Friday 5th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Existence of the Mahdi is certain

The Existence of the Mahdi is certain
There are numerous Prophetic traditions about the Mahdi reported by both the Sunni and the Shi' i sources. Close examination of the contents of these traditions proves that the subject of the future coming of the Mahdi and the Qa'im was a well established tenet during the Prophet's life time. People anticipated someone who would take upon himself to establish truth and spread the worship of God. Moreover they expected that person to take charge ...

The traditions concerning the Twelfth Imam and his occultation

The traditions concerning the Twelfth Imam and his occultation
The traditions concerning the Twelfth Imam and his occultationThe traditions concerning al-Qa’im al-MahdiThere are many traditions attributed to the Prophet in the books of tradition concerning the identity of al-Mahdi, his family, his epithet (kunya) and his character. The conclusion of these numerous traditions is that al-Mahdi is a descendant of the sons of Fatima[49], the daughter of the Prophet; and more particularly, that he is of the ...

An introduction to twelveth Imame Hazrat Mahdi(a.s)-2

An introduction to twelveth Imame Hazrat Mahdi(a.s)-2
If I come to know that you have mentioned it to someone I will kill you". So till such time "Motazid" was living we did not pluck the courage to say a word about it. 2) Ali bin Sinan narrates, a group of people of Qum proceeded towards Samarah, along with some money, to visit Imam Askari (A.S.). When they reached there they discovered that Imam (A.S.) had passed away. They remained uncertain and wandering around for a while to find out ...

Know Him Before You Die!

Know Him Before You Die!
Know Him Before You Die!       "I will be like the sun veiled by the clouds and people will benefit from me, just as they do from the sun behind the clouds." A well known tradition narrated both by the Sunnis and the Shias in 92 different books proclaims: Anyone who dies without having recognised the Imam Zamana (aj) (the contemporary Imam), will die the death of ignorance. The ...

Reappearance of Imam Mahdi

Reappearance of Imam Mahdi
Imam Mahdi is a divine figure who is on occultation and will reappear at the end times to establish justice in the world. He will establish a just government and will prepare the grounds for man's perfection in all dimensions. There are many traditions (hadith) handed down both by Sunni and Shia scholars regarding his occultation and reappearance. According to many traditions the Imam will reappear at a time when the world is full of oppression ...

Birth of Imam Al-Mahdi (A.j)

Birth of Imam Al-Mahdi (A.j)
So much has been mentioned in Islamic sources about the status and rank of anticipators (Muntadhir) of the return of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) that it leads one to wonder how a simple act of awaiting has been given so much value. However, by focusing on the philosophy behind "awaiting (Intidhar) the return of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)" and the responsibilities of his anticipators, one may to some extent understand the value of this act:1. Prophet Muhammad ...

Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Return) / Part 1

Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Return) / Part 1
Written in the form of questions and answers, it discusses about the three main topics Shiaism, Imamah and Mahdism. Author(s): • Ayatullah Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani Translator(s): • Sayyid Sulayman Ali Hasan   Download the whole book in PDF format: http://www.abna.ir/a/uploads/485/1/485152.pdf   With the Name of Allah, the Kind, the Merciful "O' Master of the Age, grant us succor!" Allah has called all of His creation to ...

Some of the Duties of the People who Are Expecting Imam Mahdi

Some of the Duties of the People who Are Expecting Imam Mahdi
To Love Imam MahdiPeople who are waiting for Imam Mahdi to return should have his love and affection in their hearts all the time. Of course no one could wait for someone else if they do not like him, no matter how well they know him. How could people expect others if they dislike them and how could they get prepared to host them? Therefore, one cannot act like a true believer who expects Imam Mahdi, unless they have the love of Imam ...

How Will the Imam Know That the Time for the Appearance (Zuhur) Has Come?

How Will the Imam Know That the Time for the Appearance (Zuhur) Has Come?
The meeting started on time. Dr. Jalali welcomed the group and opened the session with his question.Dr. Jalali: How will the Imam of the Age know that the time for his emergence has arrived? If it is said that at that moment he will receive the information from God, then it becomes necessary that he too, like the Prophets, receives revelation. In that case there would be no difference between a Prophet and an Imam.Mr. Hoshyar: First of all, it ...

Blessing of Having Imam of the Time

Blessing of Having Imam of the Time
Having Imam of the Time is of valuable spiritual blessings of God we do not appreciate enough. He does not exclusively belong to any certain group but to the entire mankind. He intermediates divine blessings. Everything anyone has is due to his being but most people do not know him and are not in connection with him.One reason for this great loss is that people do not know the Imam properly and miss the real meaning of respecting him.By properly ...

Examination of subatomic particular reactions leads to the measurement of: Alpha particles; Beta particles; and, Gamma Rays – which are invisible electromagnetic waves. Mass-energy balance leads to other emissions. Co-60 has been used for sterilization by

Examination of subatomic particular reactions leads to the measurement of: Alpha particles; Beta particles; and, Gamma Rays – which are invisible electromagnetic waves. Mass-energy balance leads to other emissions. Co-60 has been used for sterilization by
Examination of subatomic particular reactions leads to the measurement of: Alpha particles; Beta particles; and, Gamma Rays – which are invisible electromagnetic waves. Mass-energy balance leads to other emissions. Co-60 has been used for sterilization by Gamma radiation. Dentists normally use X-Ray machines for diagnoses.. Hospitals utilize Ultrasound detectors to discover the foetus’s gender. Lately, with the heightened security concerns, ...

Man and his spiritual values.

Man and his spiritual values.
  3. Man and his spiritual values. Beyond this new technological and economic dimension, Man and the spiritual dimension of human existence are a critical factor that cannot be disregarded. Modernisation, progress, efficiency, growth, production do not clash with principles such as science and philosophy, social justice, human rights, economic progress and democracy, or with Man’s inherent need to transcend and reach out to the Creator. ...

The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact from the Standpoint of Anthropology and Sociology

The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact  from the Standpoint of Anthropology and Sociology
Abstract:The doctrine of Mahdiism, a religious tenet and teaching, is the core of the Shi`i culture and enjoys the potentiality to speculate about the solutions for social and individual problems in both the ages of occultation and appearance, so that on the base of this doctrine, there can be certain strategic solutions in anthropological and sociological domains. Interpretation of the religion by this doctrine is a standpoint which presents a ...


Conclusions The beginning of Islam is not separate from the beginning of the Shia as it started with the Prophet Muhammad (PUBH), and has been preserved in its original form by the succession of Imams. Prophet Mohammad had the duty to propagate God’s message, to teach the laws of religion and guidance, to judge between people and to lead and manage the society. These qualities and functions existed for the imams and exist for the jurisprudents ...

Imam of the Time in the Words of Imam Ali (PBUH)

Imam of the Time in the Words of Imam Ali (PBUH)
As the successor of the Prophet (PBUH), Imam Ali informs people of an absent Imam from among his descendents who will make world full of justice and remove injustice.How beautiful it is to combine the event of Ghadir with the words of Imam Ali on his grandson Mahdi.1. ForgivingHe is so forgiving2. ShelterHe is a strong shelter3. Ideal of the good-doersWhoever comprehends him will find him a glorious light which is an ideal for good-doer 4. ...

There is always a guide and warner in human societies

There is always a guide and warner in human societies
[1] Beharul Anwaar, Vol. 23, page ...

Ziyaraat Nahiye Moghdaseh - Imam Zaman

Ziyaraat Nahiye Moghdaseh - Imam Zaman
    Counter :    3437    Date :    8/13/2008Ziyaraat Nahiye Moghdaseh - Imam Zamanimam zamanIntroduction:Ziyaraat Nahiye Moghdaseh - Imam Zaman. Download the audio file and the Arabic text is as follows. Audio File:Play Ziyaraat Nahiye MoghdasehPlease download the Audio. Arabic Text: أَلسَّلامُ عَلى ادَمَ صِفْوَةِ اللهِ مِنْ ...

To whom should we turn to for guidance, if we cannot benefit from a hidden Imam under his Occultation?

To whom should we turn to for guidance, if we cannot benefit from a hidden Imam under his Occultation?
When Imam Mahdi (as) was asked how the ummah could benefit from his presence whilst in occultation, he answered that just like the sun when it is covered by clouds. We would not be able to directly see such a sun, but we believe there is one and we benefit from its effects, such as the light it provides enabling us to see.According to Sunni Muslims the scholars are responsible for guiding the ummah, though they do not believe in the Imam under ...

The Doctrine of Mahdism. Tradition and Modernity – Man’s relation with Nature. An Anthropological approach, a pathway out of clash and conflict

The Doctrine of Mahdism. Tradition and Modernity – Man’s relation with Nature. An Anthropological approach, a pathway out of clash and conflict
The Doctrine of Mahdism. Tradition and Modernity – Man’s relation with Nature. An Anthropological approach, a pathway out of clash and conflict   1. “Expectation”.Islam - with its own concrete culture and reality – can no longer be disregarded. It does represent a pivotal moment. No doubt, it is a key-factor on the stage of history. The sentence “the world is a global village” is a well-known cliché. But this global village is ...


The paper attempts to reveal the views of Muslim of scholars with regard to the concept of Mahdism from Sunni and Shiite perspective. On the first part we will discuss the views of Muslim exegetes toward the textual evidences which directly deal with aspects of Mahdism. We will trace it both from etymological and terminological aspect and then see their interpretation pertinent to the underlying concept. Afterward, we will discuss the concept of ...