Monday 17th of June 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Condolences on Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Mohammad Baqir(Pbuh)

Condolences on Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Mohammad Baqir(Pbuh)
MartyrdomImam Baqir obviously became martyr in the Hesham- Ibn- Abdolmalek’s era. Because Hesham’s kingdom started from 105 to 125 A.H and according to the historians the year of Imam’s martyrdom was in 118 A.H. Considering the cruel behaviors of Hesham toward Imam Baqir and the undeniable animosity of the Omavids toward Imam Ali’s progeny, there is  no doubt that Hesham had an effective role in Imam’s ...

Shahadat or Martyrdom of Imam Zeynel Abidin (as)

Shahadat or Martyrdom of Imam Zeynel Abidin (as)
Allah (SWT) says in His Noble Qur'an: "Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O folk of the Household, and cleanse you with a though cleansing" (33:33). One of those Members of the House is Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein (as) known as Imam Zeynel Abidin (as) whose martyrdom anniversary is on the 25th of Muharram.Imam Al-Sajjad (as) or Imam Sayyid al-Sajideen (as), another nickname of his meaning the one who prostrates, dedicated all ...

Proofs for the Necessity of Eternity of Man

Proofs for the Necessity of Eternity of Man
In the previous chapter, the arguments of the deniers of Resurrection were, to a certain extent, propounded. After that, the verses that pointed out to the Power of Allàh in creating man and the universe and as a result, proving the Power of Allàh for granting life once again to man, were briefly studied. In short, the reasoning of the previous chapter revolved around the possibility of Resurrection. However the proofs for the need ...

Are we true to Imam Hussain [as]?

Are we true to Imam Hussain [as]?
“If Husayn was one of us, we would have put up a flag and a minaret for him in every part of the earth and called the people to Christianity!” – Antoine Bara.It isn’t uncommon to hear people say “How fast Muharram has come and gone!” after the day of Ashura. For many of us, the climax of this period of mourning is the recitation of the Maqtal (martyrdom epic) of Imam Husayn (a) on the day of Ashura. While ...

Why We Cry?

Why We Cry?
I Take Refuge In Allah From The Stoned Satan. In Name Of Allah The Source Of Mercy To All Of Creation; The Source Of The Mercy To The Believing Congregation. Oh Allah Bless Muhammad’s Soul, And Rain Down Peace on His Household. “Why We Cry” Don’t think our cries are too extreme. There’s good reason for grown men to scream. Our actions aren’t of those insane, we weep in zikr (remembrance) of Hussein. When the ...

Beginning of the Prophetic Mission

Beginning of the Prophetic Mission
Finally the appointed moment arrived, the moment which had been foretold by previous Prophets (PBUH) to their followers. At the age of 40, the orphan son of Abdullah attained the exalted station of messengerhood. It was he alone at that time who had prepared for guiding the world with his message for only this great and heavy responsibility could call for such qualities and virtues as he possessed.Only in such a vast enterprise could the ...

A General Account of the Holy Prophet's Battles

A General Account of the Holy Prophet's Battles
A general account of the prophet's battles in Which He Himself Participated, and for Which He Sent Detachments. The Main Events of His Life Until He Departed This World, the Signs of His Prophethood Which Occurred During That Time, and Proofs of His Veracity and Apostleship. Biographers of the Prophet and Qur'an commentators have reported that the number of the battles: which the Messenger of Allah himself led was twenty-six. As for the ...

The University of Imam as-Sadiq (A.S.)

The University of Imam as-Sadiq (A.S.)
In view of the then prevailing conducive political atmosphere, Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq (‘a) pursued his father’s scientific movement and established a large university and center of learning whose horizon reached far and wide. Shaykh al-Mufid says: The knowledge of the Imam (‘a) has been so widely narrated that it became proverbial to various many and its fame spread to every nook and corner. None of the progeny of the ...

The Captives Taken To Syria

The Captives Taken To Syria
Ibn Ziyad sent a messenger to Yazid to inform him that al-Husayn (‘a) and those in his company were killed, that his children were in Kufa, and that he was waiting for his orders as to what to do with them. In his answer, Yazid ordered him to send them and the severed heads to him.1‘Ubaydullah wrote something, tied it to a rock then hurled it inside the prison where the family of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and ...

Islamic Government According to Imam Ali (a.s)

Islamic Government According to Imam Ali (a.s)
Upon appointing Malik Al-Ashtar as the governor of Eygpt, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [a] sent a letter advising Malik in his post.   (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - This letter is an invaluable document highlighting the Imam’s outlook towards government, societal needs and the value and rights of a human being in society. It is a message of significant importance and a reminder to Muslims today of the Islamic viewpoint towards Islamic ...


Introduction (This part gives) an account of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the first of the Imams of the believers, of the rulers (wulat) of the Muslims and of God's (appointed) successors in religion after the Apostle of God, the truthful one and the trusted one, Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, the seal of the Prophets, blessings on him and his pure family. (He was) the brother of the Apostle of God and his paternal cousin, and his ...

Eid Al-Adhha Sermon

Eid Al-Adhha Sermon
Once again we have all been blessed by Allah (SWT) to witness and celebrate this great day of Eid al-Adh-ha.Eid al-Adh-ha basically means, ‘the festival of sacrifice’.On this day, Muslims are reminded about that great trial, which Prophet Ibrahim (as) was put to, of sacrificing his young son Prophet Ismail (as). He (as) complied to the command of Allah (SWT) and fully succeeded in it. Prophet Ibrahim (as) is regarded as the champion ...

Martyrdom in the Way of Truth

Martyrdom in the Way of Truth
Imam al-Hussein (a.s) was a man of faith and action. During nights, he worshipped Allah in privacy while during the day he worked hard and guided the people. He was constantly mindful of the poor and the needy, and he used to visit them and cheer them up.He used to tell his followers: "Be always in touch with the needy, for Allah does not love the arrogant".Al-Imam al-Hussein (a.s) always helped the poor as much as he could. at night he would ...

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) passed away with his head on the lap of Imam Ali (A.S.). He departed to his Lord, the Most High, while still worried about the future of the Mission and nation.In the last hour of his life he asked for an inkpot and a sheet of paper to write on to the nation about that which would protect them from going astray after him. He continuously used to stress the necessity of adherence to his holy family.No sooner had ...

The Exemplary Life of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)

The Exemplary Life of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)
"Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them out of His grace? We have certainly given the progeny of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and we have given them a great kingdom". (4:54)According to the Tafseer of the Shia'hs, the mahsudeen (People upon whom others are jealous) are the progeny of the Holy Prophet (saww). And why are people jealous of them? It is because Allah (SWT), out of His grace, gave them Mulkan Adheeman meaning ...

Dua’a is the Gist of Prayer

Dua’a is the Gist of Prayer
The Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) has been quoted as saying: “Seek help from God when in need, seek refuge with Him during afflictions, supplicate, and call upon Him, for Dua’a is the gist of prayer. No believer calls upon God unless his call is answered in the following ways: -Either his request is granted in this world -Or he will receive it in the Hereafter -Or his sins will be concealed to the extent of his Dua’a, providing ...

Zeinab of Imam Reza: A glance at the life of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH)

Zeinab of Imam Reza: A glance at the life of Hazrat Ma’soomah (PBUH)
Date of birth There are major differences concerning the birth date of Hazrat Ma'soomah (Peace Be Upon Her) and the main reason is due to the efforts made at that time for curbing the Shias and their attempts to hide their religious identity. Furthermore, the date of birth and passing away of Ahl-ul-Bayt ladies has not been reflected and this has become a general matter so much so that the date of martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima (Peace Be Upon Her), ...

Imam of the Time in the Words of Imam Ali (PBUH)

Imam of the Time in the Words of Imam Ali (PBUH)
s the successor of the Prophet (PBUH), Imam Ali informs people of an absent Imam from among his descendents who will make world full of justice and remove injustice. How beautiful it is to combine the event of Ghadir with the words of Imam Ali on his grandson Mahdi. 2. Shelter He is a strong shelter 4. Savior of the Mankind He breaks all chains and terminates the exploitation of man by man Imam Ali (PBUH) told his son Hussein (PBUH): “O ...

Anecdotes from the Life of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Anecdotes from the Life of Imam Ali (A.S.)
The StrangerTired and exhausted with the water-skin on her back, she was gasping and going towards her house where innocent children, their eyes fixed at the door, were eagerly waiting for the arrival of their mother.On her way, an unknown man approached her. He took the water-skin from her and placed it on his back. The door opened and the children saw their mother entering the house with a stranger. He placed the water-skin on the ground and ...

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [5]: An Eighteen Year Old Soldier

English Nohay For Imam Husain (A.S) [5]: An Eighteen Year Old Soldier
Husain’s Eighteen Year old Soldier Most Revered Ali Akbar (‘a)("Daulat koi dunya mein pisar se nahin behtar")No greater wealth than your children in this worldNo greater peace than their peace in this worldjust as no better flavor than a freshly picked fruitOr the fragrance of a rose with dew in its swirlsSoothing your troubled heart, they make you wholeThey are your comfort, they calm your troubled soulAsk a master of the loss of a ...