public Treasury
Ali's views on charity    Ali was always extremely poor, yet he was as renowned for his charity as he was for his piety. Because he never owned any money or goods of his own, he had to be exempted from the Zakat, the obligatory alms tax levied on every male and female Muslim of means, but whenever his share of the "Ghanima" (booty) or "Fay" came into his hands, he immediately distributed it amongst the poor and destitute, giving ...

Nearness to Allah

Nearness to Allah
Recitation of the Holy Quran Desired by the Holy Prophet (s)Ibn e Masood was one of the scribes of the revealed Verses of the Holy Quran. He wrote down a verse as soon as it was revealed.One day, the Holy Prophet (s) said to Ibn e Masood, ‘Today I want to hear you recite verses from the Holy Quran.’Ibn e Masood opened his manuscript and started reciting Surah An-Nisa. The Holy Prophet (s) listened, totally engrossed. When Ibn e ...

Moharram, Start of the Month of Mourning

Moharram, Start of the Month of Mourning
Salaam and heartfelt condolences to our readers on the beginning of the month of Moharram, the month of grief that moistens eyes. It is the month whose start is marked by the faithful in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Yemen, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and wherever there are followers of the Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), with black attires, black banners, and black draping as a mark of respect to the ...

Debates of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)

Debates of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)
Abu Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, had many strong proofs with which he revealed the truth and refuted the proofs of others. We will tell you something about them, for they are a part of his scientific life full of lessons and sermons which the Muslim must study.His Debates on Oneness of Allah (al-Tawhid):We have already mentioned something of the speech of al- Sadiq, peace be on him, on Oneness of Allah. Among his speech were some ...

Sayyeda Zainab(s.a.): the Sage of Bani Hashim

Sayyeda Zainab(s.a.): the Sage of Bani Hashim
Sayyeda Zainab (s.a.), the daughter of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Sayyeda Fatima (s.a.), was an exemplary woman of great ability, intelligence, knowledge, insight, courage and perseverance; she performed her divine duties to the best of her ability. She was born to a family formed by the Prophet (SAW), the most outstanding figure in history. The Prophet's wife Sayyeda Khadija (s.a.) a devoted woman, was her maternal grandmother, and her paternal ...

Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH) and struggle against Bani Abbas

Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH) and struggle against Bani Abbas
Imam Reza (Peace Be Upon Him) had many sisters. Amongst them, Hazrat Ma'soomah (Peace Be Upon Her) treads a different path similar to the path pursued by Hazrat Zeinab (Peace Be Upon Her). At that juncture in history, Hazrat Ma'sumah was tasked with a mission similar to the mission accomplished by Hazrat Zeinab (Peace Be Upon Her) following the bloody event of Karbala. This is due to the fact that at that time, the tyranny and suppression of ...

Houses Exalted by God and Desecrated by the Godless

Houses Exalted by God and Desecrated by the Godless
In houses Allah has allowed to be exalted and wherein His Name is celebrated; He is glorified therein, morning and evening." (Holy Qur'an 24:36)  The renowned Sunni scholar,Tha'labi, in his exegesis of the holy Qur'an titled "Tafsir al-Kabir" has mentioned on the authority of Anas bin Malik and Buraidah that when asked about the houses exalted by God, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) said the reference is to the abodes of Divine Messengers. At ...

Jannat al-Baqi Cemetery in the Holy City of Madinah

Jannat al-Baqi Cemetery in the Holy City of Madinah
annat-al-Baqi is the famous burial place of great personalities without whom the history of Islam is incomplete, in fact, some of them wrote the history of Islam with their deeds and achievements. The Prophet's companion Usman bin Mazoon was the first companion to be buried there on instructions by the Prophet (SA). The Prophet's son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy (and was very dear to the Prophet) was also buried there. Then the Prophet's ...

Al-Sadiq's Attitudes With Al-Mansur

Al-Sadiq's Attitudes With Al-Mansur
Al-Sadiq's Attitudes With Al-MansurAnd His GovernorsAllah, the Exalted, granted ahl at Bayt many outstamerits. Wisdom was among them. You maybe astonished at the attitudes of al- Sadiq towards al- Mansür and his governors because he sometimes used soft words and spared no effort to justifa’ his innocence and sometimes faced them with intensity and violence, admitting nothing even though his attitude would make them angry.Al- Sadiq was ...

The Importance of Seizing the Opportunities of life (Part 2)

The Importance of Seizing the Opportunities of life (Part 2)
Imam Sadjad (A.S) said: “How poor son of Adam is! Every day, he is inflicted with three misfortunes. Nevertheless, he does learn lessons from any. Had he learnt a lesson, all the misfortunes of this worldly life would have been easy in his sight. The first misfortune is that the day which comes upon him decreases his age. If a decrease occurs to his wealth, he will become so depressed, while he can cover the decrease of wealth, but he cannot ...

The Effect of Imam Sajjad’s Sermon on people in Syria (Damascus)

The Effect of Imam Sajjad’s Sermon on people in Syria (Damascus)
The effect of the speech was so powerful that everybody in the court began to weep and blame Yazid. Yazid was afraid that the Imam continued his speech; there would be a revolution and revolt. At the same time, Yazid could not stop Imam and get him down from the pulpit. He, therefore, ordered a caller of prayer to give Azaan, knowing that this would automatically cut the Imam's speech. When the Muazzin said Allah-o Akbar (God is Greatest), Imam ...

The Message of Devotion

The Message of Devotion
"O People! The Messenger of Allah has said: If anyone witnesses an oppressive ruler who permits that which has been forbidden by Allah, breaks the divine covenant, opposes the Prophet's Sunnah and regulations, and treats Allah’s servants through sinful acts and oppression, but does not express his opposition by actions or words towards that ruler, then Allah would have the right to place him in the status of the oppressive ruler (the ...