Sunday 16th of June 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Can a man, have such a long life?

Can a man, have such a long life?
On the basis of the science of physiology the human body is composed of Billions of cells and tissues. With the passage of time, the cells get old and worn out and wither away and young cells take their place. This is how the schedule of life goes on.That thing which worn the man out and stop the cells from performing their activity and work and brings the gift of death to man are the harmful microbes which enter the human body from various ways ...

The Iranian Islamism, a Model towards Stability in the Muslim World

The Iranian Islamism, a Model towards Stability in the Muslim World
The Iranian Islamism, a Model towards Stability in the Muslim World   Islamism expresses the relation between pre-existing reality, religious tradition and it is translation to political ideology. Regardless the western theories of democratic peace, perpetual peace and democratic export, Islamism remains today the main political ideology in the Muslim world and certainly the solely viable one, reshaping and ordering society and government in ...

Brief Biography of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Brief Biography of Imam Mahdi (AS)
Name : Muhammad.Title : Al-Mahdi, Al-Qa'im, Al-Hujjah, Al-Gha'ib, Sahibu'z-Zaman.Agnomen : Abul-Qasim.Father's name : Imam Al-Hassan (AS).Mother's name : Hazrat Narjis (SA).Birth : Sha'ban 15, 255 A.H.Death : Still alive but in occultation. The hidden Imam who is expected to return "The world will not come to an end," said the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), " until a man from my family (Ahlulbayt) and of my name shall be master of the world, When ...


V.- WHAT CAN I PERSONALLY DO AND HOW ARE THE MAN AND WOMAN THAT ARE WORKING FOR HIS APPEARANCE?They are apparently normal men and women, albeit with vision, values and principles, and an extraordinary capacity for action. They are people who have understood that at this point in time there are two mutually exclusive life options: one is to remain passive awaiting what will happen, or to devote one’s knowledge and energy to human ...

Remembering Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Remembering Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
Our responsibilities during the major occultation (Ghaibat) of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) have been dealt with in great detail in the book, 'Mikyalul Makarem Fi Favaidid Dua lil Qaem' (a.t.f.s.) by Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani (r.a.). He has highlighted the responsibilities in the second volume of the book.Just by looking at the responsibilities outlined in the book it should be clear to the reader that fulfilling these duties is ...

The Last Luminary the Birth of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

The Last Luminary the Birth of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)
At dawn, on the 15th Sha'ban 255 AH., the rays of the illuminating world shone with a powerful shaft of light into a human form which became the source of existence for the universe. Yes, finally, the Divine Promise was fulfilled and Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.) was born in spite of the efforts of those who denied him. It is one of history's miracles that the Umayyids, 'Abbasides and other opponents of this Holy Imam attempted to extinguish this divine ...

Characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s Government

Characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s Government
Promotion of Knowledge and Ethics Imam Mahdi's reappearance is the day of endless torment for unbelievers while it is happiness and mercy for virtuous believers. In that era, people's heart will turn kinder and their morality will be improved. All material thoughts will focus on spirituality. According to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), all people obey and worship Allah and do their best in performing religious practices. In other words, ...

The adulthood of Islam: The time of Imam Al-Mahdi (a-s):

The adulthood of Islam: The time of Imam Al-Mahdi (a-s):
The adulthood of Islam: The time of Imam Al-Mahdi (a-s): This will be the promised advent of Imam Al-Mahdi (a-s) and the return of the true Islam in its divine and pure essence, as it was in the days of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saww), as the authority over the entire world to complete the Miraculous Mission taught in the Holy Qur’an of preparing mankind for the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter. For this is possible only through the Divine ...

Etymology helps to understand the secular nature of Roman politics.

Etymology helps to understand the secular nature of Roman politics.
Etymology helps to understand the secular nature of Roman politics. A French scholar, George Dumézil, has convincingly shown that the indo-european root *yeu(e) for JUS (=right) had a dual meaning : (1) spiritual grace (2) area of action granted by the public authority. The root evolved towards (2) and secularization in Rome and towards (1) and mysticism in India and Iran. Likewise, *kred-dhe, the root for CREDO and its verbal substantive ...

THE IDEA of an expected deliverer

THE IDEA of an expected deliverer
THE IDEA of an expected deliverer   The term “messianism” in the Islamic context is often used to translate the significant concept of an eschatological figure, the Mahdi, who as the foreordained leader “will rise” to launch a great social transformation in order to end the sufferings of the faithful and the rule of enemies of God and establish His kingdom on earth (Sachedina, 1981). The Islamic doctrine of salvation does not ...

When Will Mahdi (a.s.) Appear?

When Will Mahdi (a.s.) Appear?
Dr. Jalali: When is the promised Mahdi expected to appear?Mr. Hoshyar: No time has been fixed for his appearance (zuhur). As a matter of fact, the Imams have regarded those who fix the time of the Mahdi's appearance as liars. Thus, for instance, Fudayl, a companion of Imam Baqir, asked the latter whether there was any specific time when the Mahdi would appear. The Imam in his response said three times: "Any one who fixes the time of the ...

Topics relating to Imam Mahdi (A.S.), the Awaited Saviour

Topics relating to Imam Mahdi (A.S.), the Awaited Saviour
Section 1:Selection of Traditions Discussing the Signs before His Blessed Reappearance, His Emergence and Appearance and What Happens Before ThatReported from Ahmad b Muhammad b 'Ubaid Allah b Ahmad b Ya'qub b Nusair al-Anbari, from Ahmad b Muhammad b Masruq from Abd Allah b Sh'ayb from Muhammad b Ziyad al-Sahami from Sufyan b 'Uyaynah from 'Imran b Dawud from Muhammad b al-Hanafiyyah, he said:The Commander of the faithful (A.S.) said: I heard ...


BisMillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahiim In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful How does one look back on the most important event in her life, and put it into perspective? This event for me was my discovery of the "right path", Islam, and Submission to the One God. This event, my acknowledging the power of Islam, and my conscious decision to submit to Allah (SWT) was this most life-changing event. But looking back on it, I wonder how ...

Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?

Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?
Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?   Since the last decade of the 20th centaury, our understanding of the Molecular and Cellular mechanisms that underline human ageing process has increased significantly. Scientists are currently putting forward a set of provoking questions to the scientific community such as: Is there a limit to the length of the human life? How much ...

After the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi

After the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi
    Based on the narrations that are available to us, he will reappear in Mecca. After the elite of his followers join him there, they will then advance toward 'Iraq, Sham (the present day Syria), and from there toward Jerusalem...After the reappearance of Imam Mahdi, how long will it take for him to establish the rule of justice?To this question, Imam Muhammad b. Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has replied, "For a full eight ...

A Prayer for the Safety of Imam al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his honorable revelation)

A Prayer for the Safety of Imam al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his honorable revelation)
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the MercifulO Allah! Protect Your vicegerent Hujjat (the Proof) b. al-Hasanand send salutations upon him and his ancestors,now as well as at all the times,(as our) Imam, Guardian, Supporter, and Guide until such time when you bestow upon him the honor of heading the (Divine) Government.And let the people be delighted in his reign, by bestowing success, and by extending his ...

Some of the Miracles of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Some of the Miracles of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
1-The personality born through the prayer of ImamWe intend to relate the incident of one of the greatest Shia scholars of the fourth century, who had earned the title of Muallim (teacher). His book, Man la Yahzaruhul Faqih is one of the four canonical books of Shi'ite hadith. It is an indispensable work of reference by the mujtahids of Shia faith.The exalted position of Shaykh Sadooq (died 381 A.H.) can be gauged from the fact that he was born ...

The Reappearance of the Early Christian Hope

The Reappearance of the Early Christian Hope
IV.) The Reappearance of the Early Christian Hope Hope for the earthly coming of Jesus and his Kingdom never died in the West.  It flared up often among people who felt heavily oppressed by their churches and governments, and could hardly regard them as rulers of the millennium.  Many of these people, as in the early church, hailed from the lower classes.  Some of these millennial movements took up arms to further their cause.  So far as ...

Some Objections About The Mahdi and Replies

Some Objections About The Mahdi and Replies
    Some Objections About The Mahdi raised by them are mentioned below:(a) Longevity  They object to the Mahdi being a contemporary of so many successive generations during the past ten centuries and continuing to live until he reappears on the scene. How is it possible for him, they ask, to live such a long life without being affected by the natural laws, according to which everyone has to pass through the stages of old age ...


JESUS OF NAZARETHThe Flight to Egypt represents the displaced, the emigrants, the homeless, all those persons who, for political, social or economic reasons find themselves forced to abandon their land and the land of their fathers to save their lives.Now after they have left, an angel of Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about ...