Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Bahraini authorities release detainee woman 'Nafeesa Al-Asfoor' after three years in prison

Bahraini authorities release detainee woman 'Nafeesa Al-Asfoor' after three years in prison
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Bahrain's security authorities released detainee Nafeesa Al-Asfoor who spent almost three years in prison. The authorities suddenly decided to release her on July 3, 2015 and drop all charges against her in "the Formula 1 bombing case". Bahrain hosted the Formula 1 tournament in April 2013.A Bahraini court has upheld in August 2014 a five-year prison sentence issued against Nafeesa Al-Asfoor and her friend Rayhana ...

Imam Khamenei: Enemies trying to create divisions among Shia , Sunni Muslims

Imam Khamenei: Enemies trying to create divisions among Shia , Sunni Muslims
The Leader on Thursday called on clerics to thwart “the American and Zionist plot to create divisions” and avoid touching on divisive issues among Shia and Sunni Muslims. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with the newly-elected members of the Assembly of Experts on Thursday set the priorities for the government officials in the new year. The government officials should pay attention to three priorities which ...

Iran Supreme Leader urges OIC to support Palestine

Iran Supreme Leader urges OIC to support Palestine
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that the Organization of the Islamic Conference is expected to actively deal with the plight of Palestinians in the face of Israeli systematic genocide.   The Supreme Leader made the remarks in a meeting with visiting Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, the current OIC leader in Tehran. The Supreme Leader said that the OIC is responsible ...

Professor Ansarian: prayer is the savior of human on the day of resurrection

Professor Ansarian: prayer is the savior of human on the day of resurrection

Over 800,000 Iranians Register for Pilgrimage to Iraq on Arbaeen

Over 800,000 Iranians Register for Pilgrimage to Iraq on Arbaeen
he head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization said more than 800,000 Iranians have registered for pilgrimage to Karbala, Iraq, on Arbaeen, the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of the third Shiite Imam, Imam Hussain (AS). Saeed Ohadi highlighted the measures taken in preparation for the influx of the country’s pilgrims to the holy city of Karbala to attend Arbaeen mourning ceremonies in early December. “Regarding ...

Egyptian Religious Figures Demand Change of Hajj Authority

Egyptian Religious Figures Demand Change of Hajj Authority

Islamic Center in Oslo to Hold Seminar on “Islam and Today’s Challenges”

Islamic Center in Oslo to Hold Seminar on “Islam and Today’s Challenges”
The Tauheed Islamic Center in the Norwegian capital of Oslo plans to hold a seminar this weekend on the theme of Islam and Today's Challenges. It is slated to be held at the center on Saturday, October 18, from 5:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. The event will feature discussions on two major themes, namely "Islam and Extremism" and "Family in Islam". The Tauheed Islamic Centre (TIC) was founded in March 1994, in Oslo. Registered as a religious ...

U.S.: Faith leaders stand in solidarity after Central Minnesota Islamic Center attacked

U.S.: Faith leaders stand in solidarity after Central Minnesota Islamic Center attacked
St. Cloud-area religious leaders said Sunday they stand with the Muslim community after a series of vandalism at the Central Minnesota Islamic Center. Religious and community members, including members of the Great River Interfaith Partnership, met Sunday at the Islamic center on Fourth Avenue South. In the past month four incidents of vandalism have been reported there. About 25 community members discussed the issue and looked at the damage ...

Funeral prayers of Shiite Rawalpindi blast victims offered

Funeral prayers of Shiite Rawalpindi blast victims offered
Funeral prayers of the martyrs of Rawalpindi blast, that took place in Imambargah Aun Muhammad Rizvi Chittian Hattian area, were offered here in Liaqut Bagh on Saturday. PAKISTAN - Funeral prayers of the martyrs of Rawalpindi blast, that took place in Imambargah Aun Muhammad Rizvi Chittian Hattian area, were offered here in Liaqut Bagh on Saturday. At least Eight Shia Muslims including one Sunni policeman were martyred and eighteen others ...

Deputy Commander of Kata'ib Imam Ali Brigades Martyred in Tikrit Clashes

Deputy Commander of Kata'ib Imam Ali Brigades Martyred in Tikrit Clashes
    Kata'ib Imam Ali Brigades (the Imam Ali Battalions) announced the martyrdom of one its commander in the great operation to liberate Tikrit. According to AhlulBayt News Agancy -ABNA- Kata'ib Imam Ali Brigades announced the martyrdom of one its commander in the great operation to liberate Tikrit. According to the statement that released by Kata'ib Imam Ali Brigade, "Seyed Ali Mousavi," was martyred in the city of Tikrit, in ...

Dalai Lama Fears for Safety of Pakistani Shiites; You should Move to India

Dalai Lama Fears for Safety of Pakistani Shiites; You should Move to India
Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, believes India is safe for the Muslim community, and the degree of security can be a ray of hope for the persecuted Shia community in Pakistan. Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, believes India is safe for the Muslim community, and the degree of security can be a ray of hope for the persecuted Shia community in Pakistan. "Pakistan is a Muslim country but Shias are not safe there. But Muslims are ...

Gunmen kill 13 Hazara Shiites on a minibus in north Afghanistan

Gunmen kill 13 Hazara Shiites on a minibus in north Afghanistan
At least 13 people were killed by gunmen who attacked a minibus in north Afghanistan on Saturday, local officials said. All victims belonged to the largely Shi'ite Hazara ethnic minority that was persecuted by the hardline Sunni Taliban during their rule in 1996-2001, said Jafar Haidari, district governor of Zari in Balkh province. The attack began when masked gunmen stopped two small sedans in Zari district and proceeded to drag male passengers ...

Shia youth martyred in Karachi by takfiri terrorists

Shia youth martyred in Karachi by takfiri terrorists
Another Shia youth embraced martyrdom due to takfiri nasbi terrorists attack on his life on Thursday. Two Shiites were earlier injured in separate targeted attacks in Kharadar and New Karachi. Notorious takfiri terrorist of banned ASWJ/LeJ (Sipah-e-Sahaba) ambushed Hussain Shah near World Call office in Bahadurabad, District East of Karachi. Shia victim was on way to office when takfiris opened fire upon him. Shabbir Hussain was injured due to ...

Saudi warplanes target school in Yemen's Sa’ada

Saudi warplanes target school in Yemen's Sa’ada
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Saudi warplanes have targeted a school in the northwestern Yemeni province of Sa’ada in the 44th day of the kingdom’s aggression against the Yemeni people. According to local sources on Friday, the Saudi airstrikes pounded a school in al-Jamimah region of Sa’ada. No report has yet been released on the casualties of the attack. Reports said Sa'ada Province has been targeted with ...

Quran calligraphy show opens in Madinah

Quran calligraphy show opens in Madinah
Islamic Affairs Minister Saleh Al-Asheikh opened an Islamic calligraphy show at Le Meridien In Madinah on Tuesday and commended Muslim calligraphers around the world for reviving the Islamic art and promoting the message of Qur'an in an attractive manner. "God has honored the Arab nation by sending the Qur'an in Arabic and making the calligraphic writings of the Qur'anic verses part of the Islamic civilization," the minister said while opening ...

British Muslims Spread Universal Message of Peace with Bus Campaign

British Muslims Spread Universal Message of Peace with Bus Campaign
To coincide with one of the most auspicious months of the Islamic calendar and part of a number of events arranged by British Muslims, a four week nationwide bus campaign will be launched in the UK from Monday 5th December 2016.The unprecedented campaign will feature over 128 buses throughout the UK carrying a universal message of goodwill and peace to all. Public transport buses from the south coast right up to Glasgow will carry the same ...

British radical Muslim cleric: I would love to go and live in the Islamic State; He publicly ridicules dead British soldiers

British radical Muslim cleric: I would love to go and live in the Islamic State; He publicly ridicules dead British soldiers
ANJEM Choudary knows his lines. He is candid about that. Sitting in a relatively smart café in Ilford, Essex, where the waiting staff know his name, he recounts his various TV experiences and waxes lyrical about the view from Canary Wharf, where he recently filmed an interview.‘I don’t think there is a question you could ask that I haven’t answered 50 or 100 times,’ he says, sitting in a high-quality dark blue ...

Predestination and free will

Predestination and free will
With my continuous chain of transmission reaching up to Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, from al-Husayn ibn Muhammad, from al-Mu'alla ibn Muhammad, from al-Hasan ibn 'Ali al-Washsha', from 'Abd Allah ibn Sinan, from Abu `Abd Allah, may peace be upon him, that he said: "Among the things pertaining to the soundness of a Muslim's certitude [in faith] is that he would not please people while displeasing God, nor blame them for something that God has ...

Lawmakers in Australia's most populous state voted against banning the burka

Lawmakers in Australia's most populous state voted against banning the burka
Lawmakers in Australia's most populous state voted against banning the burka Thursday, with one accusing the Christian MP who moved the bill of stigmatizing Muslims, as city authorities in Brussels banned a protest against a ban against wearing the full-face Islamic veil in public. Fred Nile, of the right-wing Christian Democrats Party, urged the New South Wales parliament to vote in favor of banning the full Islamic veil for security reasons ...

Seminar Discusses Islamic Heritage of Egypt

Seminar Discusses Islamic Heritage of Egypt
A seminar on “Islamic Heritage of Egypt in Akhshidis and Fatimid Eras” will be held in May by the Egyptian Supreme Council for Culture in Cairo. According to Al-Shabibah newspaper, the conference hall of the council will host the seminar in which the history of some of the mosques in Egypt and heritage of the country dating back to Fatimid and Akhshidis eras will be investigated. The explanations of Naser Khosro Ghobadiayi, Iranian poet, ...