Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sanitation and Climate

Sanitation and Climate

Quoting his uncle, Fahham Mansuri reports: One day Imam al-Hadi (A.S) said, “I was brought reluctantly to the city of Samarra' (literally meaning one who sees it becomes happy). Now if they make me leave this city, I will do it reluctantly.” I said, “Why is that, my master?” The Imam said, “For its good climate, its sanitation and its little diseases.”

[Al-Amali by Shaykh al-Tusi: 281, H 545.]

Islam and Muslims in Europe (2)

Islam and Muslims in Europe (2)
As is the case in Europe today, one can clearly affirm that the legal system protects and guarantees the manifestation of Muslims' identity. The challenges that Muslims are finding themselves in today are more related to a minimalist interpretation, unyielding to the aforementioned legislation. A curtailed vision of the secular model and concern about the prejudice concerning Islam finds its way in this discussion about the "question of Islam" ...

The Life of Our Beloved Imam Hasan Askari

The Life of Our Beloved Imam Hasan Askari
Born in Madina on the 10th of Rabuil Akhar 232 Hijri ( 6.12.846 AD) Died in Samarrah Iraq on 8th of Rabiul Awwal 260 Hijri (4.1.874) aged 28 years. Period of Imamate 6 years.Samarra (Surre Mun Ra’) was a garrison town about 60 miles north of Baghdad. River Euphrates flows in the middle of the town, and because of the surrounding hills a cool breeze keeps the area cooler in comparison to Baghdad. The word ‘Asker’ in arabic is ...

The Exalted Holy Personality of Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (S.A.) Email

The Exalted Holy Personality of Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (S.A.)      Email
Name: Janabe Fatimah (s.a.)Kuniyat: Ummul Hasan, Ummul Husain, Ummul Aimmah and Ummul Mohsin Title: Zahra, Batool, Siddiqa Kubra, Mubarika, Tahira, and Sayyedatun Nisa. Father: Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.a.).Mother: Queen of Arab, Khadeejatul Kubra (s.a.), the first wife of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the first woman to come under the Faith.Birth: Born five years after the Declaration of Prophethood in the holy city of ...

The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Repent (Zuhayr ibn Ghin)

The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Repent (Zuhayr ibn Ghin)
Another beautiful story is Zuhayr ibn Ghin’s story of repent.Zuhayr ibn GhinImam Hussein and his people got to Zaroud on Monday, the 21st of Dhu Al-Hijjah. Close to them, Zuhayr ibn Ghin, one of the followers of Osman, was  returning back from pilgrimage to Mecca.Zuhayr was eating at Zaroud when a messenger from Imam Hussein (A.S) went to him.“Are you Zuhayr ibn Ghin?!”‌ said he. “Hussein has sent me after you. ...

The Textual Document of Regency

The Textual Document of Regency
The regency between the Ima`m Reza, peace be on him, and al-Ma'mu`n was not confined to speech; rather it was written on an official document signed by the Ima`m Reza(A.S.) and al-Ma'mu`n, witnessed by high-ranking statesmen, and transmitted by a group of historical sources. Ibn al-Jawzi came to know of the document and said: "My uncle bought it (the document) for two hundred dinars and brought it to Sayf al-Dawla Sadaqa b. Mansu`r, and there ...

Omm Kolthoum, the second daughter of Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S.) and Hazrat Fatema Zahra (S.A.)

Omm Kolthoum, the second daughter of Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S.) and Hazrat Fatema Zahra (S.A.)
In the year 9 AH, a radiant granddaughter was born to Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) in Medina. Her parents, the Prophet’s Immaculate Daughter, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (peace upon her) and her Infallible Husband, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), beamed with joy. It was their 4th child and second daughter. In fact, the second daughter in succession, following the birth three years ago of the Impeccable Zainab (peace upon her), she was also given the same name ...

The Assumption of Form by Our Deeds

The Assumption of Form by Our Deeds
By:Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi LariIn the past it was believed by specialists in the empirical sciences that an insurmountable barrier existed between matter and energy. Further scientific research discredited this belief so that a new theory entered scientific discourse, one to the effect that matter might be transformed into energy. The transformation of matter is accepted today as an incontrovertible truth.However, empirical science does not ...

Dispersal of Gems (Part 1)

Dispersal of Gems (Part 1)
Some of the Shias name the following words of Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) as "Dispersal of Gems": 1- Inconsiderate judgment causes discrepancy, criticism causes enmity, lack of tolerance causes scandal, divulgement of secrets causes meanness, generosity causes cleverness, and niggardliness is inadvertence.2- To adhere to Allah, satisfy with His act, and trust Him-these three matters gather the good of this world and the world to come for him whoever ...

If the ruling of a Mujtahid goes against the ruling of the jurist guardian, which one must be followed?

If the ruling of a Mujtahid goes against the ruling of the jurist guardian, which one must be followed?
By: Sheikh Mansour LeghaeiThe ruling of the guardian jurist is the one that should be followed in issues that relate to the management of the Muslim nation and the general affairs of the Muslims. As for issues which are purely individual, it is possible for every person to follow their own Marja’.To be more precise, it is obligatory upon all, whether they be a lay person or a Mujtahid, to follow the rules of governance that emanate from ...

The Prophecies of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Regarding the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)

The Prophecies of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Regarding the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
Due to their ignorance, some people allege that lamentation for Imam Hussain (A) is an innovation (bidat) and is 'haram'. Some of them knowingly support the propaganda of those who harbour selfish motives against Azadari (mourning) although reason demands that one must not accept gullibly all that one hears. Rather, one should study the traditions deeply. Also the narrations and traditions must be critically evaluated in the light of the ...

Imamah, the guardianship of religious matters and the Islamic society

Imamah, the guardianship of religious matters and the Islamic society
A government organization established in a country to handle public affairs cannot operate by itself. Unless a group of competent and experienced individuals endeavor to maintain and run it, it will not survive and will not provide the people with its services. The same applies to any other organization established in human societies such as cultural and various economic organizations. These organizations will always be dependent upon competent ...

Ali's (A.S) way or Training

Ali's (A.S) way or Training
One of those days two men came across each other in the vicinity of the city one of them was Ali (A.S) was on his way to kufa.They reached a point where two ways split out, so that each one wanted to move on one of those two different roads. The Christian bade Farwell and went on his way but he observed that his Muslim companion, whose way was on the opposite side, was moving towards him. So he stopped and questioned him, "Don't you want to go ...

Like a dove I fly towards you – Visiting Karbala - Part 3

Like a dove I fly towards you – Visiting Karbala - Part 3
A highlight for me whilst in Najaf was visiting Ayatollah Sistani in his house. The house he has not left in 5 years due to those who want him dead, and even though he lives 4 minutes away from where Imam Ali (as) is buried, he cannot visit him. After the tight security checks, we sat with his eminence. I was sitting there, looking at this feeble 90 year old man, wondering why I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I was just looking at him as he ...

American converted Muslim feels safe to be in Karbala

American converted Muslim feels safe to be in Karbala
Jasmine, who lives in Georgia – U.S., said she works with another scarfed woman with whom she feels she is overwhelmed with happiness, because she does not feel she is the only woman wearing the scarf there.She also said she sometimes goes through hard times in which she reads some holy verses from the Noble Quran and listens to the tragic stories of Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them); such elements ease her pain and burden.She then said ...

Imam Ali(A.S.) and the Ancient Prophets

 Imam Ali(A.S.) and the Ancient Prophets
1. God gave Adam the knowledge of His names, while Ali held the entire knowledge of the Book of Allah.2. Adam was married with Eve in the Garden of Paradise, while God married Imam Ali (as) with Fatima (as) in heaven3. God styled Noah as a "Grateful Creature" and he was called the Second Adam, while Imam Ali (as) was styled as "Abu'l Ummah"4. God made Abraham the "Imam" or the "Leaders of men", while Imam Ali (as) was the Imam of all creation, ...

Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)'s Traditions and Jurisprudence

Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)'s Traditions and Jurisprudence
Historians agreed unanimously that Imam Abu Muhammad Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s.) was the richest scientific personality in his talents at his time, and no one was ever comparable to him in virtue and knowledge. Historians said, ‘He was the highest authority for jurisprudents in taking the rulings of the Shariah and the principles of religion. They put forward to him books of Hadith and jurisprudence, and if he permitted these books, they ...

Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (A.S.)The Great Martyr in the Cause of Defending Justice

Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (A.S.)The Great Martyr in the Cause of Defending Justice
On Friday, the 13th of the blessed month of Rajab, 12 years before the mission of Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) as Allah's Messenger, Fatima, daughter of Asad, felt that she was about to give birth to her child. Abu-Talib brought her to the Sacred Ka'ba and let her enter and told her to sit down, then he went out.She raised her hands in prayer to beseeching Allah, the Most High, saying: "O Allah! I believe in You and in the messengers ...

The Contents and Commentaries on Nahj al Balaghah

The Contents and Commentaries on Nahj al Balaghah
Nahj al-balaghah comprises various issues that cover major problems of metaphysics, theology, fiqh, tafsir, hadith, prophetology, imamate, ethics,social philosophy, history, politics, administration, civics, science, rhetoric, poetry, literature, etc. Most of the discussions about various theological issues and philosophical notions in Islam have their origin in this very book. Similarly, all the controversies regarding socio-political problems ...

Four Islamic Commandments and the Transient Life of this World

Four Islamic Commandments and the Transient Life of this World
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziIt has been narrated from Abi Ayyub al-Ansari who said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (S) say: “Cover yourselves with the clothing of obedience (to Allah) and cover (your heart) by going against the desires of your soul. Make your next life by yourselves (through your actions) and make your strivings (in this world) be for your perpetual and everlasting home (meaning the next world).Know that surely ...