Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba ('a)

The Martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba ('a)
Allah says in His Glorious Book:“Allah’s wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O folk of the Household and cleanse you with a through cleansing.”This Ayat refers to Ahl-al-Bayt (members of the household) who are Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn ('a) while they were with the Messenger, covered by the same cover, united by the same religion, and honored by their love to Allah (swt), their commitment to His worshippers and ...

The Secret Of Imam Ali's Force Of Attraction

The Secret Of Imam Ali's Force Of Attraction
byMartyr Ayatullah Murtuda MutahhariWhat is the reason for the friendship and love for 'Ali in people's hearts? Nobody has yet discovered the secret of this love, that is, no-one has been able to formulate it, and say that if it were like this then that would follow, or if it were like that then this would happen. However it does of course have a secret. There is something in the love which dazzles the one who loves and draws him towards it. ...

The Confession of Superiority

The Confession of Superiority
We read in history books that Ma’mun, the Abbasid caliph, offered caliphate to Imam Reza (PBUH), but he did not accept it. Then, Ma’mun offered the Imam (PBUH) to become his successor, but Imam Reza (PBUH) again refused; so Ma’mun threatened to kill the Imam (PBUH), and since Imam Reza (PBUH) found this threat to be serious, he was forced to accept Ma’mun’s succession.In fact, Ma’mun was hoping to establish a powerful and nationwide ...

Short Maxims of Imam Al-Hasan (a)

Short Maxims of Imam Al-Hasan (a)
1- The people who consult for their affairs will surely be guided to the right.2- Meanness is to avoid thanking the grace.3- Imam al-Hasan(A.S.) said to one of his sons: O son, do not befriend anyone before you know his means and sources. When you try him and please to associate with him, you should then befriend him on bases of pardoning his faults and consoling him in misfortunes.4- Do not fight the dim and like the fighting of the triumphant ...

The Special Deputies

The Special Deputies
Imam appointed Othman Ibn-e Sa’eed Omary as his deputy for a while. He was from his paternal tribe and was the reliable person to him. Imam through him answered the shi’ites questions.After Othman Ibn-e Sa’eed, his son Mohammad Ibn-e Othman Omary was appointed as Imam’s deputy.When he passed away, Abul Qasim Hossein Ibn-e Ruh Nobakhti was Imam’s special deputy, and after him, Ali Ibn_e Mohammad Samary was ...

Imam Zaynul-Aabideen (A.S), His Worship and Advices

Imam Zaynul-Aabideen (A.S), His Worship and Advices
Fourth Imam Zaynul-‘Aabideen As-Sajjad (as), son of 3rd Imam Abi Abdillah Al-Husayn (as) and Shaherbanu who is also called as Shahzanaan, was born on 5th Sha’ban 38 AH in the holy city of Madinah. He (as) was known as Abu Muhammad (father of Muhammad) and among his titles are: Zaynul-‘Aabideen (The Pride of the Worshippers); Sayyid-os-Sajideen (Leader of those who prostrate) and Ibnul-Khiyaratayn (The son of the two best) ...

Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) It is reported that Lady Fatima (A) said: "My father said to me: `He who prays on your behalf, Allah, Exalted and Glorified is He, shall forgive him and make him join me wherever I may be in Paradise." For this reason, and to benefit the dear readers of this book, we include her visitation here and accompany it with the English translation. (This is the visitation mentioned in Mafatih Al?Jinan (The Keys To ...

Along with Imam Husain (AS) from Medina to Karbala (2)

Along with Imam Husain (AS) from Medina to Karbala (2)
Salaam and welcome to the second part of our special feature titled “Along with Imam Husain (AS) from Medina to Karbala”.  As we said yesterday in the first part, Imam Husain (AS) on leaving his hometown for Mecca asked his brother Mohammad Hanafiyah to keep him informed of the events in Medina during his absence. After settling down in Mecca, he sent a letter to Medina that read: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful. ...

The Scientific Progress during the Time of Imam Reza (A.S.)

The Scientific Progress during the Time of Imam Reza (A.S.)
The time of Imam Reza, peace be on him, was called the Golden Time. It was the most brilliant and wonderful of all the times in Islamic history. That is because building prospered; agriculture developed; the Islamic state dominated most regions of the world as well as Baghdad became the capital of Islamic world; rather the capital of the world, for it was the greatest city to which scholars and diplomats from everywhere in the world came in ...

Imam Husain's Revolution Analytical Review

Imam Husain's Revolution Analytical Review
INTRODUCTION This survey of the unique revolution of Imam Hussain (p.b.u.h.) is analytical in essence. The purpose of this essay is to give a qualitative rather than quantitative account. It has dealt with the causes, policy and results of this eternal revolution. This is done in the hope of unveiling the startling aspects of the revolution's message, which is often neglected in its traditional commemoration. In being confronted with this event, ...

The Role Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)

The Role Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)
Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) is also known as Abu Ja’ffar meaning ‘the father of Ja’ffar’, and among his titles, the most popular ones are: Al-Jawad meaning ‘the most generous’ and Al-Taqi meaning ‘the pious one’.Our 9th Imam (A.S.) assumed the role of Imamate at a very young age. Some historians believe he (A.S.) was 7 years and some say he (A.S.) was 9 years of age.However, in the matters of ...

Imam al-Hadi(A.S.) in Samarra

Imam al-Hadi(A.S.) in Samarra
Imam Ali al-Hadi (a.s.) lived most of his life in Surra Man Ra'a (Samarra'). The Abbasid government imposed on him house arrest. He was like a prisoner. The policemen and investigators of the Abbasids surrounded his house watching all his movements and everyone associating with him or carrying money to him. He suffered the severest political pressure during the reign of al-Mutawakkil, the Abbasid tyrant, who saved no effort in oppressing the ...

Hazrat Fatimah az-Zahra

Hazrat Fatimah az-Zahra
Fatimah az-Zahra(Peace be Upon her)Name:Fatimah.Title: az- Zahra'.Agnomen: Ummu 'l-A'immah.Father's name: Muhammad ibn `Abdillah.Mother's name: khadijah bint khuwaylid.Birth: Born in Mecca of Friday, 20th jumada ` th-thaaniyah in the fifth year after the declaration of the prophet - hood (615 AD).Death: Died at the age of 18 in Medina on 14th Jumada ' l-ula 11 AH ( 632 AD); buried in the graveyard called Jannatul-Baqi in ...

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (4)

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (4)
As we said yesterday, Imam Husain (AS) left Mecca and at Tan'im he met a caravan which carried luxury goods and royal robes and gowns. It was a destined for Damascus for the tyrant Yazid Ibn Mu'awiyah from his governor at Yemen.  The Imam ordered that all the cargo of the caravan be taken and given to the poor people. He said, "Who is to have this luxury while poor people starve?" Then, he announced to the people and to the workers on the ...

An Account Of The Intellectual Accomplishments Of the 11th Great Imam

An Account Of The Intellectual Accomplishments Of the 11th Great Imam
During the time Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) was in imprisonment at Baghdad, for three years at a stretch there was a severe famine. A Christian scholar arrived there and showing a miracle of causing rain he created a great turmoil in the beliefs of Muslims. Everyone began to extol his spiritual feats and the truth of Christian faith. The news reached Motamid. He summoned him and requested him to cause rain. Immediately he raised his hands to the sky ...

What Is The Philosophy Of Fast?

What Is The Philosophy Of Fast?
There are various aspects associated with the fasts and they also possess numerous physical and spiritual effects and benefits, which tend have a great impact upon man - the most important of them being their ethical aspect and their educative philosophy.Some of their important benefits are that they make man’s soul kind, strengthen his determination and moderate his instincts.When an individual fasts, despite his hunger and thirst, he ...

The Message of Karabala

The Message of Karabala
The form of our gathering tonight is to show allegiance to the message and the conduct of the Ahl ul-Bavt. In every aspect of life there is an outer form and an inner meaning. Form and meaning are always connected, but not always in the right balance. We are gathered. as many others around the world are gathered. to remember the meaning of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom at Karbala. If we do not join the form of our commemoration with the meaning of ...

Karbala and Calvary, Two Resistance Pillars Inspiring Activists in West

Karbala and Calvary, Two Resistance Pillars Inspiring Activists in West
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - As the culture and the era of resistance spreads internationally, with objectives as disparate, but linked, as the liberation of Palestine, the resistance to western hegemony in the Middle East, and obtaining the elementary civil rights to work and to own a home for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, the two largest religions, Christianity and Islam are solidifying in certain of their beliefs and their applications of ...

The Matyrdom Of Imam Sadiq (A.S)

The Matyrdom Of Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) was the sixth Imam of Shiate world. He attained martyrdom on the 25th Shawwal 14 A.H. During the Caliphate of Abu Jafar Mansoor Abbasi. Imam Sadiq (A.S) lived until 65 years. He had the longest life amongst the other eleven Imams (A.S). Thus, he is also called as the Sheikh – ul – Aimue. After the martyrdom of his respected father, Imam Mohammed Baqir (A.S0, he undertook the flag of the guidance of Islamic hat ...

Imam 'Ali (A.S.), the Source of Authentic Qur'anic Knowledge

Imam 'Ali (A.S.), the Source of Authentic Qur'anic Knowledge
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), whose heart and soul brimmed with Divine Revelation, had, since the initial days, a very close and dear companion, who was a source of peace and serenity to his ethereal spirit.History, in spite of its narrow and biased in recording truths and realities and its distortion of facts, was unable to ignore the name and qualities of that sincere companion of the Almighty's Last Prophet or to undermine his unparalleled ...