Friday 5th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Rajat (Return)

Rajat (Return)
Believing in rajat (return) is one of the basic beliefs of the Shia religion. According to the sayings of Masoom (as), one who does not believe in the rajat (return) has nothing to do with the Shia religion. The description of rajat is after the completion of the imamate of Imam Zamana (ajf), the period between the time of the prophet hood of RasoolAllah (saw) and the appearance of Imam Zamana (ajf) will be finished. After this the time of the ...

The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine

The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine
The Holders of Authority and Legitimacy in Mahdism Doctrine   In the lights of Mahdism teachings Shia’ Muslims have to fight to the improvement of the world, to bring it closer to that model of perfect society that should bring peace to the world, to prepare the world for the coming of the Mahdi. The awaiting of the Mahdi’s return is an inspiration to the Shia and concretizes as a doctrine of hope making policy more optimistic, ...

Characteristics and Qualities of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)

Characteristics and Qualities of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)
The qualities and merits of His Eminence, Mahdi (a.s) are same as those of the divine messengers and legatees. The effulgence of Imamate and the awe of the prophets was perfectly apparent in the face of the Holy Imam. His description and details have come in the narrations as follows:1. Abu Saeed Khudri narrates from the Messenger of Allah (a.s) that he said, “Indeed, the Almighty Allah will raise from my progeny and Ahle Bayt a man, who would ...

Tawheed and Imamate of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Tawheed and Imamate of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
A fact concealed in the belief in divine monotheism (Tawheed) is that none, except Allah, has the right to rule over others. Even a father does not enjoy any sovereignty over his children. When a father does not possess this right, the question of other individuals ruling over their fellow beings, commanding and prohibiting, appointing them to a position or removing them from it, does not arise. To the extent that man does not have any right ...

The Sun Behind the Clouds

The Sun Behind the Clouds
One of the common narrations relayed to convey the role of Imam Mahdi (AS) during his occultation is the analogy of the ‘Sun behind the Clouds’. In this text, Allamah Majlisi sheds the light on this tradition and provides key points to explain the meaning and significance of the meaning behind this similitude.In what follows, is a sample of traditions, which compare the Twelfth Imam (a) to the sun behind the clouds during the period ...

Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)

Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. And we desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams (Leaders of mankind), and to make them the heirs. (Quran, 28:5) At dawn, on the 15th Sha'ban 255 A.H., the rays of the illuminating world shone with a powerful shaft of light into a human form, which became the source of existence for the universe. Yes, finally, the Divine promise was ...

Spiritual Dimensions of Mahdism in the Modern Age

Spiritual Dimensions of Mahdism in the Modern Age
Spiritual Dimensions of Mahdism in the Modern Age  Introduction There are numerous other Ahadith which also detail the coming of Imam Mahdi, and describe the events that will follow his emergence.  There is no doubt in the minds of the majority of the Ulema, both Sunni and Shia, regarding the veracity of such Ahadith.  However, there is much debate as to when Imam Mahdi will emerge and proclaim his Khilafat.  Evidence from Ahadith ...

Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)

Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
This article addresses the necessity of the existence of the Representative of Allah on the earth at any time. The opponents of Shia protest that although Shia consider the Imam necessary in order to expound the injunctions and verities of religion and to guide the people, the occultation of the Imam is the negation of this very purpose, for an Imam in occultation who cannot be reached by mankind cannot be in any way beneficial or effective. The ...

Tawheed and Imamat of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Tawheed and Imamat of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
A fact concealed in the belief in divine monotheism (Tawheed) is that none, except Allah, has the right to rule over others. Even a father does not enjoy any sovereignty over his children. When a father does not possess this right, the question of other individuals ruling over their fellow beings, commanding and prohibiting, appointing them to a position or removing them from it, does not arise. To the extent that man does not have any right ...

Analysis of the personification of lawlessness in Abrahamic Eschaton

Analysis of the personification of lawlessness in Abrahamic Eschaton
Analysis of the personification of lawlessness in Abrahamic Eschaton: Humanity’s darkest hourJewish apocryphal and Christian Apocalyptic literature as well as Qur’an and Hadith regarding the Final Days foresee God’s intervention with a worldview that challenges morality and His laws, underscored by change in leadership. Each eschatological tradition singles out a uniquely immoral individual (the immoral individual may serve as a ...

Title of the article: Mahdism and Messianism utopia: believers attributes at “The Time of Appearance”.

Title of the article: Mahdism and Messianism utopia: believers attributes at “The Time of Appearance”.
 “Do not make haste for a matter which is to happen and is awaited, and do not wish for delay in what tomorrow is to bring for you.” (1) There is an increasing interest in our society today concerning the appearance of the Messiah for Christians and the Mahdi (a.s. ) for Muslims that will bring God kingdom to earth. Many religions and schools of thoughts have prophesized and predicted it. The Mahdi (a.s.) is the main eschatological ...

The Promised Dawn and Expectation of Relief

The Promised Dawn and Expectation of Relief
Murtadha MutahhariThe idea of the final victory of the forces of righteousness, peace and justice over those of evil, oppression and tyranny, of the world-wide spread of the Islamic faith, the complete and all-round establishment of high human values, the formation of a utopian and an ideal society and lastly the accomplishment of this ideal at the hands of a holy and eminent personality called, according to the Islamic traditions, Mahdi is a ...

What is the Benefit of Having the Imam in Occultation?

What is the Benefit of Having the Imam in Occultation?
If the Imam is the leader of the people he should be present among them. What is the benefit of having an Imam who lives an invisible life? What is the use of having an Imam who lives in the state of occultation for centuries without fulfilling any of the functions that he normally under takes: such as propagating religion, solving the problems of society, responding to the attacks of his opponents, commanding the good and forbidding the evil, ...

Religious Leaders

Religious Leaders
Argue only in the best way with the People of the Book, except with those of them who act unjustly. Say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you: our God and your God are one (and the same); we are devoted to Him." 31Syria´s Grand Mufti Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun opening his address to Members of the European Parliament, on Tuesday 15th of January 2008, saying: "Religion gives civilization its moral values but ...

The Imam’s Government System

The Imam’s Government System
The Imam’s Government System   The program of the government and his policies shall be mainly concerned with spreading of truth and justice and making peace and security general for all the people. His policies shall be based on commands of the Book of Allah, practice of the Messenger of Allah (a.s) and manners of his honorable grandfather, Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s). His Eminence shall be the standard bearer of social justice and one to ...

On the Appearance of the Mahdi

On the Appearance of the Mahdi
In the discussion on prophecy and the Imamate, it was indicated that as a result of the law of general guidance which governs all of creation, man is of necessity endowed with the power of receiving revelation through prophecy, which directs him toward the perfection of the human norm and the well-being of the human species. Obviously, if this perfection and happiness were not possible for man, whose life possesses a social aspect, the very fact ...

Man’s tendencies to follow false pathways

Man’s tendencies to follow false pathways
2.1 Man’s tendencies to follow false pathwaysHe Who taught (the use of) the pen - taught man that which he knew not. Nay! But man doth transgress all bounds in that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient. Verily to thy Lord is the return (of all). Al ’Alaq (96:4-8). Qur’anically man who chooses to live without spiritual ethics is unappreciative. Created, nurtured and sustained by Allah, as stated, man is ungrateful, arrogant to the ...


THE PERIOD OF AWAITING: ACTIVE OR PASSIVE RESISTANCE?Religious leaders in the Muslim community are divided on the appropriate response to the period of moral depravity and decadence that has accompanied the modern period of human advancements in various fields. There are some in the community who have accepted God’s decree in the meaning of abandonment of any endeavor on the part of humanity to interfere with God’s overall preordained plan ...

Conditions of those awaiting his appearance and

Conditions of those awaiting his appearance and
Conditions of those awaiting his appearance and Those awaiting the appearance of the 12th Imam (AS) will be Shia who will have acknowledged and believed in his existence and Wilayah (unconditional authority). The condition of such people will be in resonance with the Ahadith from the Aimmah (AS), which speak to the characteristics of those waiting for the Qa’im (AS). Some of the Ahadith will be studied in this section to identify the ...

Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary surviva-2

Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary surviva-2
‘Vertical’ EschatologyIts ‘vertical’ side is now spectacularly moving toward its catastrophic climax as suggested by the carnage of civilians perpetrated daily by ‘Islamist puritans’ in Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere. Interestingly enough, certain messianic extremists in Iraq are reportedly as zealous in resisting foreign occupiers as in engaging in intra- and inter-sectarian frenzy of reprisals, executions and vandalism. How to convey ...