Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: modesty and humility

Professor Ansarian: modesty and humility

Respect the elderly because of their more worships and look up to the kids due to their less sins and try to be modest all the time.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the lady of both world as a role-model

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the lady of both world as a role-model

The Imam of the time says about Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (as): Fatimah Zahra (as) is my role model in all aspects of my life. In fact, he is trying to tell us that what all good servants of God had, God has granted all to the lady of both world; namely, Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (as).

Professor Ansarian: Quran cures all emotional and intellectual pain

Professor Ansarian: Quran cures all emotional and intellectual pain
He went on to talk about the topic of human need for divine proofs in the process of its evolution and said: The Prophet (pbuh) and Imam Ali (AS), like all human beings, had 14 billion gray cells, but unlike the general population whose one third of the cells of their brains are active, all the cells of our infallible Imams and the Holy prophets (pbuh) were active. A Western professor who has had many studies on the statements of these two great ...



أنِّي وَلِيٌّ لِمَنْ وَالاكِ ، وَعَدُوٌّ لِمَنْ عَادَاكِ

I am the friend of him who adheres to you, I am the enemy of him who makes an enemy of you,


I seek your protection against the strong temptations of the devils

I seek your protection against the strong temptations of the devils


وقُلْ رَبِّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ

Say, "Lord, I seek your protection against the strong temptations of the devils.


Tongue origin of disagreement in life

Tongue  origin of disagreement in life
Tongue origin of disagreement in life Professor Ansarian emphasized that tongue is one of the main factors that might cause family disputes, he also said: The deceased Faiz Kashani said tongue,s weight is too low, but its crime  is too massive. Professor Ansarian said: it is Allah,s mercifulness and benevolence toward his servants that caused the holy Quran to be sent down. Since Allah Almighty constantly wants whatever is to his servants ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: If the guardianship of Imam Ali (AS) wouldn't occur

Professor Hussein Ansarian: If the guardianship of Imam Ali (AS) wouldn't occur

If the guardianship of Imam Ali (AS) wouldn't occur on the day of Ghadir, Islam could not have been completed and the mission of the Prophet (pbuh) would also remain incomplete.

The Sermon of Fadak by Lady Fatima Zahra (as)-part three

The Sermon of Fadak by Lady Fatima Zahra (as)-part three

A part of Hazrat Zahra’s speech in defense of her right and the guardianship (wilayat) of Imam Ali (as)

Now you (the Ansar and Muhajerin) presume that God has specified no inheritance for us and we do not have any inheritance from the Prophet (PBUH)?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God’s mercy is so extensive and all-encompassing

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God’s mercy is so extensive and all-encompassing

In the words of Imam Bagher (as), God’s mercy is so extensive and all-encompassing that on the day of resurrection if there are some evils and impurities in people but they are believers and good people, God Almighty cleanse their inward so that they enter Paradise with purity.

Embracing Islam is easy and being pious can also happen easily

Embracing Islam is easy and being pious can also happen easily
Embracing Islam is easy and being pious can also happen in a simple and easy way. For example one can enter the realm of Islam by The Declaration of Faith (Shahadah) but keeping your religion and being religious have been difficult in all ages and times. In the meantime, the poisonous and anti-religious propaganda by the enemies of this right religion which is Islam have always betrayed the weak Muslim people. Nowadays, the children of some ...

Resort and repentance

Resort and repentance
In the Shrine of Allah Almighty, I was sitting beside the position of prophet Abraham that an old man came who had spent his whole life committing sins, he looked at me and said: You are a good intercessor before Allah for those who have sinned. O Merciful Allah, due to my ancestor the sixth Imam, because of the Holy Quran, due to Imam Ali, due to Imam Hasan and Imam Hosein, due to Hazrat Zahra, due to the Imams, due to Imam Mahdi forgive the ...

The paradise of Adam and Eve

The paradise of Adam and Eve
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: Adam and Eve were not in the Hereafter,s paradise. They were in a great place with perfect weather, because nothing is forbidden in the Hereafter,s paradise. We read about in the Hereafter,s paradise. فِي سِدْرٍ مَخْضُودٍ* وَ طَلْحٍ مَنْضُودٍ* وَ ظِلٍّ مَمْدُودٍ* وَ ماءٍ مَسْكُوبٍ  وَ فاكِهَةٍ كَثِيرَةٍ* لا مَقْطُوعَةٍ ...

the traits a true believer should always try to have

the traits a true believer should always try to have
A true believer should always struggle to have all the perfection attributes of Allah Almighty,because his soul is of Allah and he should try to stablish a proportion between he himself and the Almighty Allah,and if this proportion occurs, he can have more Communication and intimacy with Allah, If Allah is clement and gracious, he should also be clement and gracious. If Allah is all-knowing and Powerful, he should also go for learning and ...

It should be clear to sinners that sin is not found in man by nature but it is an accidental disease coming to man’s heart and soul due to many causes as any other disease that attacks man’s body. As a sick man has to go to the doctor to get the required

It should be clear to sinners that sin is not found in man by nature but it is an accidental disease coming to man’s heart and soul due to many causes as any other disease that attacks man’s body. As a sick man has to go to the doctor to get the required
Curer It should be clear to sinners that sin is not found in man by nature but it is an accidental disease coming to man’s heart and soul due to many causes as any other disease that attacks man’s body. As a sick man has to go to the doctor to get the required drugs, so a sick man with a moral disease has to go to a doctor who is specialist in such diseases. He must get the doctor’s instructions and follow them in order to pluck this ...

Professor Ansarian: The misconceptions about the Major sin

Professor Ansarian: The misconceptions about the Major sin
Usury is of major sins, adultery is of major sins, oppressing the people, whosoever they are- whether they are your children and spouse or ordinary people are among the major sins, unjustly swearing is of major sins, false testimony is of major sins. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: The sins that Allah explicitly promises fire for them in the Holy Quran is a Major sin. As we read in a verse of the holy Quran that killing the innocent, ...

Professor Ansariyan in the special program of martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS):

Professor Ansariyan in the special program of martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS):
Do not let our homes and houses, our business and our lives smell and look like the culture of arrogance and be devoid of the perfect smell of the ...

Who did you learn courtesy from?

Who did you learn courtesy from?
He said: I learned from my Lord. my master granted me power in my wisdom and spirit through which I could distinguish between falsehoods and truth as well as bad and good, in doing so whatever I noticed from the owners of insights I applied them in my life the best way I could and whatever I noticed from the ignorant and unaware people seemed Indecent and obscene to me and I avoided them with hatred, so by the grace of Almighty Allah I have ...

Professor Hussein Ansarain: The prophet of Islam and Ahlulbayt are the glorious sun

Professor Hussein Ansarain:  The prophet of Islam and Ahlulbayt are the glorious sun

Prophet Abraham (pbuh) after the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) and Ahlul-Bayt (pbuh) is a glorious sun whose intellect is greater than all its past and future until the day of resurrection and has been confirmed in various parts of the holy Quran.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: remind my servants of my blessings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: remind my servants of my blessings

God said to David (AS): Remind my servants of my blessings and do good to them, so that you may make me their beloved.

We still have divine scholars- do not blame them all.

We still have divine scholars- do not blame them all.