Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Khamenei to lead Friday Prayers this week

Imam Khamenei to lead Friday Prayers this week
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), The day coincides with the decease anniversary of the late founder of the Islamic Republic in Iran Imam Khomeini in 1989. The weekly congregational ceremony this time will be held at the late Imam’s mausoleum in southern Tehran. The Late Imam’s grandson Seyyed Hassan Khomeini and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will deliver speeches prior to the prayers. The ceremony will start at 10:00 hours local time in ...

Courses on “Imam Recognition” to Be Held in Qom

Courses on “Imam Recognition” to Be Held in Qom
  --World Assembly for Shiite Studies will hold courses on “Imam Recognition” at the Seminary School of Ayatollah Brujerdi in the coming academic year. Hojjat-ol-Islam Ali Akbar Ehsani, director of Research and Publications Section of the assembly said: “holding these courses are among the significant programs planned by the assembly for this academic year.” According to him, the courses will be instructed by Hojjat-ol-Islam ...

Hollywood Behind Muslim Killing

Hollywood Behind Muslim Killing
According to Young Journalist Club, Hollywood's extensive effort in spreading Islamophobia, Shiaphobia and Iranophobia has never ceased, especially after Islamic Revolution of Iran. Many organized efforts in promoting cultural war, which themselves were pretexts to attack and occupy other countries, have continued with production of movies focusing on homosexuality and debauchery and now they have entered another phase with the Islamophobic and ...

Imam Hussein (SA)” Exhibition in Ottawa

Imam Hussein (SA)” Exhibition in Ottawa
   Mahdy Generation, an Ottawa-based Islamic youth group, worked for three months to create displays to honor Imam Hussein [AS], the grandson of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH].  Shia Muslims remember Imam Hussein [AS] as a brave leader who remained steadfast in the face of oppression, who fought an army with 72 soldiers and eventually was killed as a martyr.  The purpose of the weekend’s exhibition about Imam Hussein’s [AS] life and ...

Muslim Brotherhood Has Every Right To Be Part of Egypt’s Political Future

Muslim Brotherhood Has Every Right To Be Part of Egypt’s Political Future
During an event organized by the Muslim Brotherhood the outgoing Arab League chief Dr. Amr Mousa stressed that the pressure for democracy in the Arab world will be unstoppable, regardless of the attempts by hard ruling regimes. Praising the peoples’ revolution which toppled the corrupt Mubarak regime, Mousa cited that nothing would be able to deter the unanimous will of the Egyptian people to change. Speaking to Ikhwanweb Mousa confirmed, he ...

Iran FM Mottaki To Visit Saudi Arabia

Iran FM Mottaki To Visit Saudi Arabia
In his one-day visit, Mottaki and accompanying delegation are to attend Executive Committee meeting of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). The committee is to hold meeting in the port city of Jeddah, west of Saudi Arabia, to consider recent Zionist regime crimes against passengers of Freedom Flotilla, which was carrying humanitarian aids for residents of Gaza and was brutally attacked by the Zionist army. The OIC is to consider ways of ...

Egypt approves entry to Gaza of Iranian MPs

Egypt approves entry to Gaza of Iranian MPs

Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Egypt has approved the entry of Iranian members of parliament to the Gaza Strip, Egyptian media reported according to security sources at Rafah on the Gaza-Egypt border.

The visitors intend to bring medical equipment to the Strip

Ramadan Quran Festival to Be Held in Qatif

Ramadan Quran Festival to Be Held in Qatif
According to Qaaf news agency, the Quran Center of “Al-Safa” Charity Association in the Shia-dominant city of Safwa will hold the event. The programs of the festival have been divided into two parts for boys and girls. The programs for boys will be held from Ramadan 8 to 10 and girls can participate in the festival from Day 11 to ...

Ayatollah Khamenei to lead Eid al-Fitr prayers in Tehran

Ayatollah Khamenei to lead Eid al-Fitr prayers in Tehran
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is to lead the Eid al-Fitr prayers at the Imam Khomeini Grand Prayer Grounds (Mosalla). As soon as the Leader's Office announces when is the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, Tehran Friday Prayers Headquarters starts its plans on holding the Eid al-Fitr prayer, Yadollah Shirmardi told reporters on Sunday. Shirmardi, who is the director of the Tehran Friday Prayers ...

Egypte: au moins 6 morts dans des heurts entre police et manifestants FM

Egypte: au moins 6 morts dans des heurts entre police et manifestants FM
Agence de Nouvelles d'Ahlul Bait (ABNA) : Les partisans du président destitué Mohamed Morsi avaient organisé de petites manifestations après les prières du matin en ce jour de l'Aid el-Fitr, qui marque la fin du mois de jeûne du Ramadan.   Selon des responsables de la police, des manifestants ont attaqué un poste des forces de sécurité dans le quartier cairote de Talbiya, ...

ISIS chief singer killed in north Syria

ISIS chief singer killed in north Syria
Maher Meshaal, a ISIS chief singer and song writer, has been killed during an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria’s Hasakah, pro-ISIS activists reported on Monday. Meshaal, a Saudi national also known as Abu Hajar al-Hadrami, joined the ranks of the ISIS nearly two years ago. Pro-ISIS activists reported that Meshaal was killed in a U.S.-led strike in southern Hasakah on Saturday. Meshaal is known for singing and writing hymns ...

Islamic human rights standards to be highlighted

Islamic human rights standards to be highlighted
He made the remark in a meeting with Turkey’s Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin. “Westerners’ approach toward human rights is paradoxical; expansion of relations between Turkey and Iran can boost the power of Muslim Ummah,” added Amoli Larijani. He stressed the boost of Iran-Turkey’s judicial cooperation, adding that the West aims to impose its human rights values on Muslim nations. “The difference between the western approach ...

Karachi to welcome Eid in dim colours

Karachi to welcome Eid in dim colours
Eid, the biggest religious celebration for Muslims, is due in a situation when the country, particularly Karachi is facing the worst law and order and political situation.Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated in a somber atmosphere after the killing of hundreds of people during the ongoing month of Ramadan. Citizens were facing worst situation, as extortion slips were not only being given to the business community but to other sections of society as ...

Iraq: ISIS Demands $2500 in Extorted Money from Civilians Willing to Leave Fallujah

Iraq: ISIS Demands $2500 in Extorted Money from Civilians Willing to Leave Fallujah
- The ISIL terrorist group has conditioned the exit of Iraqi citizens from Fallujah city without being harmed to paying a large sum of money, media reports ...

Imam Ali shrine completes medical preparations for visitors of Arbaeen

Imam Ali shrine completes medical preparations for visitors of Arbaeen
Medical and Health Affairs Division belonging to the office of the secretary general of Imam Ali Holy Shrine completed its preparations for receiving the urgent medical cases during the Arbaeen Pilgrimage; in addition to providing different medicines in coordination with the medical staffs from Najaf and outside of Najaf. Dr. Muhassad al-Muthafar said, “We have distributed more than 350 people in many medical stations inside and outside ...

The Two Holy Shrines in Karbala Suggesting Forming

The Two Holy Shrines in Karbala Suggesting Forming
Under the framework (Holy Karbala Getting Prosperous by its Visitors), the two Holy Shrines of Imam Hussain and Hadhrat Ababs (pbut) held a conference inside the Dar E Elm Hall in Al-Abbas Holy Shrine evaluating the Arbaeen Visitation !433 AH 9 Rabe'e I 1433 – Feb 2, 2012 headed by Sayed Ahmed Alsafi, the Secretary General of Al-Abbas Holy Shrine in the presence of Fadel Awz, head of the department of Security with some other employees and ...

Theresa May, Britain’s New Prime Minister Has a Huge Islamophobia Problem

Theresa May, Britain’s New Prime Minister Has a Huge Islamophobia Problem
Theresa May has driven extreme policies that surveil and criminalize Muslims, migrants and refugees Now that the Conservative Party’s Theresa May has a clear path to becoming the next prime minister of Britain, much of the media coverage is focusing on her “unpredictability,” “resolve” and,unfortunately, her favorite style of shoes. But as the United Kingdom reels from a post-Brexit surge in racist hate crimes and ...

Striking of sword on Imam Ali (A.S)

Striking of sword on Imam Ali (A.S)
  Striking of sword on Imam Ali (A.S)     After the battle of Neherwan was over, group of Khwarij daily held a meeting in Mecca and wept over their dead, those killed in Neherwan. One day, they told each other, "Sitting here and weeping is of no use. We should kill these three persons Ali ( A.S.), Muawiyah and Amro Aas, who destroyed the Islamic State and killed our brothers."They invited three volunteers to ...

Opening Ceremony of Moscow Cathedral Mosque on September 23

Opening Ceremony of Moscow Cathedral Mosque on September 23
s preparations are underway for the opening of the Cathedral mosque in Moscow, the Russian Muslim Board noted recently that several Muslim leaders along with leaders of different faiths will attend the long-awaited Islamic event, according to media reports. Scheduled on September 23, the opening ceremony of the decades-old mosque is expected to draw hundreds of political and spiritual leaders of Muslim countries. "I think the top officials [of ...

Christian group from Regina, Canada praying for Muslims

Christian group from Regina, Canada praying for Muslims
“Through prayer we can engage in an active love for the Muslim world, sharing their burdens, and understanding their concerns,” said Harold Lutzer, a member of the Canadian Network of Ministries to Muslims. The group in Regina is only two months old, but groups from the organization across the country have also worked to help refugees coming into the country settle into their communities. “Yes our aim is also to present Jesus ...