Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The concept of affection in Islamic culture

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The concept of affection in Islamic culture
In Islamic culture, the concept of affection is of great position and it is suitable to be loved and treated affectionately by the blessed and good ones; because whatever we love, we will have gradually an unbreakable bond with the very thing. The Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh&hp) says: "mankind is with the one who he loves". Undoubtedly, the highest love and affections are loving God Almighty. In being accustomed and friend with Allah Almighty, ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The sayings of the household of the Prophet (pbuh&hp;)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The sayings of the household of the Prophet (pbuh&hp;)

The sayings of the household of the Prophet (pbuh&hp) act like a guideline by which we have to assess ourselves to see whether we are the intended Shiites of the Infallible Imams (AS) or not?

Professor Ansarian: who did the prophet (pbuph&hp;) smell the scent of the paradise from

Professor Ansarian: who did the prophet (pbuph&hp;) smell the scent of the paradise from

Is there any virtue greater than the fact that the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuph &hp) used to smell the scent of Paradise from Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), the holy Prophet (pbuph &hp) said: whenever I miss the paradise, I smell my daughter, Fatima.

Kanz al-Ummal: 5/97

Professor Hussein Ansarian: I offer you my three sons

Professor Hussein Ansarian: I offer you my three sons

Imam Mujtaba (A.S) was quoted as saying to Imam Hussein (A.S) during the last moments of his noble life: O dear Hussein! I won't live long enough to be in Karbala, but I offer you my three sons. Let them go to the battlefield, if anyone of them asks you for permission.

Professor Ansarian: the guardianship and the companionship of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her)

Professor Ansarian: the guardianship and the companionship of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her)

According to the Holy Qur'an, the guardianship and the companionship of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) and his infallible offspring is the reward and result of the mission of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) and it is considered as a religious obligatory acts.

Professor Ansarian: The truth of Quran and Ahlulbayt(AS)

Professor Ansarian: The truth of Quran and Ahlulbayt(AS)

The real revelation of the Holy Quran is the one volume book we have, but the heavenly truth of this book is the existence of the Ahlulbayt (AS), who are never separated from the Holy Quran.

The reason for these two treasures and valuable heritage of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is that both are the truth, and the truth is never separated for the truth.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the real Shias are permanently tied with prayers until the very end of their lives.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the real Shias are permanently tied with prayers until the very end of their lives.

Professor Ansarian believes that saying prayers can save mankind from troubles, wrong loves and infatuations, sins and financially ill-gotten things. The eighth Imam of the Shias, Imam Reza (A.S) says: our Shias are permanently tied with prayers until the very end of their lives.

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:

The narrowing of the circle of the religion and exaggerating and magnifying Hell over Paradise is against the traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam and Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them all)


Professor Hussein Ansarian: The most important message of the Eid al-Adha for the monotheists

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The most important message of the Eid al-Adha for the monotheists

The most important message of the Eid al-Adha for the monotheists is that, like Abraham, we should stay against our nafs-ul-ammarah (it is a part of ourselves that overwhelmingly commands a person to commit sin) and prefer the divine orders to worldly attractions and sensual desires.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: being bad-tempered ruins your actions and deeds

Professor Hussein Ansarian: being bad-tempered ruins your actions and deeds

The moral vices, being jealous, avarice, hypocrisy and arrogance or in another word, being bad-tempered ruins your actions and deeds,

the one who abandons the world

the one who abandons the world

Imam Reza (peace upon him) said: the one who abandons the world for the religion and vice a versa is not our follower and Shia

Bihar-Al-Anwar: volume 78, page 346

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:

Denying the divine wrath is in fact like rejecting his mercy. How is possible to have mercy while Allah has no wrath?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind is in dire need of God's help

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind is in dire need of God's help

Mankind is in dire need of God's help and assistance in every second of his life that he must pave the way for such help through avoiding sinning, doing good deeds, and applying moral virtues



Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's blessings and bounties

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's blessings and bounties

Although we are steeped in God's blessings and bounties, we turn our back on him; however, God is so kind that he still awaits our return. God is the kindest of all.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: O my servants! Today has become Eid for you

Professor Hussein Ansarian: O my servants! Today has become Eid for you

God Almighty says in the first day of Shawal: O my servants! Today has become Eid for you; because I want to grant you all mercy and forgiveness as presents. I want to change your destiny and make you steadfast beside Ahlulbayt (AS)