Wednesday 24th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

"Execution of Sheikh al-Nimr would be faced with fury of Muslim nations and shake the foundations of Saudi regime"

"Execution of Sheikh al-Nimr would be faced with fury of Muslim nations and shake the foundations of Saudi regime"
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - A senior Iranian cleric said if Riyadh goes ahead with its decision to carry out the death sentence of prominent opposition figure Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr,, it would be faced with the fury of Muslim nations.Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi, a member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts, said such a move will shake the foundations of Al Saud regime.He underlined that regional nations ought to react to such a decision, adding ...

Photos/ lecture by professor Ansarian in Imam Zadeh Abolhassan (AS)

Photos/ lecture by professor Ansarian in Imam Zadeh Abolhassan (AS)

Annual Meeting of Islamic Organizations in Germany

Annual Meeting of Islamic Organizations in Germany
-- The 5th annual meeting of Islamic Organizations in Germany will be held on May 17 with the presence of a number of government officials. According to "Algeria" website, representatives of the Islamic Organizations in Germany, Tobias de Meziere, German Minister of Interior, as well as Anete Schavan, Minister of Education, will attend the meeting.   Some of the topics to be discussed in the gathering include: examining different dimensions ...

Acting based on Holy Quran is the key that opens the paradise doors.

Acting based on Holy Quran is the key that opens the paradise doors.

Postponement of Sheikh Isa Qassim's trial is people victory over Bahrain regime

Postponement of Sheikh Isa Qassim's trial is people victory over Bahrain regime
Since February 14, 2011, thousands of anti-regime protesters have held numerous demonstrations in Bahrain on an almost daily basis, calling on the al-Khalifa rulers to relinquish power. In March that year, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, themselves repressive Arab regimes, were deployed to the country to assist Manama in its crackdown on protests. Hundreds of Bahraini activists have been imprisoned and suppressed. On ...

Who Is Hussain' campaign organized in Lahore, Pakistan

Who Is Hussain' campaign organized in Lahore, Pakistan
    Who is Hussain? - Lahore attracted 112 donors in the blood donation drive conducted on the 9th & 10th of Muharram 1437-2015 at the Abbot road and Hali road, respectively. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Who is Hussain? - Lahore attracted 112 donors in the blood donation drive conducted on the 9th & 10th of Muharram 1437-2015 at the Abbot road and Hali road, respectively.The blood has been donated to The Fatimid Foundation. ...

'Birth of A Mosque' Documentary Produced in France

'Birth of A Mosque' Documentary Produced in France
 A documentary titled “birth of a mosque” was produced by Fabris Marash, famous French producer.According to Saphirnews website, the TV documentary shows various stages of the construction of places for Muslims to worship and setting up the Poitiers Mosque.Production of the one-hour documentary began when the permission for construction of the mosque was issued in 2008.The construction project of the mosque will conclude by a few months but ...

At least 11 killed, wounded in bomb blast in southern Baghdad

At least 11 killed, wounded in bomb blast in southern Baghdad
 On Sunday, a source in the Ministry of Interior said, that 11 people had been either killed or wounded in a bomb blast in southern ...

First-Time Fasters; the First Break-Fast Guests of Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi

First-Time Fasters; the First Break-Fast Guests of Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi
The meeting which was attended by about 200 first-time fasters, initiated an hour before evening prayer, with the recitation of Holy Quran by chorus of Javadolaemeh (A.S.) and it followed with performance of Hujjat al-Islam Jafari, an educational instructor, and reading a confabulation addressed to magnanimous Imam. Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Ebrahim Raeisi, Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi, in the next part of the ceremony, congratulating the arrival ...

A message of condolence by Professor H. Ansarian following the Death of Ayatollah Khosroshahi may Allah Almighty bless him.

A message of condolence by Professor H. Ansarian following the Death of Ayatollah Khosroshahi may Allah Almighty bless him.

Pure Islam contrasts a US-promoted Islam

Pure Islam contrasts a US-promoted Islam
The Iranian nation renewed allegiance with Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei in the 21st anniversary of the departure of the founder of Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini.In a Friday ceremony held in Imam Khomeini's mausoleum south of Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei told a very large gathering of worshippers that Imam Khomeini's thoughts were the guiding principle of the Islamic Revolution, adding that Imam followed several major ...

"Pelleh Pelleh ta Molaghate Khoda" Translated into English

  Pelleh Pelleh ta Molaghate Khoda (Going Step by Step towards God) by Dr. Abdul Hussein Zarrinkoob has been translated into English and published in US. The book “Going Step by Step towards God” which is on the thought and lifestyle of revered Iranian poet Molana Jalaleddin Balkhi (Rumi) has been translated by Dr. Majd al-Din Kayvani and published in New York. This book, which has received a worthy welcome in Iran, has been ...

Shia Muslims in the UK prepare for Arbaeen

Shia Muslims in the UK prepare for Arbaeen
Arbaeen, it is the world’s most populous gathering and you’ve probably never heard of it! Not only does the congregation exceed the number of visitors to Mecca (by a factor of five, in fact), it is more significant than Kumbh Mela, since the latter is only held every third year. In short, Arbaeen dwarfs every other rally on the planet, reaching over twenty million last year. London of course is no different. This year again the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remember God at all times

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remember God at all times

Remember God at all times- that is; live every moment of your life by remembering God Almighty. Try to connect to the entire source of goodness, because God Almighty has all the good things.

Shiite holds annual Quds Day peaceful across Nigeria

Shiite holds annual Quds Day peaceful across Nigeria
Millions of people attended the International Quds day marches organised by the Islamic Movement across Nigerian cities on Friday 01-07-16 to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and condemn Israeli atrocities in occupied territories of Palestine. Thousands of Members of the Islamic Movement in Sokoto, Katsina and Potiskum started their peaceful procession in the morning before Friday prayers, where they followed the major ...

ISIS Beheads an Iraqi Soldier in Tikrit

ISIS Beheads an Iraqi Soldier in Tikrit
SIS terrorists beheads an Iraqi fighter on Thursday in Tikrit. ISIS announced that it's members executed "Nabil Obeid Muhammad Shaalan al-Zobeidi" in south of ...

ISIS kidnaps dozen of Egyptian workers in Libya

ISIS kidnaps dozen of Egyptian workers in Libya
Twelve Egyptian workers were reportedly kidnapped by the ISIS terrorists in Libya, according to the privately owned Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper on Tuesday. The ISIS threatened to kill 15 hostages, including 12 Egyptians and three Tunisian workers. The demands for their release are not yet clear, although they were permitted to contact their families, the son of one the Egyptian hostages, lawyer Ramy Magdy said. Magdy added that he notified ...

Aspects of Hazrat Fatemeh’s (SA) Character Clarified in Abidjan

 Aspects of Hazrat Fatemeh’s (SA) Character Clarified in Abidjan
Moral virtues and characteristics of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA) were clarified at a forum on May 6 in Abidjan, capital of the Republic of Ivory Coast.Al-Zahra (SA) Cultural Complex in Markuri region hosted the forum organized by Al-Ghadir Association of the region.It was attended by scholars, intellectuals, religious and political figures and the Lebanese residing in the country.Sheikh 'Ali Yassin, head of Tyre Religious Scholars Assembly, Sheikh ...

Ramadan in US: Minnesota Faiths Break Barriers in Ramadan Iftar

Ramadan in US: Minnesota Faiths Break Barriers in Ramadan Iftar

Feed Nova Scotia gets $10K from Muslim families

Feed Nova Scotia gets $10K from Muslim families
The group Muslims of Halifax spent Saturday morning bagging $10,000 dollars worth of food for food banks in Nova Scotia. Approximately 50 people participated, including many children. They bagged cereal, tuna, pasta, and other foods. Each bag is ready to go to one family in need. Feed Nova Scotia sent out an appeal earlier this week — saying its supplies were critically low.  Spirit of ...