Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

who are our neighbors?

who are our neighbors?

 عنْ أَبِي جَعْفَر(ع) قَالَ: حَدُّ الْجِوَارِ أَرْبَعُونَ دَاراً مِنْ كُلِّ جَانِب

Imam Baqir (as) said: forty houses on each side of our house are considered our neighbors

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Controlling one's anger and dominating oneself is of the best human traits

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Controlling one's anger and dominating oneself is of the best human traits

Controlling one's anger and dominating oneself is of the best human traits.

Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: the highest virtue is having one's anger under one's control and eradicating one's carnal desires.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the reward visiting the holy shrine of Imam Hussein

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the reward visiting the holy shrine of Imam Hussein

According to Shiite narrations, the rewards of every step taken by the pilgrim of Imam Hussein (as) from his home to the shrine of the Master of the Martyrs (as) equals the rewards of an accepted Hajj and Umrah.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The promised paradise

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The promised paradise
The promised paradise is the visualization of goodness and the Hellfire is the visualization of evils. The reason why the lives of the people of paradise is an eternal one is because the paradise is inseparable from its people. one father in the world can deny his relationship with his son; the father is never separated from the son, because they are of the same essence. So, the result of an action is too an integral part of the action and its ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The cruel and delusive enemies

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The cruel and delusive enemies

The Book of Allah and the narrations of Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them) have warned that the cruel and delusive enemies are lurking in ambush for everyone. The inward enemies, the apparent and powerful ones, and the enemies of the body and soul.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Looking at non-intimate (na-mahram) woman

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Looking at non-intimate (na-mahram) woman

Looking at non-intimate (na-mahram) woman is like pushing a dagger to your faith and it adds nothing but sins to your life. There are plenty of good looks such as looking at parents, looking at highly pious scholar (A'alim-e-rabbani), looking at Quran and kind look at wife and children are all considered worship.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Holy Prophet of Islam as our role-model

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Holy Prophet of Islam as our role-model

One of the effects of having the Holy Prophet of Islam as our role-model in our lives is to live our lives wholeheartedly and attentively to the lord of the universe.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: propagating the religion of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: propagating the religion of God

Those who make their journey to Karbala on foot on the day of Arbaeen and those who serve and help such groups, are propagating the religion of God in the light of resorting to Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) is the summary of the creation

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) is the summary of the creation

Imam Hussein (as) is the summary of the creation; God introduced him to the entire world as well as the Hereafter in a way that the heavens, the earth and all the divine prophets cried for him.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: After knowledge, worship requires endeavor

Professor Hussein Ansarian: After knowledge, worship requires endeavor

After knowledge, worship requires endeavor; namely, we must be present polite and patient before Almighty God.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the non-religious person adheres to no commitments

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the non-religious person adheres to no commitments
Those who are not wise to worshiping Allah Almighty adhere to no commitments History has proven that most people in the world, according to the Quran's illuminated verses, sell themselves to a weed and do not think about their own end. Mankind's ego is the Master-thief, in a way that it is deceived by one promise and kill the son of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in cold blood. When the divine blessing pours down, the mankind is led in the right ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: you walk from Najaf toward the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (as) on foot; good for you all

Professor Hussein Ansarian: you walk from Najaf toward the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (as) on foot; good for you all

Arbaeen is near, you walk from Najaf toward the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (as) on foot; good for you all, the Imam of the time, Imam Mahdi (atf) says: ahl-e-haram (people of the house of God) ran toward the Pit of Sacrifice from the tents with barefoot. 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the greatness of the merciful Lord

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the greatness of the merciful Lord

Is it possible to ignore the greatness of the merciful Lord by seeing the wonders of creation and the eye-catching beauties of nature ?!`

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The main purpose of reciting the Dua of Arafe

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The main purpose of reciting the Dua of Arafe

The main purpose of reciting the Dua of Arafe is talking with Allah Almighty, expressing failure before him, increasing the level human's knowledge and proximity to Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the goals of Imam Hussein was to help people with their negligence

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the goals of Imam Hussein was to help people with their negligence

One of the goals of Imam Hussein was to help people with their negligence and awaken them about the hereafter, he tried to make them understand the result of their good or bad work so that they can regulate their lives.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: two important responsibilities of mankind

Professor Hussein Ansarian: two important responsibilities of mankind

Professor Hussein Ansarian pointed out that we are responsible and we have two paramount responsibilities which most people take for granted. The first responsibility is to strive and do our best to the extent that we can in order to achieve perfection. The second responsibility we are bound to carry out is do everything possible to gain Allah's proximity

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the meaning of remembering God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the meaning of remembering God

One of the meanings of remembering God Almighty is that when we come across one another, we talk about God, his values and blessings.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who love Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who love Imam Hussein (as)

Those who love Imam Hussein (as) will reach the spiritual perfections and position by attending the mourning gatherings for Imam Hussein (as) and weeping over the tragedies that befell upon him. This is the easiest and fastest way to God's proximity. 

The angels

The angels
The angels The Holy Qur'an has mentioned the angels in ninety verses. The Qur'an considers the angels as enemies to the disbelievers and one, who disbelieves in the angels, as deviate and away from the truth. “Whoever is the enemy of Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael, so surely Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers.” Qur'an, 2:98 “…and whoever disbelieves in Allah and His angels and His messengers and ...

Professor Ansarian

Professor Ansarian

It is desirable that one says to his Lord in this month that:" I have abandoned myself to your, I am your servant only and I seek refuge only in you". Talk to Allah like this:

"O Allah, dear and merciful! I do not like to be separated from you"