Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The root of this sequence is the absence of God’s Love in our lives and in society.

The root of this sequence is the absence of God’s Love in our lives and in society.
The root of this sequence is the absence of God’s Love in our lives and in society. Whenever God is absent from a society, this society sooner or later falls into decay and, were it not for God’s mercy, all human efforts would be lost, misdirected as they are toward mundane glory and material wealth alone and without God’s blessing: “unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.”(Ps.127:1)God is Love and lies invisibly ...

God has appointed prophets to run humanity in spiritual as well as in social and political matters.

God has appointed prophets to run humanity in spiritual as well as in social and political matters.
God has appointed prophets to run humanity in spiritual as well as in social and political matters. The last prophet appointed imams as legitimate holders of authority in religious as well as in political and social matters. Therefore, it is only logic to assume that in an era of occultation, the present Imam appointed his deputies to order in matters religious as well as political and social.The doctrine of “guidance of the jurisprudent”( ...

On the Appearance of the Mahdi (a.s.)

On the Appearance of the Mahdi (a.s.)
In the discussion on prophecy and the Imamate it was indicated that as a result of the law of general guidance which governs all of creation, man is of necessity endowed with the power of receiving revelation through prophecy, which directs him toward the perfection of the human norm and the well-being of the human species. Obviously, if this perfection and happiness were not possible for man, whose life possesses a social aspect, the very fact ...

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (ATF) in light of Prophet (S) sayings

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (ATF) in light of Prophet (S) sayings
By: Yahya AliBismillah Hirrahman NirraheemThe 12th Imam - co-name and co-filial appellation of the prophet of Allah (SAWW) - Hazrat Mahdi bin Hassan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Moosa bin Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdil Muttalib (peace of Allah be upon them) His mother’s name – Hazrat Narjis (AS) her real name was Maleekah binte Yashuayi bin Qaisar of Rome Imam Mahdi (ATF)’s ...

The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)

The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)
By: Najmuddin TabasiThe forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be composed of various nationalities and at the time of uprising they will be called through unique means. The individuals who have been designated before as commanders will assume the responsibility of guiding the soldiers and planning war operations.The soldiers to be accepted in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) under special circumstances have peculiar characteristics of their ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and Justice

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and Justice
Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and JusticeIrrespective of their sects, Muslims throughout the world believe that, "When Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) will establish his government, peace, brotherhood, equality, justice and equity will spread to every nook and corner of the world. He will rescue the oppressed ones from the hands of the tyrants. And everybody will enjoy the bounties of the nature equally. He will establish such a government which will be free from all ...

System of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)’s Government

System of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)’s Government
The program of the government and his policies shall be mainly concerned with spreading of truth and justice and making peace and security general for all the people. His policies shall be based on commands of the Book of Allah, practice of the Messenger of Allah (a.s) and manners of his honorable grandfather, Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s). His Eminence shall be the standard bearer of social justice and one to establish justice and truth. Here we quote ...

A Refuge of Mankind (Imam Mahdi)

A Refuge of Mankind (Imam Mahdi)
Because of you we are relieved of our sorrows and our difficulties are solved."(Ziaarat-e-Jamia)“If we had not protected you, you would have been surrounded by calamities and your enemies would have destroyed you.” (Tawqee of Imam Mahdi in Ihtejaj by Allama Tabarsi)Man is composed of negative as well as positive qualities. Sometimes he becomes so brave as to conquer the greatest wars easily. He conquers the forests and the deserts, ...

The Existence of the Mahdi is certain

The Existence of the Mahdi is certain
There are numerous Prophetic traditions about the Mahdi reported by both the Sunni and the Shi’ i sources. Close examination of the contents of these traditions proves that the subject of the future coming of the Mahdi and the Qa’im was a well established tenet during the Prophet’s life time. People anticipated someone who would take upon himself to establish truth and spread the worship of God. Moreover they expected that ...

Use of Natural Resources and Mahdism Doctrine (Some micro foundations)

Use of Natural Resources and Mahdism Doctrine (Some micro foundations)

Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?-3

Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?-3
Among the many verses in Qura’n that reflect these norms and laws are described by Allah in His glorious book: “ And if you turn away (from Islam and the obedience to Allah), he will exchange you for some other people and they will not be your likes (Ch.47. 38). “And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa “piety”, certainly, we should have opened for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but belied “the ...

A Supplication from Imam Mahdi (A.T.F.)

A Supplication from Imam Mahdi (A.T.F.)
Compiled and Translated by: Syed Zainulabedin Razavi, Tehran, IranO God! sustain us with Thy goodwill for obedience as a dutyAnd for abstinence from sin and criminality,And for intentions with sincerity,And for cognizance of Thy Holiness and Sanctity.And dignify us with guidance, steadfastness and stabilityAnd adorn our tongues with wisdom and veracityAnd fill our hearts with knowledge and sublimity.And free our stomach from the suspected & ...


V. Conclusion Earlier, I delineated the three primary roles of the Mahdi as being: rule the entire world as a Muslim; enforce a more equitable distribution of wealth, in order to fill the world with justice and equity; and restore the true shari`ah. The only one of these that all four of the movements examined herein shared was the aspiration or ideology of universal Muslim rule (as they saw it).To that I would add a qualifier that becomes in ...

From the Individual Faith to the Social Responsibility

From the Individual Faith to the Social Responsibility
II. From the Individual Faith to the Social Responsibility After we prove the concept of Mahdiism from the three methods of religious thinking, which forms the individual faith, now we must consider how change the individual faith to social faith. It is important for us to do this, because during the era of the long occultation, we remains fill this period through some good deeds. These are called by Mutahhari as the positive awaiting. ...

Are We Truly Awaiting Our Imam?

Are We Truly Awaiting Our Imam?
As the devotees of our beloved occulted Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance), we often speak about the idea of awaiting our Imam. There are many narrations which confirm that exercising Intidhar Al Faraj (awaiting the relief) is the best and most important type of worship. It is the best form of Jihad, and Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has said, "Await the relief, and do not become desperate from the Spirit of Allah, as the best of deeds near ...

Philosophic Conceptualities of the Self in Messianism / Mahdism

Philosophic Conceptualities of the Self in Messianism / Mahdism
Philosophic Conceptualities of the Self in Messianism / Mahdism   How beautiful are the feet of the herald on the mountains, announcing peace, heralding good tidings, announcing salvation, saying to Zion, “Your God has manifested His kingdom.” (Isaiah 52:7)I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.And there was ...

Universality of the Mahdi’s Mission

Universality of the Mahdi’s Mission
At this era, mankind lives in what is called the global village. Technological breakthroughs have brought the different nations closer to each other. New ventures enabled man to send space shuttles to search for signs of life on other planets. As a revolt against an authoritative Church in the Middle Ages, modern scientists opted to think only in the realm of Physics. As a result, materialism prevailed, while spirituality receded, in man’s ...

Awaiting For The Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Awaiting For The Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
Awaiting For The Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said,"The best worship is to await for the reappearance."(Kamaaluddin vol.1 Pg.287, Faraidus Simtain vol.2 Pg.335) Amirul Momineen Ali (A.S.) said,"Await for the reappearance and do not despair of the divine mercy. Because the best deed in the eyes of Allah, the Great and the Mighty is to wait for the Reappearance. It is the duty of those who are believers."(Al ...

The Mahdi (a.s.) is near

The Mahdi (a.s.) is near

Role of Women in the Government of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Role of Women in the Government of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
By: Hojjat al-Islam Mahdi Hadavi TehraniQuestion: What role will women play in the government of Imam al-Mahdi ...