Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

System of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)’s Government

System of the Imam Mehdi (A.S)’s Government
The program of the government and his policies shall be mainly concerned with spreading of truth and justice and making peace and security general for all the people. His policies shall be based on commands of the Book of Allah, practice of the Messenger of Allah (a.s) and manners of his honorable grandfather, Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s). His Eminence shall be the standard bearer of social justice and one to establish justice and truth. Here we quote ...

The Awaiting of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)in the Perspective of Responsibilities

The Awaiting of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)in the Perspective of Responsibilities
    Awaiting' (Intezar) is the result of two conditions. Firstly, he is not satisfied with the present circumstances and secondly, he expects the improvement in his circumstances. If either of these conditions are not fulfilled then it is not awaiting and the person concerned is not an 'awaiter' *(Muntazir).The awaiting of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.) also holds the same distinct characteristics. Even here awaiting purports that an ...

People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi

People Awaited the Appearance of the Mahdi
From all the references to the Mahdi and his appearance in the sources it is obvious that people were awaiting the coming of the Mahdi from the early days of Islam and were actually counting the days for that to happen. They regarded the establishment of the legitimate government through his emergence a certainty.This anticipation used to get intense during times of political turmoil and unfavorable social conditions. People expected that the ...

The Birth of the Savior (Imam Mehdi)

The Birth of the Savior (Imam Mehdi)
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent; the Most Merciful!Oh Allah, be upon your last representative, our twelfth Imam, Hojjat ibn al-Hasan, may your peace be upon him and his forefathers, at this time and at all times, his master and his protector, his leader and his helper, and his guide and his guardian, until you place him on your earth, so that you may guide him in making use of this, for a great deal of time to come.When we look into ...

Respect for the Mosque

Respect for the Mosque
It should be remembered that Allah has termed the Mosques as his homes. Therefore, they are places where people can seek nearness to Allah. Otherwise, Allah is not restricted to any home or place. In comparison with other places, the mosque has more Favor and Blessings of Allah. Therefore it is better to offer the mandatory prayers in a mosque, preferably with a congregation. Similarly giving the Zakat (Religious Tax) in public is preferable. ...

The Awaited Hope for Humanity

The Awaited Hope for Humanity
The belief in the Mahdi is not only an essential doctrine deep-rooted in Islamic faith but rather it is an embodiment of human nature regardless of one's religious affiliations. For it is the universal desire of humans as a whole to try to achieve or at least witness the realisation of the ultimate objective of their existence, through which they will achieve perfection and social happiness in their entirety. Therefore by reason of inner ...

Sunni Documentation on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

Sunni Documentation on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)
    For the Sunni brothers, there are six major collections of traditions based on the Sunni standards for verifying the authenticity of a tradition. These six books are: Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Sahih al-Nisa'i.I just quote few traditions from these six books to prove that a knowledgeable Sunni brother/sister can NOT deny that: al-Mahdi (AS) will come in the last ...

The signs of the rise of al-Qa’im

The signs of the rise of al-Qa’im
The signs of the rise of al-Qa’imThe early Imamite traditionists delineated five signs which would precede the rise of al-Qa’im al-Mahdi: first, the rise of al-Yamani, then the rise of al-Sufyani, thirdly the assassination of the Pure Soul (al-Nafs al-Zakiyya) in Mecca only fifteen days before the rise of alQa'im, fourthly an outcry in the morning from the sky in the name of al-Qa’im, and finally the sinking of an army into the earth ...

Since, from the point of view of those who perceive in some sort of a savior, or who wait for second coming of Jesus or who clearly believe in Mahdi’s appearance, a righteous path, the path of the Prophets, the path of monotheism and the path of global ju

Since, from the point of view of those who perceive in some sort of a savior, or who wait for second coming of Jesus or who clearly believe in Mahdi’s appearance, a righteous path, the path of the Prophets, the path of monotheism and the path of global ju
Since, from the point of view of those who perceive in some sort of a savior, or who wait for second coming of Jesus or who clearly believe in Mahdi’s appearance, a righteous path, the path of the Prophets, the path of monotheism and the path of global justice, would be the path that goes through the doctrine of a savior. This provides a theoretical justification why the doctrine of any savior can not be neglected in any impartial social ...

Tawheed and Imamate of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Tawheed and Imamate of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
A fact concealed in the belief in divine monotheism (Tawheed) is that none, except Allah, has the right to rule over others. Even a father does not enjoy any sovereignty over his children. When a father does not possess this right, the question of other individuals ruling over their fellow beings, commanding and prohibiting, appointing them to a position or removing them from it, does not arise. To the extent that man does not have any right ...

Who Are the Companions and the Helpers of Imam Mehdi?

Who Are the Companions and the Helpers of Imam Mehdi?
The Companions of Imam Mehdi: The companions of Imam Mehdi are special people with exceptional talents, who join Imam Mehdi in the first hours after his appearance. They form the primary core for the international battle of Imam Mehdi. They are the people who both start Imam Mehdi's battle with their presence, and become the advisers and ministers of him after the victory of the battle and they will be responsible for a lot of tasks then. Imam ...

Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine

Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine
Some religious or philosophical concepts are pivotal, and are interpreted in a particular way as Doctrine. For instance, 'Dukkha' ("Suffering" or "sorrow") in Buddhism is so important that is called 'the Doctrine of Dukkha or the Doctrine of Buddha'; or 'Maya' ("imaginary world") is a fundamental concept in Hindu phi¬losophy, which construes as 'the Doctrine of Maya'.6 Mahdiism is one of the tenets, which is of high significance in Islam. It ...

Some Objections About The Mahdi and Replies

Some Objections About The Mahdi and Replies
    Some Objections About The Mahdi raised by them are mentioned below:(a) Longevity  They object to the Mahdi being a contemporary of so many successive generations during the past ten centuries and continuing to live until he reappears on the scene. How is it possible for him, they ask, to live such a long life without being affected by the natural laws, according to which everyone has to pass through the stages of old age ...

The Merits for Visiting the Holy Shrine of Hadrat Masoomah (A.S.)

The Merits for Visiting the Holy Shrine of Hadrat Masoomah (A.S.)
Sayedah Fatimah Masumah (sa) also known as Karimah-e-Ahl-e-Bayt (as) was the daughter of the seventh Imam from Prophet Muhammad (saww)’s progeny, Musa bin Jafar Al-Kazim (as), and sister of eighth Imam Ali bin Musa Ar-Reza (as). She was born on the 1st of Zilqa'da, 173 AH.Prior to her birth, Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) spoke of her status:“Mecca is Allah's sanctuary, Medina is Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W.), Kufa is Imam Ali's (as), ...

The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi

The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi
Dr. Emami: When did the belief in Mahdi become prevalent in the Islamic environment? Was there any conversation about the Mahdi during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) or was it after his death that the belief became widespread among Muslims? There are some who have written that there was no Mahdiism in the beginning of Islam. It was only in the second half of the first century (7th century CE) that the idea appeared ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.), the Twelfth Imam, the Great Leader and Peace-Maker of the World

Imam Mahdi (A.S.), the Twelfth Imam, the Great Leader and Peace-Maker of the World
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi1. The End of the Night of DarknessWhen we look at our present situation, and we see the increase in crimes, massacres, wars, bloodshed, conflicts, international differences and the daily increase in corruption, we ask ourselves if the situation will continue in the same way and the extent of the crimes and corruption will so grow that all of society will be included in a continuous war and destroyed?Or the ...

The Miracle and the Long Life

The Miracle and the Long Life
    Up to now we have seen that the prolongation of life is scientifically possible. But let us suppose that it is not, that the process of old-age and decrepitude is quite rigid, that it cannot either now or in the long run overcome nor alter its conditions or circumstances - what will this mean? It will mean that the prolongation of human life - as is the case of Noah, or al-Mahdi - runs contrary to the natural laws which ...

The title of Imam Mahdi "Al-Qa’im" (The Riser): Part 2

The title of Imam Mahdi "Al-Qa’im" (The Riser): Part 2
The fact that Imamate is a Divine covenant and Allah specifies it has been argued by rational and Qur’anic proofs and the consecutively-narrated sunnat. ‘Allamah Hilli has established one thousand proofs of this issue in Alfain, and in fact this issue has its roots in the unity of Allah, and like the principle of Divine Unity, it comprises unity of rulership and authority over creation:لَهُ الْحُكْمُ وَلَهُ ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and Justice

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and Justice
Irrespective of their sects, Muslims throughout the world believe that, "When Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) will establish his government, peace, brotherhood, equality, justice and equity will spread to every nook and corner of the world. He will rescue the oppressed ones from the hands of the tyrants. And everybody will enjoy the bounties of the nature equally. He will establish such a government which will be free from all tyranny and evil. It will be ...

Some of the Duties of the People who Are Expecting Imam Mahdi

Some of the Duties of the People who Are Expecting Imam Mahdi
· To Love Imam Mahdi People who are waiting for Imam Mahdi to return should have his love and affection in their hearts all the time. Of course no one could wait for someone else if they do not like him, no matter how well they know him. How could people expect others if they dislike them and how could they get prepared to host them? Therefore, one cannot act like a true believer who expects Imam Mahdi, unless they have the love of Imam ...