Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Mahdi , The Herald of Divine Justice

Imam Mahdi , The Herald of Divine Justice
Author : Dr.A.R.GhavidelSha'ban 15, which coincides with Aug.7.2009, is the birth anniversary of the Promised one, the only Real Savior of all mankinds, the only Hope in this depressed age, the 12th infallible Imam of the household of Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h), Imam Mahdi (a.s) whose followers look forward to his Reappearance day and night.Majority of the world religions, irrespective of their being divine or earthly, believe in the advent of a ...

The Miracle and the Long Life

The Miracle and the Long Life
Up to now we have seen that the prolongation of life is scientifically possible. But let us suppose that it is not, that the process of old-age and decrepitude is quite rigid, that it cannot either now or in the long run overcome nor alter its conditions or circumstances - what will this mean? It will mean that the prolongation of human life - as is the case of Noah, or al-Mahdi - runs contrary to the natural laws which science confirmed thanks ...

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.t.f.s.)

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.t.f.s.)
Allah’s mercy is infinite. None else is more gracious than the Almighty to His creatures. Even the vast love of a mother for her child is just a minor ray of endless love which the Creator has for His creatures. When a mother can never see her offspring in any trouble, then how can the immense mercy of Allah see His creatures punished in Hell?The Best CreationAllah created man as his best creation. He made man the most balanced and granted ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.), the Twelfth Imam, the Great Leader and Peace-Maker of the World

Imam Mahdi (A.S.), the Twelfth Imam, the Great Leader and Peace-Maker of the World
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi 1. The End of the Night of Darkness When we look at our present situation, and we see the increase in crimes, massacres, wars, bloodshed, conflicts, international differences and the daily increase in corruption, we ask ourselves if the situation will continue in the same way and the extent of the crimes and corruption will so grow that all of society will be included in a continuous war and destroyed? Or the ...

Saviour of Humanity

Saviour of Humanity
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz "This day, Allah has permitted us to engage in jihad and He shall reward us for our martyrdom. So prepare yourself to fight against the enemies of Islam with patience and resistance. O sons of the noble and self-respected persons! Be patient, for death is nothing but the bridge which you must cross after facing trials and tribulations so as to reach heaven and its joys. Which of you do not like to go from this prison (of ...

The Companions of Imam Mahdi

The Companions of Imam Mahdi
The companions are called ‘Ashab’ in Arabic language which means the group of helpers and comrades and the word has been used in many verses of Qur’an and sayings of Imams with the same meaning. There are different points about the companions and helpers of Imam Mahdi that we will mention with regards to the related sayings: Translated by: Sadroddin ...

The Messianic Leader, Mahdi, in Other Religions

The Messianic Leader, Mahdi, in Other Religions
Engineer Madani: Is belief in the promised Mahdi confined to the followers of Islam, or does it exist in other religions too?Mr. Hoshyar: In fact, this belief is not limited to the Muslims alone. In almost all religions and heavenly creeds one can find a similar belief in the future savior. The followers of these religions believe that there will come a time when the world will become corrupt and engulfed in a crisis. Evil and injustice will ...

The Mahdi in Muslim Traditions (Part 2)

The Mahdi in Muslim Traditions (Part 2)
Concluding Remarks 1. The Book of Allah in its written form makes the universal message of Islam fairly known to the Muslims/non-Muslims who can read Arabic with understanding. Exhorting the believers to reach a higher understanding, Allah expects them to ponder at the deeper meaning of His last message to mankind. At this higher level, Muslim scholars have put excellent efforts to elucidate the deeper meanings of the Qur'an's ...

Imam al-Mahdi (A.S.), The Last Holy Imam

Imam al-Mahdi (A.S.), The Last Holy Imam
Hazrat Imam al-Mahdi (A.S.) is the twelfth and last of the chain of the Purified Imams and the divine successors (A.S.)he was born at the time of dawn on Friday the 15th of Shaban 255 A.H. in the city of Samarrah. (Kamaaluddin vol. 2, Pg. 428, 433 424, 430)His respected father is Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.), his beloved mother is Janab-e-Nargis Khatoon (r.a), she was in the side of her father from the descendant of Caesar of Rome and descendant ...

Remember Him to Be Remembered by Him

Remember Him to Be Remembered by Him
God reminds his creatures: remember me so that I remember you. The Imam of Time is a complete manifestation of God. He is His greatest sign. He will remember us if we remember him. The more we remember him, the more he remembers us. How the Imam of Time remembers us is much different from how we remember him. God tells his prophets: Salute this nation, your salutation brings about peace to them. Is it the same when we pray for the health of ...

Why is Imam Mahdi (A.J) also known as BaqiyatAllah?

Why is Imam Mahdi (A.J) also known as BaqiyatAllah?
In numerous traditions, it is stated that the term BaqiyatAllah in verse 86 of Surah Hud is a reference to the person of Imam Mahdi (A.S) or some of the other Imams (A.S). For example, the book IkmÁl al-Din narrates the following from Imam Baqir (A.S): The first words which the Mahdi (A.S) will speak after his rise will be this verse: “‘What remains of Allah’s provision is better for you, should you be ...

The Beginning of Imamat of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

The Beginning of Imamat of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)
9th of Raby-ol Oulaa marks two great and happy occasions i.e. Eid-oz Zahra (a.s.) and the auspicious day of coronation of the last infallible descendant of Prophet Muhammad (s), al-Imam al-Mahdi Al-Montadhar, Al-Hojjah (a).The Beginning of Belief in Imam Mahdi (a.s.)The belief in Mahdi was widespread during the time of the Prophet. The Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) on more than one occasion had announced the future coming of the ...

Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)

Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (AS) This article addresses the necessity of the existence of the Representative of Allah on the earth at any time. The opponents of Shia protest that although Shia consider the Imam necessary in order to expound the injunctions and verities of religion and to guide the people, the occultation of the Imam is the negation of this very purpose, for an Imam in occultation who cannot be reached by ...

Are We Truly Awaiting Our Imam?

Are We Truly Awaiting Our Imam?
As the devotees of our beloved occulted Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance), we often speak about the idea of awaiting our Imam. There are many narrations which confirm that exercising Intidhar Al Faraj (awaiting the relief) is the best and most important type of worship. It is the best form of Jihad, and Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has said, "Await the relief, and do not become desperate from the Spirit of Allah, as the best of deeds near ...

Title of the article: Mahdism and Messianism utopia: believers attributes at “The Time of Appearance-2”.

Title of the article: Mahdism and Messianism utopia: believers attributes at “The Time of Appearance-2”.
The Prophet Isaiah also speaks to us of this fire when he says: “But all of you are kindlers of fire, lighters of firebrands. Walk in the flame of your fire, and among the brands that you have kindled!” (25) Isaiah tells us that each one of us lights the flames of our own fire when we turn our back on God: when we sin. It is our own sins that stir up the inner fire that burns us and makes us suffer. Saint Augustine tells us that any man who ...

Human responses to deviations - revolutions without divine guidance

Human responses to deviations - revolutions without divine guidance
2.3 Human responses to deviations - revolutions without divine guidance Man who is unschooled in true spiritual matters has no base from which he may judge matters of spiritual significance. This does not prevent him from using his natural inclination towards justice in which he may determine that ills have resulted from religious deviations. This has tended to lead man to discard religion entirely without searching for truth, at times ...

MAHDISM IN QUR'ÓNIC EXEGESIS Imamate Order and Challenges of Globalization-2

MAHDISM IN QUR'ÓNIC EXEGESIS Imamate Order and Challenges of Globalization-2
In one source we found that the emergence of al-mahdÊ is related with the attitude of unjust ruler who exploited the rights of people. This is mentioned by al-TirmÊdhÊ on the report of Abu Hurayrah who heard from the Prophet (pbuh) said, At the end of the day, my ummah will be given the severe test from their rulers until it is felt as if the whole land is so small. In that situation, Allah will send a person from my family to overwhelm with ...

Similar hadith can be referred to the report of Imam ÑAli b.

Similar hadith can be referred to the report of Imam ÑAli b.
Similar hadith can be referred to the report of Imam ÑAli b. Ùalib who heard from the Prophet (pbuh) in which he said, When there is only one day left Allah will send a person from us (family of the Prophet) and the world will be overwhelmed with justice as previously was full of injustice. Again, this is the tradition which directly mentions al-mahdi as narrated by Imam ÑAli b. Abi Ùalib who heard from the Prophet in which he said, Al-mahdi ...

The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years -4

The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years -4
The devil will remain in this situation until Parusia of Christ. Then, all bad angels and Satan, will be thrown for ever to hell pains; here are also thrown, after the death (XIX, 20, XX,10) and tools and their adepts from the men. The age of decreasing Satan power on humanity is concomitant to that of realm of Christ and His chosen people. Saint Apostle and evangelist Ioan said that the duration of this age will be of “one thousand years”, ...


POVERTY AND HUNGER“Take away from this world your hearts before your bodies go out of it, because herein you have been put on a trial, and you have been created for the other world.” (14)According to the latest data facilitated by the FAO, there are now 854 million malnourished and hungry persons in the world and another 100 million on the verge of becoming so.The UN calls this drama that causes the death of 25,000 human beings every day, ...