Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Last Signs Heralding the Appearance of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s)

The Last Signs Heralding the Appearance of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s)
There is a Hadith from Imam Muhammed Baqir (a.s) that for three or seven consecutive days, one will see reddish yellow fire raging in the East.Sufiani will emerge in Palestine, where he will start a revolt in the month of Rajab. He will be an uncompassionate rebel and his rule will last for eight consecutive months. He will conquer and rule Egypt for four consecutive months. Sufiani will conquer Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, and Syria. ...

The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) said, "O Ali know that the most strangest of the people of Imaan and the greatest of them in certainty are those people who will be in Aakheruzzamaan (the last period of time). They will not meet the Prophet. And their Imam will be hidden from them. But they will believe (only) due to black upon white." (Kamaaluddin vol.1 Pg.288)The "black upon white" means the writings on paper. It ...

Witnesses of the birth of Imam-e-Zaman (A.S.)

Witnesses of the birth of Imam-e-Zaman (A.S.)
arious objections have been raised regarding the birth of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). Keeping in mind the necessity for brevity we shall discuss only two types of objections - hoping the sensible people would be able to get the replies to other objections too. First of all is the objection that if the birth of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) has already occurred then a tradition in support of this should be shown to them in the Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim (the two ...

Imam Mahdi (A.J.)

Imam Mahdi (A.J.)

What is our duty during the Occultation of the Imam, as it seems that we have no other choice but to wait passively for the decline and fall of man that will occur before his advent?

What is our duty during the Occultation of the Imam, as it seems that we have no other choice but to wait passively for the decline and fall of man that will occur before his advent?
The English novelist Aldous Huxley (1894-963) writes: Christ like in may behaviour, Like every good believer, I imitate the Savior. 215 emphasizing that Christians do imitate the Savior. Muslims also follow the through examples of Islam's Prophet Muhammed (saws), and their Savior Al-Mahdi (as). There are similarities between Muslims and Christians, and therefore somebody may claim if we -as believers- cannot make a big difference or a ...

The Fourth View

The Fourth View
The Fourth ViewThe traditions show that in the same way that Muslims had certain obligations to their Imams in their presence, we have the same during the occultation. These obligations along with special duties, not only accumulate blessings for us, but also help in hastening the appearance and rising of the Imam(A.S.). The following duties have been found through studying and researching numerous traditions:1. The PatienceIn a tradition going ...

The Culmination of Eschatological Signs – Manifestation of God’s Law

The Culmination of Eschatological Signs – Manifestation of God’s Law
The Culmination of Eschatological Signs – Manifestation of God’s LawHumanity’s Brightest HourThe function of Abrahamic eschatology stresses leadership. As symbols Belial, The Antichrist and Ad-Dajjal characterize dark cynical rebellion against divine leadership and God’s laws. In the Abrahamic traditions, the erroneous faith in these systems is demonstrated by the dilapidation of the world and the appearance and triumph of the messianic ...

Imam Mahdi’s Universal Revolution

Imam Mahdi’s Universal Revolution
By: Ibrahim Avich/Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina The followers of all religions of the world believe that one day the universe will be filled with corruption and crises and this era will itself be the sign of the coming of the great universal savior.  The Muslims believe he will be from the tribe of Bani Hashim and a son of the Holy Prophet of Islam (P.B.) and that his name is “Mahdi.”  However, it must be known that ...

Imam Mahdi Documentary

Imam Mahdi Documentary
• His title is “al-Mahdi”which means “The Guided One.” • His lineage, traced back to Imam ‘Ali (as), is: Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Musa Ibn Ja’far Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn al-Husayn Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib ...

Appearance; The Victory

Appearance; The Victory
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers on the earth as He made rulers out of those who came before them, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that he will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange they shall serve Me, not associating ought with Me (Qur'an 17:55).Human belief in a better future has ...

Neemeyeh Shaban

Neemeyeh Shaban
Neemeyeh Shaban                         In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent; the Most Merciful Oh Allah, be upon your last representative, our twelfth Imam, Hojjatibnil-Hassan, may your peace be upon him and his forefathers, at this time and at all times, his master and his protector, his leader and his helper, and his guide and his guardian, until you place him on your earth, so that you may ...


THE PRESENT PAPERThe basic assumption of this paper is that there is a crisis in the spiritual-religious lives of the contemporary society in which religion does not play a decisive role. Modern individual is searching for a way to maintain a hope in the better future without abandoning his faith. Although I have spent my early academic years in researching about human belief in the Day of Deliverance (yawm al-khala>s}), and concentrated on ...

Mahdiism: A Proof from the Intellectual nderstanding

Mahdiism: A Proof from the Intellectual nderstanding
I.2 Mahdiism: A Proof from the Intellectual nderstanding To show that an Imam must exist as a proof for the existence of those injunctions and their protection, we firstly have to establish the necessity of the general prophethood. Here we discuss briefly some rational assumptions why human being is need of the Prophets. (1) A human being has been created in such a way that he cannot run his affairs on his own.  He needs the assistance and ...

A Letter of Imam Mehdi (A.S) to Ahmad bin Ishaq

A Letter of Imam Mehdi (A.S) to Ahmad bin Ishaq
Ahmad bin Ishaq Ashari Qummi was the leader of the group of Qom pilgrims who went for the Ziyarat of the Purified Imams (a.s). He is one of the important narrators of traditions. Once a Shia man met him and gave him a letter of Ja’far, the son of Imam Hadi (a.s). In this letter, Ja’far had introduced himself and informed that after the passing away of his brother, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), he was the leader and chief of the Islamic ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Eyes of Muslim Ascetics

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Eyes of Muslim Ascetics
The subject of al-Mahdi (A.S.)is not restricted to the school of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, rather, it is an object of interest for all Muslim schools of thought. Many great Muslim scholars urged by the numerous traditions related from the Prophet of Islam have investigated this subject and have written many books on it.Muslim mystics, based on the existing traditions and their special views on existence and creation, have treated the ...

Dua for Imam Mahdi, peace be on him

Dua for Imam Mahdi, peace be on him
O Allah! We ask of Thee to favor us with the gift of being obedient to Thee, and Detach us from being disobedient to Thee. Bestow on us being sincere in intentions; and Provide us with the knowledge of what is sacred. O Allah! Honor us with guidance and honesty, and Direct our tongues to what is right and wise; Fill our hearts with comprehension and knowledge, and Cleanse us from the forbidden and doubtful. O Allah! Prevent [our hands] from ...

The End of Darkness

The End of Darkness
SAVIOUR For such an expectation it is necessary to have an exact knowledge of the promised figure. So that we could not mistake him with the dolls of the puppet-shows of the powers that sing a new song every day in order to break up and destroy the wonderful epic of expectation, nor could the extravagant talks of ignorant and self-interested people cover up this matter with a veil of superstitions, and thus change our hope into despair, and our ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S) and the Wahabbis

Imam Mahdi (A.S) and the Wahabbis
After propounding the Qur'an and traditional arguments there remains no doubt amongst the Muslims, irrespective of his religion either Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or non-Wahabi, regarding the belief in imam al-Mahdi (A.S) and it is proved beyond doubt that it is a genuine Islamic belief, but since the Wahabi sect is having a very narrow-minded belief about some of the concepts of Islam hence from its very inception, it has been a butt of rebuke from ...

Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?-2

Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?-2
It appears from the limited number of researches presented in this paper that scientists a cross the world is researching and discovering mechanisms that control aging process and this means in essence, that longevity in principle is not a science fiction or out of comprehension. This is the first objective of this humble study in which efforts were made to make scientific expression easier, but the use of good few specialised terms was ...


A common factor between Shia Muslims and Christians is that they refer to the Expected One in their respective eschatological systems as ‘the Saviour’, Shia referring to the Mahdi, and Christians to Jesus. The West, especially Europe, is essentially post-Christian, with religion playing little role in everyday affairs. However, at times of crisis, people turn to religion for solace. A classic example was the effect of 9/11, which led to a ...