Saturday 6th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan is a great feast

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan is a great feast

Ramadan is a great feast that God calls people to worship and servitude, and Eid al-Fitr is the time to award the servants.

Professor Ansarian: Divine test and afflictions

Professor Ansarian: Divine test and afflictions

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the magnitude of the Night prayers

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the magnitude of the Night prayers

What suffices about the magnitude of the Night prayers is that God himself will assess its reward and he says in the Surah As-Sajdah that no angel, human or the divine prophets are aware of the reward of this prayers.

Professor Ansarian: Ramadhan is a month of uprising

Professor Ansarian: Ramadhan is a month of uprising

According to what Imam Sajad (peace be upon him) has said, Ramadhan is a month of uprising, uprising against envy, arrogance, wrath, hypocrisy, external and internal corruptions. Indeed, this uprising is a greater Jihad, and if one dies in this Jihad while he is uprising against himself and is busy self-purifying, he is superior to martyrs of the world.

Professor Ansarian: the infidel deals either with his carnal desires or the people who flatter him

 Professor Ansarian: the infidel deals either with his carnal desires or the people who flatter him
According to public relations and the international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarorlErfan, professor Ansarian in one of his lectures in Shah Cherag in Shriz stipulated: Allah Almighty has remarkably and outstandingly remembered the faithful men and women in most chapters of the Holy Quran, specially in chapters like Repentance (Towbeh), Momenoon, Foghan, Maarej and Ehzab and has given both special respect. In the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Nahjulbalaghe is an ocean of concepts and meanings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Nahjulbalaghe is an ocean of concepts and meanings

Each sentence, each line, each letter, each context, each speech and every maxim of the commander of the faithful is an ocean of concepts and meanings. It ripens the mind, purifies the soul and guides the actions, cures the moral vices and contains humane teachings.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Ramadan month is a special banquet with special hosting

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Ramadan month is a special banquet with special hosting

During the eleven month of the year, the whole universe with everything in it utilizes the public divine tablecloth, but the Ramadan month is a special banquet with special hosting and the invitation letter belongs only to the believers

Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?

Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?
We have at our disposal in the English language many ahadith (traditions) on the best practices and foods including duas, for the conception of a child and the duration it spends in its mother's womb. But are there any ahadith that you can shed light on in regards to the best practices for the first 2-4 years of a child's development? Have the Ahlulbayt (as) suggested any specific foods and diet apart from the mother's milk? Have they provided ...

committing sin darkens the heart

committing sin darkens the heart
Sin darkens the heart. With every sin the light of the heart is destroyed and replaced with darkness. The door of mankind,s heart is open for Allah Almighty due the divine nature. This door is slightly closed with every single sin we commit. The human beings may exceed in committing sins and the door of his heart is closed thoroughly and the darkness takes over his heart and then no light would be able to permeate into his ...

The Worldly life is likened to water

The Worldly life is likened to water
 The world is the skies, earth, the mountains and mines, every bit of these is valuable. The worldly life or the life of people in this world is like water, it is a very odd Metaphor. It means whatever attempts people are going through and whatever they make are all over the water. Water is the basis of life. Is water a sturdy and strong position? The water produces worms, it stinks, its color changes, it steams and vanishes into thin air ...

When the first night of Ramadan comes

When the first night of Ramadan comes
إنَّ أَبْوَابَ السَّمَاءِ تُفَتَّحُ فِی أَوَّلِ لَیْلَهٍ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ وَ لَا تُغْلَقُ إِلَى آخِرِ لَیْلَهٍ مِنْه‏ When the first night of Ramadan comes, the doors of the skies are opened; none of them is closed until the last night of the Ramadan. Bihar Al-anwar V.93, ...

Malek Ashtar and the issue of forgiveness

Malek Ashtar and the issue of forgiveness
He was a sublime man and a divine creature as well as Divine existence and a complete symbol of faith, Morality and good deeds and whatever the Commander of the Faithful has told about Munificence Magnanimity has told about almost no one. When he was in the peak of power and authority and was the commander in chief of Iraqi army and people used to shake in fear by hearing his holy name. one day he entered the Kufa market, since he used to wear ...

Professor Ansarian: The moral vices of the pregnant mother are passed on to the child.

Professor Ansarian: The moral vices of the pregnant mother are passed on to the child.
Professor Ansarian emphasized that Allah Almighty is not responsible for the corruption of any child. He also added: Allah Almighty has guided the women, especially when they are pregnant, he has asked the pregnant women to avoid eating the ill-gotten (Haram) food but instead eat the Halal and pure food and as long as she is pregnant, she must observe divine ethics and avoid being jealous, stingy, greedy, vengeful, disagreeable and arrogant ...

the friendship and affection of Imam Ali (as)

the friendship and affection of Imam Ali (as)

عنوانُ صَحیفَةِ المُؤمِنِ حُبُّ عَلیِّ بنِ ابی‌طالب علیه‌السلام

The Prophet of Islam(peace be upon him) said: The headpiece of every believer's Scroll of Deeds on the Day of Judgment is the friendship and affection of Imam Ali (as).

Professor Hussein Ansarian: peruse 50 verses of Holy Quran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: peruse 50 verses of Holy Quran

The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) writes in letter to Imam Hasan Mujtaba (A.S) and says: O dear Hasan! Peruse 50 verses of the holy Quran during the day and night, since Quran is light, science, mercy and healing from the lord of the universe.

Stomach and lust

Stomach and lust

The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: those people who are away from the divine education and have no effort but to satisfy their stomach and lust and they fulfill their desires from whatever way they can, the value and price of such people equals what comes out of their stomach.  

the best people according to Imam Hussein's (as) saying

the best people according to Imam Hussein's (as) saying

 إنَّ أَوْصَلَ النَّاسِ مَنْ وَصَلَ مَنْ قَطَعَه.

Imam Hussein (AS): The best people are those who reconcile with someone who has fallen out with them

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 1, p. ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the master of the people in the world are the generous

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the master of the people in the world are the generous

In the words of Imam Sajjad (AS), the master of the people in the world are the generous. Generosity depends more on one's grandeur of soul than on his financial power.

Professor Ansarian: the infallibility of our Imams

Professor Ansarian: the infallibility of our Imams