Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hadrat Ibrahim (A.S.), The Flag-Bearer of Tawhid

Hadrat Ibrahim (A.S.), The Flag-Bearer of Tawhid
Translated by Fatima Zabeth Beenesh from the Farsi book "Tarikh i-Anbiya az Adam ta Khatam" by Husain Imadzadeh In Sur e Anbiya سوره انب?ا The Benevolent God addressed: Blasphemy and polytheism, before reaching its highest point I nurtured Ibrahim a.s in monotheism to hoist religiously the flag of God worshiping in the world, I know the status of his merits. The people of his nation stated: Did you revolted against us? Again you started ...

The World under the Mahdi

The World under the Mahdi
Engineer Madani: Could you give some indications about the conditions that would prevail under the rule of the Mahdi? Mr. Hoshyar: It is possible to reconstruct the following picture of the future from the traditions related by the ahl al-bayt: When the promised Mahdi, the twelfth Imam (peace be upon him), appears, following his victory over the evil forces of the world, he will administer the entire world under one Islamic government. He will ...

Ziyarat of Amir al-Momineen Ali ibn Abitalib (AS)

Ziyarat of Amir al-Momineen Ali ibn Abitalib (AS)
Peace be on you, O trusted guardian, appointed by Allah, to administer His earth, and to convince the mankind to accept His plan. Peace be on you, O Ameer ul Moomineen; I testify that you made utmost efforts, as it should be, in the cause of Allah, acted upon His Book, followed the way of life of His Prophet, (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children )to the last moment of your life, until Allah invited you to come unto Him, and used His ...

The Praiseworthy Station and Intercession by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Praiseworthy Station and Intercession by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
According to Islamic traditions, the holy face of the Prophet (PBUH) of Islam shines on the roof of the Status of Intercession, which is the very Praiseworthy Station. He appears in the status and showers the light of his intercession on the Ummah.In this respect, the holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: “When I stand on the Praiseworthy Station and intercede for some people of my Ummah, the Almighty God accepts my ...

Imam Hussein’s Will to Muhammad ibne Hanafiyah

Imam Hussein’s Will to Muhammad ibne Hanafiyah
Thus, Imam Hussein (A.S) started making preparations for the journey. During midnight he went to the graves of his Mother Hazrat Fatimah (A.S) and his Brother Imam Hassan (A.S) to bid them farewell. In the morning when he returned to his home, his brother Muhammad ibne Hanafiyah came to him and said, "O dear brother! You are the most dear and beloved to me than anyone else. And I will not refuse to advise anyone except you, being most worthy of ...

The Merits for Visiting the Holy Shrine of Hadrat Masoomah (A.S.)

The Merits for Visiting the Holy Shrine of Hadrat Masoomah (A.S.)
Sayedah Fatimah Masumah (sa) also known as Karimah-e-Ahl-e-Bayt (as) was the daughter of the seventh Imam from Prophet Muhammad (saww)'s progeny, Musa bin Jafar Al-Kazim (as), and sister of eighth Imam Ali bin Musa Ar-Reza (as). She was born on the 1st of Zilqa'da, 173 AH. Prior to her birth, Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) spoke of her status: "Mecca is Allah's sanctuary, Medina is Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W.), Kufa is Imam Ali's (as), and Qom will be ...

Jafari School of thought (Sect)

Jafari School of thought (Sect)
The second century hegira was a tumultuous year for Islam and the Islamic society. Bani Umayyah (the Umayyad), the real threats to the world of Islam, was on the verge of collapse and the Abbasid reign was to be launched with dark manners worse than the Umayyad. At such a critical time, a man of the Infallible Imams hoisted the flag of Islam, relied on his Imamate and knowledge to remove the dust of ignorance and tell the people that Islam was ...

Peace Unto to the Impeccable Lady Hadrat Zainab (SA)

Peace Unto to the Impeccable Lady Hadrat Zainab (SA)
Hujjat al-Islam Syed Zaki BaqueriDaughter of the Holy Prophet's(SAW) daughter. Sister of the King of Martyrs. She is a true role model for any woman today of any religion. She showed the world the definition of womanhood. Her bravery and courage stands alone in a field of millions. She was tied up and taken as a prisoner. She had her scarf ripped off her head, she had her house burned to the ground. She was Janab-e-Zainab.With a father like Ali, ...

Short Maxims of Imam al-Jawad(A.S.)

 Short Maxims of Imam al-Jawad(A.S.)
As a man asked him for an advice, Imam Al-Jawad said:Put your head on steadfastness, embrace poverty, reject the lusts, oppose your passions, and know that you cannot be out of God's sight. Consider how you should behave, then.Imam Al-Jawad (peace be upon him) said:God revealed to one of His prophets: Your asceticism will give you comfort. Your devotion to Me will endear you to Me. But, did you antagonize My enemies and cherish My disciples?It ...

Why Eid al-Adha is celebrated?

Why Eid al-Adha is celebrated?
At the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Mecca), Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice). In 2008, Eid al-Adha will begin on approximately December 9th, and will last for three days. What does Eid al-Adha commemorate? During the Hajj, Muslims remember and commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet Abraham. The Qur'an describes Abraham as follows: "Surely Abraham was an example, ...

Hazrat Fatimah (pbuh) in verse of Counsel (42:23)

Hazrat Fatimah (pbuh) in verse of Counsel (42:23)
The verse of relationship, from the Qur"an, says:   "Say: `No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin. And if anyone earns any good, We shall give him an increase of good in respect there of for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service)."(42: 23) This verse is a clear command from Allah to His noble Prophet. It is as follows: (Say) O Muhammad, to your nation: (no reward do I ask of you for ...

The Martyrdom Anniversary of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

The Martyrdom Anniversary of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

The meanings, philosophy and dimensions of worship (ibadah)

The meanings, philosophy and dimensions of worship (ibadah)
By: Muhsin Qara’atiBefore embarking on the discussion of prayer, I shall deal with the meanings, philosophy and dimensions of worship {‘ibadah} and servitude as they are the spirit of prayer.Why worship {‘ibadah}?Worship {‘ibadah} means the expression of abasement {dhillah}, the highest form of humility and homage, before God. As to its importance, it is enough to state that worship is the purpose behind the creation of ...

Allamah Tabatabai writes about Imam Hassan(as)

Allamah Tabatabai writes about Imam Hassan(as)
Imam Hassan Mujtaba, upon who is peace, was the second Imam. He and his brother Imam Hussein were the two sons of Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali and Hadrat Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. Many times the Prophet had said, "Hasan and Hussein are my children." Because of these same words 'Ali would say to his other children, "You are my children and Hassan and Hussein are the children of the Prophet." Imam Hassan was born in the year 3 AH, in Medina ...

Please give a brief description of features of Barqi's al-Mahasen and the hadith which bears Khidhr's testimony to the leadership of the Imams (A.S)?

Please give a brief description of features of Barqi's al-Mahasen and the hadith which bears Khidhr's testimony to the leadership of the Imams (A.S)?
Sir! There is a narration reported by Abu Hashim Dawood bin Qasim al Ja'fri which gives the testimony of Khidhr (a.s) regarding the 12 Imams, and shows their names. It is present in 1- Al Kafi, Sheikh Kulaini, 1/525 2- al-Imama wa al-Tabarsi fi al-Hira, p106 3- Kitab al-Ghaybah, Sheikh Numani, page 58 4- Kamal ad-Din, Sheikh Saduq, page 313 All of these show the end of narrators like this عن أحمدبن محمد البرقی، عن أبی ...

What is the Miracle?

What is the Miracle?
Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, has ordered His creatures to know Him and to worship Him after they have known Him:"And I have not created the Jinn and the men except that they should serve Me."(281) His creatures indicate His existence. The pretty creation and the untied regulation indicate His Oneness. He has created a guide from their own selves to show them the way to all things. This guide is reason. However, reason by itself is unable to know ...

Wonderful Maxims of Imam al-Baqir (AS)

Wonderful Maxims of Imam al-Baqir (AS)
Short wonderful maxims were reported on the authority of Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him. They are full of noble morals and are useful. The following maxims are some of them.1. He, peace be on him, said: "If you can deal with anyone and do him a favor, do that."2. He, peace be on him, said: "Flatter the hypocrite with your tongue. Make your love sincere to the believer. When a Jew associates with you, associate well with him. 3. ...

The Friends of Imam Baqir (A.S.)

The Friends of Imam Baqir (A.S.)
Since Imam baqir (A.S.) was living in an age where in the Marwani Caliphs (Bani Omaiyd) were busy with their own affairs and they were spending their time in a struggle against Bani Abbas, therefore, more chances and possibilities of the propagation of Islamic learning's got available for him. Imam (A.S.) started laying the foundations of educational and research assemblies and trained students of his school of thought, each one of whom was ...

The Marriage of Imam Ali (AS) and Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (SA)

The Marriage of Imam Ali (AS) and Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (SA)
All proposals rejected When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the age of maturity and was ready to get married, the Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H)started receiving proposals from various people for her daughter. Hazrat Salman Farsi(r.a.) and Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrate that "When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the marriageable age, the important people among the tribe of Quraish started sending proposals to the Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H)but the Prophet ...

The Miracles of Hadrat Abd al-Azim

The Miracles of Hadrat Abd al-Azim
The answering of appeals and requests is not confined to the blessed shrine of the Eighth Holy Imam. The same is true of all the blessed shrines. In our own lifetime we have heard so many miracles by each of these holy figures that they cannot be enumerated. Even this nondescript, during the days that he lived in Tehran, where he had very frequent honor of ziyarah of Hadrat Abd al-Azim, does not remember having prayed for anything in that ...