Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine-2

The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine-2
The Imams, whose authority is established upon their explicit designation by the Prophet, delegate and entrust a degree of their authority to those who possess specific qualities (such as justice and jurisprudence in the case of the scholar). Therefore, whereas the Imams were specifically appointed as guardians of legitimate authority, the jurists are not explicitly selected by name, but rather implicitly chosen as those who possess the correct ...

Birth of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Ahle Sunnah

Birth of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Ahle Sunnah
A number of traditions have been narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) of Islam and the truthful Imams of Ahle-bayt (a.s.), regarding the uprising of Qaem-al-Mahdi towards the end of this world and his overthrowing the unjust and tyrant rulers and filling the earth with justice and fair play.Hence the unjust Abbasi caliphs were very much afraid of the uprising of Qaem al Mahdi, They utilized their entire resources to finish him. Ten years ...

The Secret Birth of Hadrat Mahdi (A.S.)

The Secret Birth of Hadrat Mahdi (A.S.)
Shaykh Mufid, a distinguished Shi'ite scholar, also wrote in al Irshad: "When Imam Hasan al-'Askari (A.S.), passed away, the caliph of that time, pursued his son because the Shi'ite Imamiyyah's belief was famous and was spread about that the Shi'ites were awaiting His Eminence."Mu'tadid, one of the tyrant 'Abbasid caliphs who ruled from 279 to 289 A.H., decided all at once to destroy the entire family of al 'Askari when he heard that more than ...

Blessing of Having Imam of the Time

Blessing of Having Imam of the Time
Having Imam of the Time is of valuable spiritual blessings of God we do not appreciate enough. He does not exclusively belong to any certain group but to the entire mankind. He intermediates divine blessings.Everything anyone has is due to his being but most people do not know him and are not in connection with him.One reason for this great loss is that people do not know the Imam properly and miss the real meaning of respecting him.By properly ...

Humanitarian rights in the time of appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or world promised Saviour

Humanitarian rights in the time of appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or world promised Saviour
“Generosity is that which is by one´s initiative, because giving on asking is either by way of self-respected or to avoid rebuke.” (1)The promised Messiah or Saviour will rule the world with justice and equality for all humanity. Nobody will suffer of hunger or will be oppressed by others. He will avoid tyranny, and his appearance will mean the end of the corruption of the economic, social and political system of today´s world. He will ...

The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine

The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine
  In the lights of Mahdism teachings Shia’ Muslims have to fight to the improvement of the world, to bring it closer to that model of perfect society that should bring peace to the world, to prepare the world for the coming of the Mahdi. The awaiting of the Mahdi’s return is an inspiration to the Shia and concretizes as a doctrine of hope making policy more optimistic, determining the Shia to believe in a better future of humanity, as well ...

What Does It Mean to Wait for the Return of Imam Mahdi?

What Does It Mean to Wait for the Return of Imam Mahdi?
To wait for the return of Imam Mahdi means: A) To get to know Imam Mahdi, as the innocent establisher of justice and the pioneer of faith. B) To have faith in Imam Mahdi being the Imam and our divine and just leader. C) To have love for justice and for human values. D) To have hope in a bright future. E) To try to establish the rule of justice. F) To be committed to the rules of religion and morality. G) To have the spirit of ...

Universality of the Mahdi’s Mission

Universality of the Mahdi’s Mission
Universality of the Mahdi’s Mission   At this era, mankind lives in what is called the global village. Technological breakthroughs have brought the different nations closer to each other. New ventures enabled man to send space shuttles to search for signs of life on other planets. As a revolt against an authoritative Church in the Middle Ages, modern scientists opted to think only in the realm of Physics. As a result, materialism ...

To minimize the prejudice among the followers of Abrahamic religions and to minimize the clash of sectarianism in the era of capitalist global world, we always have to socialize a scriptural dialogue more than a theological dialogue or prophetical dialogu

To minimize the prejudice among the followers of Abrahamic religions and to minimize the clash of sectarianism in the era of capitalist global world, we always have to socialize a scriptural dialogue more than a theological dialogue or prophetical dialogu
To minimize the prejudice among the followers of Abrahamic religions and to minimize the clash of sectarianism in the era of capitalist global world, we always have to socialize a scriptural dialogue more than a theological dialogue or prophetical dialogue to discover a common platform, especially talking about one God and the essence of Islam in the Semitic tradition. Pope John Paul II respects to Islam which inherited Abrahamic tradition, ...

General socio-cultural conditions before the appearance of the Imam (as)

General socio-cultural conditions before the appearance of the Imam (as)
One of the socio-cultural conditions that has to prevail universally before the appearance of the 12th Imam (AS) is that all believers will have been born. It has been mentioned in a Hadith from Imam Sadiq (AS) that:"In the loins of disbelievers and hypocrites God has deposited a seed for believing persons. It was for this reason that Imam 'Ali b. Abi Talib (AS) refrained from killing the fathers of disbelievers so that believing children could ...

Forty Traditions from Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Forty Traditions from Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
1. "I am the Mahdi. I am the Qaem of the time" (Bihar V.52 p.2)2. "I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it would be full of tyranny". (Bihar, V.52, P.2).3. "I am the reminder of Allah in His earth". (Bihar, V.52, p 24)4. "I am the avenger from His enemies". (Bihar, v.52, p.24)5. "I am the seal of successors". (Bihar, V.52, p.30)6. And through me shall Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, drive away the calamities from my progeny ...

The Promised Dawn and Expectation of Relief

The Promised Dawn and Expectation of Relief
Murtadha Mutahhari The Promised Dawn and Expectation of ReliefThe idea of the final victory of the forces of righteousness, peace and justice over those of evil, oppression and tyranny, of the world-wide spread of the Islamic faith, the complete and all-round establishment of high human values, the formation of a utopian and an ideal society and lastly the accomplishment of this ideal at the hands of a holy and eminent personality called, ...

Is it true that the Shi'ah have a more deep and profound image of Al-Mahdi (as) as compared to the Sunnis?

Is it true that the Shi'ah have a more deep and profound image of Al-Mahdi (as) as compared to the Sunnis?
Although both Shi'ah and Sunni Muslims accept the idea of Al-Mahdi (as), they present two different images of him.The Twelver Shi'ah believe that Al-Mahdi (as) was born 255 AH (896 AD) in Samarah, Iraq, and is the Twelfth Imam according to the Shi'ah belief in Imamah (religious-political leadership). His Divine birth illuminated the world of faith and truth; and the hearts of the victims of oppression and those of the followers of the Household ...

The Companions of Imam Mahdi

The Companions of Imam Mahdi
The companions are called ‘Ashab’ in Arabic language which means the group of helpers and comrades and the word has been used in many verses of Qur’an and sayings of Imams with the same meaning.There are different points about the companions and helpers of Imam Mahdi that we will mention with regards to the related sayings:How Do the Companions of Imam Mahdi Pledge Allegiance to Him?After the companions of Imam Mahdi join him, ...

Imam Mahdi (as) in Sehah-e-Sitah

Imam Mahdi (as) in Sehah-e-Sitah
Adopted from the book: "Mahdaviyat in Hadith"The belief in Imam Mahdi (A.S.) has been a topic of debate since the very inception of Islam. Most of the Islamic scholars are so deeply drowned in the pit of prejudice that they deny the existence of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in its entirety. They assert that it is an idea fabricated by the Shias which has no origin either in Quran or in Prophetic traditions and is an unfounded belief. As far as Quran is ...

The Promised Imam Mahdi (a)

The Promised Imam Mahdi (a)
"What Remains with Allah is better for you if you are believers (11:86)" The Birth of the Imam (A.S): Al Hujjat ibn Al -Hassan Al - Mahdi (as) the 12th divine leader of Islam was born on dawn, Friday the 15th of Shaaban 255 AH correspondent to 868 AD in the house of the 11th Imam (as) in the city of Samerrah (Iraq). His honorable father is Imam Hassan Al-Askari (as), and his modest mother was the daughter of Caesar's son, Joshua, and from the ...

Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Return) / Part 1

Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Return) / Part 1
Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Return)   Written in the form of questions and answers, it discusses about the three main topics Shiaism, Imamah and Mahdism. Author(s): • Ayatullah Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani Translator(s): • Sayyid Sulayman Ali Hasan   Download the whole book in PDF format: http://www.abna.ir/a/uploads/485/1/485152.pdf   With the Name of Allah, the Kind, the Merciful "O' Master of the ...

Exactly when will he appear? Is there a deadline for his occultation to end?

Exactly when will he appear? Is there a deadline for his occultation to end?
L. S. Walbridge wrote concerning this point:When I asked young Shari'ah-minded Ismael when he thought Al-Mahdi would return, he responded, "It is not allowed to make such predictions. "But he could not help adding, "There are signs that it may be coming soon." ... But his equally Shari'ah-minded wife on another occasion told me that she was studying with a visiting Shaykh from Lebanon who was not at all reticent about making some predictions. ...

The Yemeni Uprising

The Yemeni Uprising
According to the sayings of Imams, the Yemeni flag is the flag to be used in the battle against the enemies of Imam Mahdi.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), commenting on people of Yemen, said: “They are kind hearted people and good believers, and the “helper”‌ will come from among them. He will start a fight with seventy thousand soldiers and he will assist my heir.”‌The Importance of the Yemeni BattleA battle in Yemen ...

The Obligations during the Era of Occultation of Imam Mahdi al-Qaim (ATFS)

The Obligations during the Era of Occultation of Imam Mahdi al-Qaim (ATFS)
By: Sheikh Mansour LeghaeiAl-Hurr Al-Amili narrates seventeen narrations in the thirteenth chapter of the section on Jihad in Wasailul Shi’a (the chapter dedicated to rising up militarily before the reappearance of the Awaited Imam).These narrations may seem to indicate the obligation of remaining silent in the face of atrocities and the oppression of the enemies during the era of occultation and the impermissibility of rising up to ...