Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Spirit of Law

The Spirit of Law
The Spirit of Law   §1. Every human community strives toward happiness, that is, peace and prosperity shared in a spirit of brotherhood and justice. However, various hindrances prevent love to reign and flow within the social body. They can only be removed by justice, delivered by legitimate public institutions. Pax opus iustitiae: peace is the work of justice.The international community is such a community. It strives toward a peaceful and ...

Who was Al-Mahdi's (as) mother?

Who was Al-Mahdi's (as) mother?
The most frequently used name for Al-Mahdi's (as) mother is Nardjis. She was from the Roman Empire, the most powerful European state of that time. Muslims defeated her father and she was taken as a prisoner of war. The Imam of that time was Imam Hassan Al-'Askari (as). Nardjis had seen Fatima (as) in a dream and embraced Islam, and later she married Imam Hassan Al-'Askari (as) and gave birth to Al-Mahdi ...

The “Ontology of Violence” in Western Foreign Policy

The “Ontology of Violence” in Western Foreign Policy
In our world today, countless people suffer from violence. Many nations are afflicted by the destruction of ongoing wars. Others live under constant threats of violence from other nations and militant organizations. Some of the actual violence and the threats of violence arises from people who claim to belong to one of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam. When God called Abraham, according to the Torah, God made a ...

The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact from the Standpoint of Anthropology and Sociology

The Doctrine of Mahdiism and its Impact  from the Standpoint of Anthropology and Sociology
Abstract: The doctrine of Mahdiism, a religious tenet and teaching, is the core of the Shi`i culture and enjoys the potentiality to speculate about the solutions for social and individual problems in both the ages of occultation and appearance, so that on the base of this doctrine, there can be certain strategic solutions in anthropological and sociological domains. Interpretation of the religion by this doctrine is a standpoint which presents ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Eyes of Muslim Ascetics

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Eyes of Muslim Ascetics
  The subject of al-Mahdi (A.S.)is not restricted to the school of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, rather, it is an object of interest for all Muslim schools of thought. Many great Muslim scholars urged by the numerous traditions related from the Prophet of Islam have investigated this subject and have written many books on it.Muslim mystics, based on the existing traditions and their special views on existence and creation, have treated ...

Even during his lifetime, however, Muhammd Ahmad had designated a qadi al-Islam to administer his legal decisions.

Even during his lifetime, however, Muhammd Ahmad had designated a qadi al-Islam to administer his legal decisions.
Even during his lifetime, however, Muhammd Ahmad had designated a qadi al-Islam to administer his legal decisions. There were not enough Jews or Christians (other than British soldiers) in Sudan during the Mahdiyah to require an official policy; but there were plenty of Sufis, and in fact Muhammad Ahmad had been a member of the Khatmiyah order and Sufis of that and other orders made up a substantial part of his following. However, that did not ...

Sunni Documentation on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

Sunni Documentation on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)
or the Sunni brothers, there are six major collections of traditions based on the Sunni standards for verifying the authenticity of a tradition. These six books are: Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Sahih al-Nisa'i. I just quote few traditions from these six books to prove that a knowledgeable Sunni brother/sister can NOT deny that: al-Mahdi (AS) will come in the last days to make a ...

Titles of Hazrat Imam-e-Asr (A.S.)

Titles of Hazrat Imam-e-Asr (A.S.)
Prophethood and Imamat were instituted to guide people towards the right path, dissuade them from vanity, restore human qualities, suppress the evil temptation of ones self, living peacefully, curb and eliminate evils such as jealousy, enmity, pride etc. and also to encourage qualities such as self-sacrifice, understanding other and preferring others over ones own self. In short, perfecting all human qualities and to draw people towards the ...

The Imam is the leader and example „from whose intellectual power and insight, those traveling toward God benefit, whose conduct and mode of life they imitate, and to whose commands they submit.” In a very large and comprehensive sense, Imamate includes b

The Imam is the leader and example „from whose intellectual power and insight, those traveling toward God benefit, whose conduct and mode of life they imitate, and to whose commands they submit.” In a very large and comprehensive sense, Imamate includes b
The Imam is the leader and example „from whose intellectual power and insight, those traveling toward God benefit, whose conduct and mode of life they imitate, and to whose commands they submit.” In a very large and comprehensive sense, Imamate includes both intellectual authority and political leadership.„After the death of the Prophet, the Imam was entrusted with the guardianship of his accomplishments and the continuation of his ...

Reappearance of the Master of the Time

Reappearance of the Master of the Time
Reappearance of the Master of the Time  The basis of the appearance of the savior is definite and it will occur without a doubt, but this is not the topic of our discussion. What we would like to discuss is what we need to do to hasten his appearance and uprising. Is there any way at all to hasten this? Is it possible to hasten the rise of his Excellency, the Hujjat (A.S.) by paving the way? Does the Holy Qur’an say anything on this ...

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari and Traditions about the Mahdi

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari and Traditions about the Mahdi
t is important to emphasize that if the traditions about the Mahdi were not recorded by Bukhari and Muslim, this does not mean that the reports were weak in transmission. After all, these two compilers had no intention of shedding light on all the traditions. According to Bayhaqi, Muslim and Bukhari did not intend to search for all the traditions. The evidence is provided by the inclusion of numerous traditions that were recorded by Bukhari and ...

A Letter of Imam Mehdi (A.S) to Ahmad bin Ishaq

A Letter of Imam Mehdi (A.S) to Ahmad bin Ishaq
Ahmad bin Ishaq Ashari Qummi was the leader of the group of Qom pilgrims who went for the Ziyarat of the Purified Imams (a.s). He is one of the important narrators of traditions. Once a Shia man met him and gave him a letter of Ja’far, the son of Imam Hadi (a.s). In this letter, Ja’far had introduced himself and informed that after the passing away of his brother, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), he was the leader and chief of the Islamic ...

The Yemeni Uprising

The Yemeni Uprising
According to the sayings of Imams, the Yemeni flag is the flag to be used in the battle against the enemies of Imam Mahdi.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), commenting on people of Yemen, said: “They are kind hearted people and good believers, and the “helper”‌ will come from among them. He will start a fight with seventy thousand soldiers and he will assist my heir.”‌The Importance of the Yemeni BattleA battle in Yemen ...

If Al-Mahdi (as) is already prepared for his great task, then why must we wait? Do not all the upheavals and tragedies in the world necessitate his immediate re-appearance?

If Al-Mahdi (as) is already prepared for his great task, then why must we wait? Do not all the upheavals and tragedies in the world necessitate his immediate re-appearance?
I would like first to quote Baruch de Spinoza who said something which may help to shed some light in resolving the problems of this question:Peace is not a status of non-war, but rather a virtue, a faculty, a disposition for welfare, trust and justice.207He has actually analyzed that peace is not a simple and independent phenomenon or an easy task. The great revolution of Al-Mahdi (as) requires many preceding events. The Russian revolution was ...

Books on the Question of the Ghayba

Books on the Question of the Ghayba
It is indeed an old idea in Imamite history that one Imam from the progeny of the Prophet would go into hiding to prepare for the day when he would rise again under the title al-Qa’im al-Mahdi and fill the world with justice. The concealment (al-Ghayba) was considered a sign of the true al-Qa’im al-Mahdiand both before and after the occultation of the Twelfth Imam in 260/874. Many Shi’ite writers collected traditions attributed ...

A Christian Alternative

A Christian Alternative
IV.) A Christian AlternativeAlthough the Ontology of Violence arose in a society that called itself Christian, and is promoted today by many people who claim that name, several main differences between it and authentic Christianity should be clear. This Ontology includes a vision of progress towards international harmony and well-being, which it derived from Christian and Abrahamic origins. However, humanity is guided towards it by reason, ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Eyes of Muslim Ascetics-2

Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Eyes of Muslim Ascetics-2
He adds that “His miracles are so many that they cannot be counted in this small space.” Then he refers to a narration which has been related by Mulla Abd al-Rahman al-Jami in Shawahid al-Nubuwwah through Hakimah, the sister of Imam 'Ali al-Naqi, the aunt of Imam al-Hasan al-Askari, and he discusses the birth of his eminence which has been already covered.Sa‘ad al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Muayyad al-Hamawi He was born in 587 AH and died in 650 ...

Sunni Documentation on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)

Sunni Documentation on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s)
For the Sunni brothers, there are six major collections of traditions based on the Sunni standards for verifying the authenticity of a tradition. These six books are: Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Sahih al-Nisa'i. I just quote few traditions from these six books to prove that a knowledgeable Sunni brother/sister can NOT deny that: al-Mahdi (AS) will come in the last days to make a ...

Descriptions Identifying the Mahdi

Descriptions Identifying the Mahdi
The contemporary Scholar, Safi Golpaygani, has collected all these traditions in his book: Muntakhab al-athar, citing their Sunni and Shi'i sources. Following is the list of the subject and the number of traditions on that subject:91 hadith on: "The Imams are twelve in number, among whom the first is 'Ali b. Abi Talib and the last is the Mahdi."94 hadith on: "The Imams are twelve, and the last one is the Mahdi."107 hadith on: "The Imams are ...

Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Imam Ali (A.S)’s Words

Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Imam Ali (A.S)’s Words
I. Imam Mahdi’s (A.S) OccultationImam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) has brought up the subject of Imam Mahdi (A.S)’s occultation in different occasions within the limits of his audience intellectual and understanding abilities and according to the natural trend of events in the future.On an occasion he points to the necessity of the existence of a divine Hujjah on the earth, even more, in the entire universe. Then he notes that this Hujjah ...