Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Nature surrounds us. Knowledge and the vision of the world and its order and perfection are translated into a Messianic philosophy of the Divine, a culture which becomes history, order and law. Rationality, historicity of scientific knowledge, nature and

Nature surrounds us. Knowledge and the vision of the world and its order and perfection are translated into a Messianic philosophy of the Divine, a culture which becomes history, order and law. Rationality, historicity of scientific knowledge, nature and
Nature surrounds us. Knowledge and the vision of the world and its order and perfection are translated into a Messianic philosophy of the Divine, a culture which becomes history, order and law. Rationality, historicity of scientific knowledge, nature and experience, nature and human ratio, science and ethics, science and its language, dialogue and mutual understanding, coexistence and love.As a global insight and from this perspective, Nature ...

The Signs of Mahdi's Appearance

The Signs of Mahdi's Appearance
Engineer Madani: How reliable are the signs of the appearance of the Mahdi?Mr. Hoshyar: There are numerous signs of the appearance of the Master of the Command (may God hasten deliverance through him!) mentioned in the books on hadith. We cannot undertake to discuss each one of them because we do not have that much time. It will require several sessions to cover even the most important of these. Nevertheless, some observations are in order, ...

Sayings of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Sayings of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
I am the Mahdi. I am the Qa'im of the time... Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Bihar V.52 p.2 I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it ... Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Bihar, V.52, p.2 I am the reminder of Allah in His earth... Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Bihar, V.52, p 24 I am the avenger from His enemies... Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Bihar, v.52, p.24 And through me shall Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, drive a... Imam Mahdi (A.S.) Bihar, V,52, ...

The Signs and Symbols of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.

The Signs and Symbols of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.
Innumerable narrations contain the signs and symbols of the reappearance of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr Imam Mahdi (a.s.) Janab Sheikh Sadooq and Allamah Majlisi (May Allah Shower His blessing on them) the highly acclaimed Shia scholars have described these narrations among the signs and symbols of the re-appearance of Imam (a.s.) Here we will discuss them wholly from literary point of view. 1. Importance of signs and symbols of re-appearance of Imam ...

Mahdi (PBUH),Ten Revolutions in One Revolution

Mahdi (PBUH),Ten Revolutions in One Revolution
The report card of all the schools of thought through out the history reveals many weak points. The majority of them concentrated on one aspect, but ignored other important aspects of humanity. All these ideologies were "self-centered", meaning that they considered themselves as the central ideology and others (rest of mankind) as the surrounds, and most important of all, they had great claims; however, they made a poor performance. The east and ...

Mahdi (AS) in Different Ahatith (Traditions)

Mahdi (AS) in Different Ahatith (Traditions)
The Views of Muhyi-ad Din Ibn Arabi on the Infallibility of Imam Mahdi (AS): Ibn Arabi in his works "Futuhat Al-Makkiya" (The Meccan Revelations) says: "Mahdi (AS), during his time is the sign of Allah for the people of the world. His position is like that of the Prophets' (Peace Be Upon Them) which is sometimes also possible for others to share." In the Glorious Qur'an, Allah tells His Prophet (SAW): "Say, `this is my path. With sure ...

Imam al-Mahdi’s Mode of Conduct with Enemies

 Imam al-Mahdi’s Mode of Conduct with Enemies
By: Najmuddin TabasiAfter many centuries of waiting and agony, the days of tyranny and darkness will finally come to an end; the rays of the sun of felicity will become visible; and the great personage who, by the help of God, is supposed to wipe out the remnants of tyranny and oppression, will appear. He will affect extensive reforms and fundamental transformations in both the spiritual and material realms, and he will establish order in human ...

Mahdism and Globalization

Mahdism and Globalization
Mahdism and Globalization   Mahdism: Semitic Thought, Arabic CultureIn the political studies, the concept of Mahdism, is the deepest spirit of Aryan or Semitic cultural heritage. This Arabic term, has an equivalent with the Messianism in the theological orientation of the West-Christianity. It also represents the political orientation of secular Western people to await the golden era of capitalist globalization through a figure of messianic ...

What Danger Faced the Imam If He Were Visibly Present?

What Danger Faced the Imam If He Were Visibly Present?
Engineer Madani: If the Imam of the Age were visibly present among people, he would have been living in one of the cities of the world, guiding and directing the religious lives of the Muslims, and continuing to fulfil his obligations until the conditions of the world became favorable. At that time he would have been able to launch his revolution and destroy the power of disbelief and injustice. What is wrong with this supposition? Mr. Hoshyar: ...

The Mahdi (a.s.) is near

The Mahdi (a.s.) is near
Throughout the history of mankind, there have been moments that we may define as moments of “hope and expectation”. Currently, we are living one of those moments. International tension increases, but so does the hope and expectation in the appearance of an Avatar or a Messiah *. The sanskrit word “Avatar” literally means “descended from afar”. Ava expresses the idea, “far, distant”. The root AV transmits the idea of ...

An introduction to twelveth Imame Hazrat Mahdi(a.s)

An introduction to twelveth Imame Hazrat Mahdi(a.s)
An introduction to twelveth Imame Hazrat Mahdi(a.s)   Birth The Sun of the existence of the twelveth Imam (A.S.) cast its reflection and enlightened and brightened the hearts of the Shias with its light. The Abbasade caliphs and government functionaries had heard that the Imams are twelve people and that the last and final of them is the son of eleventh Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) whose occultation will prolong, and he is the one who will form ...

This model can be modified and extended as under to incorporate the Mahdvi perspective.

This model can be modified and extended as under to incorporate the Mahdvi perspective.
This model can be modified and extended as under to incorporate the Mahdvi perspective.The Mahdvi Model: Wi =Water Scarcity level, Time cost, Religious human capital, Environment (technology, others’ behavior and infrastructure), the knowledge about Mahdism, the attachment and devotion with Mahdism, other conventional economics variables}A more elaborate functional relationship can be written as under;Wi = f{Ta, wij, W, Tp, MPGS, B1, B2, SC, ...

15th Shaban:The Happy and Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

15th Shaban:The Happy and Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)
Hadrat Hujjat ibn Hasan al-Askari(A.S.) the Twelfth Holy Imam, Al-Mahdi was born on 15th Shaban in 255 A.H. in Samarrah(Iraq). On this Auspicious and Solemn Occasion we extend our Heartiest and Happy Greetings to all the peace-lovers and justice seekers in the world. Name: MuhammadTitle: Al-Mehdi, Saheb-ul-Asr and Al-HujjatKunyat: Abul QasimBorn at Samarrah, on Friday, the 15th Shaban 255 A.H.Father's name: Imam Hasan-al-Askari(A.S.)Mother's ...

Features of the Mahdi's (as) government

Features of the Mahdi's (as) government
An ideal Islamic state awaiting the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (af) would elevate the spiritual level of the society and minimize moral laxity and corruption. It would fulfill its obligations for general economic welfare within the limits of its resources and ensure that justice is distributed equitably and has completely eradicated opportunities for exploitation and corruption. The state should make a concerted effort to gather the maximum ...

Reappearance of Imam Mahdi

Reappearance of Imam Mahdi
Imam Mahdi is a divine figure who is on occultation and will reappear at the end times to establish justice in the world. He will establish a just government and will prepare the grounds for man’s perfection in all dimensions. There are many traditions (hadith) handed down both by Sunni and Shia scholars regarding his occultation and reappearance. According to many traditions the Imam will reappear at a time when the world is full of ...

The Secret Birth of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

The Secret Birth of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)
Shaykh Mufid, a distinguished Shi'ite scholar, also wrote in al Irshad: "When Imam Hasan al-'Askari (a.s.), passed away, the caliph of that time, pursued his son because the Shi'ite Imamiyyah's belief was famous and was spread about that the Shi'ites were awaiting His Eminence." Mu'tadid, one of the tyrant 'Abbasid caliphs who ruled from 279 to 289 A.H., decided all at once to destroy the entire family of al 'Askari when he heard that more than ...

Features of Imam Mahdi’s Government:

Features of Imam Mahdi’s Government:
Revival of the Sunnah Imam Mahdi is a divine figure who is on occultation and will reappear at the end times to establish justice in the world. He will establish a just government and will prepare the grounds for man's perfection in all dimensions. There are many traditions (hadith) handed down both by Sunni and Shia scholars regarding his occultation and reappearance. According to many traditions the Imam will reappear at a time when the world ...

The Iranian Islamism, a Model towards Stability in the Muslim World-2

The Iranian Islamism, a Model towards Stability in the Muslim World-2
In Iran, a subtle but profoundly important dialogue over the essence and proper functions of the state has been emerging now for more than a decade. Though this dialogue was never fully extinguished, only after the end of the war with Iraq in 1988 and the death of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989 could it move out of private homes and into popular publications and, more recently, into some corners of the state. The specific ideological dispositions of ...

A Way to Meet Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.)

A Way to Meet Imam-e-Zamana (A.S.)
Mawlana Jaan Ali Shah Kazmi was giving majalis in Siraj Imam Bargah, Sarafa Bazaar, near Husaynia Iranian Hall, Karachi, Pakistan. His topic in this Imam Bargah was Imam-e Zamana (A.S.).During his topic in his third Majlis, he told the way to meet with Imam in this world. He gave an example of person who adopted this way and got success to meet with Imam in just one year. The way is:1) Recite the following Surahs of Holy Quran before sleeping ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Imam Ali (A.S)’s Words

Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Imam Ali (A.S)’s Words
. Imam Mahdi’s (A.S) OccultationImam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) has brought up the subject of Imam Mahdi (A.S)’s occultation in different occasions within the limits of his audience intellectual and understanding abilities and according to the natural trend of events in the future.On an occasion he points to the necessity of the existence of a divine Hujjah on the earth, even more, in the entire universe. Then he notes that this Hujjah ...