Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imamate - His Life & Works

Imamate - His Life & Works
Imamate - His Life & WorksImam Ali un Naqi (as) served the longest period of Imamate (besides the 12th Imam) - 34 years which can be divided into two parts - 17 years of freedom and 17 years under arrest.In 234 a.h. came one of the most tyrannical rulers of the Abbasid Khilafate - Mutawakkil. He ruled with tyranny, killing, looting and terrorising especially those who were the followers of Ahlulbayt. Mutawakkil is also the one who ordered the ...

Who were the Omayyads and the Abbasids?

Who were the Omayyads and the Abbasids?
The Holy Koran clearly says: "And We did not make the vision which We showed you but a trial for men and the cursed tree in the Koran as well."(Bani Isra'il: 60). About the cause of the revelation of this verse, the books of interpretation tell us that the Prophet dreamt that he saw some monkeys, meaning the Omayyads, controlling the authority and go up on his pulpit. So, It was the Omayyads who were the cursed tree. Thus the Prophet, may Allah ...

The Imam's Debate Concerning the Prophet's Family

The Imam's Debate Concerning the Prophet's Family
Yet this is another debate in which the Imam has provided evidence of that Allah chose the pure family (of the Prophet). The debate took place in the presence of al-Ma'mun and a group of scholars from Iraq and Khurasa`n. Al-Ma'mun asked the scholars about the meaning of this verse: "Then We gave the Book for an inheritance to those whom We chose from among Our servants." "Surely those whom Allah chose were all Muslims," retorted the scholars. ...

Sermon of Recognition of Noor (light) (Khutba-e-Marefat-e-Nooraniya)

Sermon of Recognition of Noor (light) (Khutba-e-Marefat-e-Nooraniya)
anabe Salman and Janabe Abu Zarr asked Ameerul Momineen (A.S) about the true nature of the Noor (light) of Imam Ali (A.S). Imam Ali (A.S) replied:“RasoolAllah (P.B.U.H) has said, “Recognition of Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) as Noor is in fact the recognition of Allah (P.B.U.H). Recognition of Allah (P.B.U.H) in terms of His Noor is the pure religion (deen).” Then Imam Ali (A.S) said:“He who has only outward belief in My ...

Meaning of Miracle

Meaning of Miracle
By: Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi'Mujiza' (معجزة) in Arabic language means 'that which disables,' 'that which people are unable to do-' In Islamic terminology, 'Mujiza' (معجزة) means 'Such act which people are unable to do and Allah shows it on the hands of a prophet or Imam to prove the prophethood of that Nabi or Imamat of that Imam.Such Mujiza may appear either before or after the birth of the Prophet or Imam concerned; either ...

Merits of Fatimah Zahra (s.a) are Unmatched by any Woman Known in History

Merits of Fatimah Zahra (s.a) are Unmatched by any Woman Known in History
When writing about the greatness of a personality, one needs a gold standard with which to compare the strengths and weaknesses of that individual. However, if that person is herself the gold standard, then it makes it impossible to adequately describe her greatness. Hazrat Fatimah (s.a) was such a personality. Her merits are unmatched by any woman known in history and Allah himself testifies in the Qur'an about her purity and piety. It is ...

The Prophet (saas) was a bearer of glad tidings

The Prophet (saas) was a bearer of glad tidings
n the verse "O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, and a bringer of good news and a warner" (Surat al-Ahzab: 45), Allah describes the Prophet (saas) as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner. The Prophet (saas) always warned people against the sufferings to be experienced in Hell, and told them of the desirable future that awaited the good in this world, and of the infinite life of the Paradise in the hereafter. This characteristic of the ...

People’s Allegiance to Imam Ali (A.S.)

People’s Allegiance to Imam Ali (A.S.)
Without doubt, during the caliphacy of the first three caliphs, Imam was not politically active in the current affairs and except for counseling some Judicial cases and, to a lesser extent political issues, did not take an active part in politics. In other words, he did not take part in the ruling system of caliphs, but just led the opposition party indirectly.His victory after 'Uthman, in large measures, indicated the domination of anti-Quraysh ...

Lessons from the Innocents

Lessons from the Innocents
Imam ¯¡diq (a.s) and the Terrified Caravan Imam M£s¡ Ibn Ja’far (a.s) says: “Imam ¯¡diq (a.s) accompanied a caravan that was going on in the desert. Then the caravan was informed that the thieves have hidden themselves on their way. The people of the caravan trembled with fear. Imam ¯¡diq (a.s) asked about the reason. They said: ‘We have some property and fear that the thieves take it from us. Do you take them from us so that the ...

Muhammad (p.b.u.h) The Good News of the Prophets

Muhammad (p.b.u.h) The Good News of the Prophets
It is now clear that both Judaism and Christianity had completed their historical missions, for the process of abrogation and perfection is a natural matter with respect to the divine laws. It was known that humanity should resort to another divine law in accordance with the divine will. In addition to that, both religions had been distorted and tampered with. So, logically and with respect to following the revealed path, it is irrelevant to ...

Fatima Zahra (A.S.): Jewel in the Crown of Womanhood

Fatima Zahra (A.S.): Jewel in the Crown of Womanhood
Dignified Status of Woman     Islamic law bestows upon woman the right of inheritance and the right of possessing and disposing of her property, when other communities of the world deprived her of her basic human rights.  Islam placed the eternal reward of Paradise under the feet of woman, in her capacity as mother.  The Prophet emphasised in his sermon on the mount Arafat, during his last pilgrimage to Makkah, as well ...

Allah's Messenger Reveals Fatima's (SA) Future to Her

Allah's Messenger Reveals Fatima's (SA) Future to Her
Allah's Messenger Reveals Fatima's (SA) Future to HerIt was natural for the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who knew and foretold the future events, to reveal to his family, especially his beloved daughter Fatima (A.S.), the events which they would face in the future. He (P.B.U.H.) undoubtedly informed Fatima (A.S.) that she was going to suffer from the harsh treatment of some so called Muslims after his death and that she would be the first to follow him to ...

The variety of Hazrat Fatimah’s crucial roles

The variety of Hazrat Fatimah’s crucial roles
Fatimah (peace be upon her) is a woman, but has several crucial roles and in each role a real sample. She is a woman, the sample of leadership and grandeur, the one, through fulfilling her roles, has managed to give a practical face to some aspects of the Prophetic mission. In achieving her role as a sample, she has got a heavy load over her shoulders; the motherhood responsibility, caring the people, helping the poor, administering justice in ...

The Holy Qur’an brings a message of guidance and social justice

The Holy Qur’an brings a message of guidance and social justice
By: Sayyid Muhammad Husayn JalaliThe Qur’an is a revelation sent by God (the All-Mighty) to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the last revelation to mankind. Allah (the All-Praiseworthy) says via Qur’an (3:4-5), “He has sent down to you the Book with the truth confirming what was [revealed] before it, and He had sent down the Torah and the Evangel before as guidance ...

Spiritual Teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah

Spiritual Teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah
Inimitable Moral Teaching:Moral and spiritual teachings constitute the greater part of the Nahj al-balaghah making up almost half of the book. More than anything else the fame of the Nahj al-balaghah is due to the sermons, exhortations, and aphorisms on ethical and moral subjects.Aside from the moral teachings of the Quran and a number of the sermons and sayings of the Holy Prophet ('s), which are to be considered the source and antecedent of ...

Wilayat of AhleBait (A.S) protects the Shia

Wilayat of AhleBait (A.S) protects the Shia
The Knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Fahham, from Abul Hasan Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Ubaidullah Al-Mansouri, from Abu Serri Sahl bin Yaqoub bin I'shaaq known as Abi No'aas who said:I said to Ali bin Mohammad (A.S), "O my Master, I have heard a hadith from Hasan bin Abdullah Al-Motahhar, from ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Al-Jawad (A)

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Al-Jawad (A)
Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) the Ninth Immaculate Holy ImamName: Muhammad bin Ali.Titles: At-Taqi, Al-Jawad.Cognomen: Abu Ja'fer.Father: Imam Ali Reza(A.S.).Mother: Sabika (also known as Khaizarun).Birth: 10th Rajab 195 A.H. Madina.Martyrdom: 29th Dhulqa'da 220 A.H. Baghdad. Buried in Kadhmain.Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) was born on 10th day of the month of Rajab, in the year 195 A.H. in Madina - the city of his grandfather, the Messenger of ...

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba
Imam Hassan the 2nd Holy Imam of the Shia Muslims and the leader of the youth in Heaven was born in the holy city of Medina on 15th Ramadhan in third year after Hijrah. On the Joyous, Happy and auspicious occasion of the birthday anniversary of Imam Hasan we extend our heartiest greetings and warm felicitations to the Millions strong Muslim Nation.Name : HasanTitle : al-Mujtaba (The Chosen One)Kuniyat : Abu MuhammadFather : Imam Ali (A)Mother : ...

Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib

Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Ali ibn abi Talib, Amir al-Mu'menin(Peace be Upon him)Name: AliTitle: al-MurtadaAgnomen: Abu ' l-HasanFather's name: Abu Talib ibn 'Abd al-MuttalibMother's name: Fatimah bint AsadBirth: In the Holy Ka'bah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BHDeath: Died at the age of 63, in Kufah (Iraq) on Monday, 21st Ramadan 40 AH; murdered by an assassin who mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the mosque of Kufah during the morning prayer on 19th ...

ABWA’s cultural deputy explained the roots and reasons behind the destruction of Al-Baqi’s graves and Islamic works by wahabists

ABWA’s cultural deputy explained the roots and reasons behind the destruction of Al-Baqi’s graves and Islamic works by wahabists
Shawal eighth is the anniversary of sacred Al-Baqi’s cemetery’s destruction by Wahabists and Al-Saud located in medina. the rise of Wahabism in Hejaz, which is inspired by Ibn Taymiyyah’s beliefs which considers pilgrimage of the graves disagreeable with monotheism, caused any building of the sort in Hejaz to be destroyed by their hands. They attempted to destroy Al-Baqi’s monuments twice, once in 1220 and once in 1344, ...