Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Mahdism Doctrine for Unity of Ummah..

Mahdism Doctrine for Unity of Ummah..
Mahdism Doctrine for Unity of Ummah..   In an era of globalization, there is an urgent need to send the message of harmony across different faiths. As for Islam, it is the religion of tolerance, harmony and peaceful coexistence, as the basic article of its belief is faith in God, His Messengers and His Books are, not to confined any particular faith but in all the Messengers from Adam down the history bringing into fold all the Divine ...


The COMING of JESUS and GOD’S RIGHTEOUS KINGDOM I.) The Future Kingdom of God in the Torah and the Prophets  This hope first appeared in the Torah and the prophets, which both Christians and Muslims accept.  It was usually voiced when Israel’s leaders were corrupt and unjust, and when wars and fears of war spread through the nations.  This hope included six main features. 1.) The Righteous King. According to the prophet Isaiah, “the ...

The Qualities of Human Society after the Re-Appearance of Imam Mahdi A.S part 2

The Qualities of Human Society after the Re-Appearance of Imam Mahdi A.S part 2
In describing the time of Imam al-Mahdi's (A.S) rule, the Prophet (PBUH) has said, "People will be searching for someone poor who would accept charity or gifts from them, to no avail; they will put aside the zakat of their wealth, but they will not find anyone to give it to, for all will be made well-off by Allah grace."‌   After Imam al-Mahdi (A.S) establishes his rule, will there be any oppressors remaining in power? The character trait ...

The Twelfth Imam Imam Mehdi (A.S)

The Twelfth Imam Imam Mehdi (A.S)
IntroductionFirst Heavenly concealment: 8th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 260 A.H.Final Heavenly concealment: 10th of Shawwal, 328 A.H.There existed a good deal of harmony and uniformity between the aspects pertaining to the births of Prophet Muhammad, the last Apostle of Allah and Imam Mehdi, the last Apostolical Imam. Just as the coming of the Holy Prophet was prophesised well in advance by the preceeding Prophets similarly the impending news of the ...

The Imams and Leaders of Islam

The Imams and Leaders of Islam
The previous discussions lead us to the conclusion that in Islam, after the death of the Holy Prophet, there has continuously existed and will continue to exist within the Islamic community (ummah) an Imam (a leader chosen by God). Numerous prophetic hadiths 1 have been transmitted in Shi ism concerning the description of the Imams, their number, the fact that they are all of the Quraysh and of the Household of the Prophet, and the fact that the ...

What is the Benefit of Having the 12th Imam in Occultation

What is the Benefit of Having the 12th Imam in Occultation
What is the Benefit of Having the 12th Imam in Occultation Bismihi Ta'ala Question: If the Imam is the leader of the people he should be present among them. What is the benefit of having an Imam who lives an invisible life? What is the use of having an Imam who lives in the state of occultation for centuries without fulfilling any of the functions that he normally undertakes: such as, * propagating religion, * solving the problems of ...

Glimpses of AlMahdi a.s.

Glimpses of AlMahdi a.s.
Glimpses of AlMahdi a.s. The Peace of Allah, His Messengers, Imams and the believers be upon you. O the one who bestows honour upon the believers. O the one who degrades the enemies of Allah and the Prophet. O the Proof of Allah on Earth. O Abu Saleh Al Mahdi (May Allah hasten your reappearance). This is another humble request to you, even though you are in occultation. We are restless due to your separation, and much remains to be ...

Major Resurrection – The day of Reckoning

Major Resurrection – The day of Reckoning
II.3 Major Resurrection – The day of Reckoning: “Nay, I swear by the Day of Resurrection.” Quran (75:1) Believing in this day is one of the foundations of the Islamic faith. The Noble Quran makes very many references to it. All the prophets of Allah reminded their peoples about this monumental day. Disbelievers normally deny the day of resurrection, claming that their existence in this temporal life is purposeless. It is only the time ...

12th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)

12th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)
 Home Ahl Al-Bayt’s Biographies    12th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)Ahl Al-Bayt’s BiographiesMahdism12th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)April 15, 201512th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)    Imam Mahdi (PBUH)Imam Mahdi (PBUH) (Arabic: امام مهدي‎) is the 12th and the last Imam of Shia from the descendant of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and he is prophesied in all Abrahamic books (Turah, Bible, Quran). It is prophesied he will ...

Dialogue or Conversion? An examination of Christian-Muslim eschatological texts and their potential impact on interfaith dialogue

Dialogue or Conversion? An examination of Christian-Muslim eschatological texts and their potential impact on interfaith dialogue
Dialogue or Conversion? An examination of Christian-Muslim eschatological texts and their potential impact on interfaith dialogue   As the world continues to divide along the lines of faith and religion, interfaith dialogue has emerged as a legitimate and powerful tool for peacemaking across the boundaries of culture and belief. This is especially true for followers of the three Abrahamic traditions who have the potential to realize ...

Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslims

Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslims
Christian Zionist Messianism: How It Views Islam and Muslims   Represented by literally hundreds of small denominations and churches today, particularly in America, evangelical Christian Zionist messianism is today a formidable force and a major actor in global politics. It exercises an enormous clout in the current Bush administration in America. George Bush, too, himself can be characterized as an arch upholder of this ideology, and his ...

Awaiting the Divine Savior

Awaiting the Divine Savior
On the 15th Sha'ban, Muslims celebrate the auspicious birth anniversary of the 12th Imam, Hazrat Mahdi (AS) and we extend our heartfelt greetings to all the Muslims and the oppressed people of the world on this blessed occasion. Some Western theoreticians are of the strong conviction that man has discovered the ultimate and the most perfect way of life and that now no other major changes or developments are expected to take place in his present ...

MAHDISM IN QUR'ÓNIC EXEGESIS Imamate Order and Challenges of Globalization

 MAHDISM IN QUR'ÓNIC EXEGESIS Imamate Order and Challenges of Globalization
The paper attempts to reveal the views of Muslim of scholars with regard to the concept of Mahdism from Sunni and Shiite perspective. On the first part we will discuss the views of Muslim exegetes toward the textual evidences which directly deal with aspects of Mahdism. We will trace it both from etymological and terminological aspect and then see their interpretation pertinent to the underlying concept. Afterward, we will discuss the concept of ...

The Connection between Imam Mahdi (A.S) and Imam Hussein (A.S)

The Connection between Imam Mahdi (A.S) and Imam Hussein (A.S)
This paper is the first part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in Muharram 1433/November and December 2011, entitled, "Spiritual Struggle of Karbala."AbstractAlthough there are similarities between all members of Ahl-ul- Bayt and they are from the same light, there is a special link between Imam Hussein (A.S) and Imam ...

The Infallibility of the Twelve Imams

The Infallibility of the Twelve Imams
The Tenth Spurious Argument:THE INFALLIBILITY OF THE TWELVE IMAMSSome people criticize the Shia for believing that the Imams of the honorable Prophet's family were infallible.THE ANSWERThe Shia believe that the Imam, who has been appointed by Allah, must be infallible. Allah says:Surely, I will make you an Imam of men. Ibrahim said, 'and of my offspring?' My covenant does not include the unjust, said He. (2:124)And whoever goes beyond the limits ...

Islamic Governance during the Period of Occultation

Islamic Governance during the Period of Occultation
Now the question arises about the status of Islamic social-political programs during the occultation. What should the Muslims do when they do not have access to the Imam, the rightful ruler? Who should take charge of leading the community to its divinely ordained goal? Should the faithful simply abandon the idea of following the tradition of the Prophet in matters of governance? Were the directives given by the Prophet relevant only during his ...

Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary survival

Horizentalization of Vertical eschatology as recipe for planetary survival
  Twelve years ago, while we were sitting in front of a college in Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Philippines, a Seventh-Day Adventist friend of mine from Bukidnon, Mindanao, told me, “Everything can serve any purpose. You see, if I position this horizontally (referring to a blue ballpen he was holding), it serves as a bridge, but if I put it this way (that is, vertically), it becomes a wall.”Accordingly, ‘horizontal’ God is He ...

How the followers of Imam Mahdi (AJ) must behave?

How the followers of Imam Mahdi (AJ) must behave?
[1] Beharul Anwaar, Vol. 53, Page 176, attachment to Hadith 7, narrated from ...

Remember Him to Be Remembered by Him

Remember Him to Be Remembered by Him
God reminds his creatures: remember me so that I remember you. The Imam of Time is a complete manifestation of God. He is His greatest sign. He will remember us if we remember him. The more we remember him, the more he remembers us. How the Imam of Time remembers us is much different from how we remember him. God tells his prophets: Salute this nation, your salutation brings about peace to them. Is it the same when we pray for the health of the ...

Awaiting in the Perspective of Responsibilities

Awaiting in the Perspective of Responsibilities
Awaiting' (Intezar) is the result of two condi­tions. Firstly, he is not satisfied with the present circumstances and secondly, he expects the improve­ment in his circumstances. If either of these condi­tions are not fulfilled then it is not awaiting and the person concerned is not an 'awaiter' *(Muntazir). (Bayt Agency) - The awaiting of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.) also holds the same distinct characteristics. Even here awaiting ...