Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Are You Ready For Hajj?

Are You Ready For Hajj?
Hajj Holds Equality and Simplicity.  “Yallah Hajji!”One of the many popular phrases that our dear hajjis bring back as memories of their holy pilgrimage. But there is much more than new Arabic words and some classic halal fast-food to keep as memories from this spiritual journey; although both of those are pluses! Although I personally have not gone to Hajj before; I have family and friends who have. I have been also been blessed ...

Bullying against Muslims reaches an all-time high at schools

Bullying against Muslims reaches an all-time high at schools
She received her senior high school yearbook only to find that she had been labelled as one of the most reprehensible groups in the world, ISIS. She explained at the Council on American Islamic Relations press conference that she had heard other anti-Muslim comments made at the school in the past to make her think it was not a mistake. However, Zehlif explains that she received support from fellow classmates, but still feels targeted, adding, ...

 O Allah, I ask Thee to make my ending happy

 O Allah, I ask Thee to make my ending happy

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تَخْتِمَ لِي بِالسَّعَادَةِ

 O Allah, I ask Thee to make my ending happy

A part of Ziarat of Lady Fatima Masumah (as)

Students Visit Tokyo Masque to Get Unbiased Glimpse of Islam

Students Visit Tokyo Masque to Get Unbiased Glimpse of Islam
Many schools have introduced visits to Tokyo’s largest mosque in the belief that the cultural experience will provide students with a tangible, unbiased grasp of Islam. The visits already have proved effective. Senaga said he knows one Muslim, but only on a greeting basis. Although basic knowledge of Islam is part of the school’s curriculum, he said, news reports concerning issues involving the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group and the ...

Afghanistan: Clashes Between Taliban, ISIL Militants 27 killed; Taliban captures 12 IS militants, including four women

Afghanistan: Clashes Between Taliban, ISIL Militants 27 killed; Taliban captures 12 IS militants, including four women
he Islamic State (ISIL) terrorist group and the Taliban clashed in western Afghanistan, killing about 27 people and injuring about 20, a spokesman for Afghan National Army said Monday.Both sides lost approximately the same number of fighters, Hanif Razai, spokesman for the Afghan National Army, said as quoted by Khaama Press.Afghan military spokesman Mohamad Hanif Rezaey specified that 15 ISIS fake jihadists and 12 from the Taliban terrorists ...

Ex-Bahrain MP Gets Jail Term over Anti-Regime Tweets

Ex-Bahrain MP Gets Jail Term over Anti-Regime Tweets
A Bahraini court has sentenced a former Shiite lawmaker to a year in prison for remarks against the ruling Al Khalifa regime, a report said. Khalid Abdul Aal has been sentenced to one year behind bars on charges of insulting the Interior Ministry via his tweets posted in April 2014. The opposition figure has rejected the ruling, saying he did not intend to insult anyone and that he only criticized some measures adopted by the ministry. The ...

Photos: Huge Free Sheikh Zakzaky Protest Continue In Kaduna Nigeria

Photos: Huge Free Sheikh Zakzaky Protest Continue In Kaduna Nigeria
Peaceful protest was held on 06/06/2016 in Nigerian City of Kaduna by members of the Islamic Movement In Nigeria. The protesters demanding the immediate and unconditional release of the Leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, his Wife and Hundreds of detained members of the Movement by Nigerian Government since ...

Attacked and Bitten By Dogs... Bahraini Detainee: If I Showed You My Tortured Body, You'd Fall Apart

Attacked and Bitten By Dogs... Bahraini Detainee: If I Showed You My Tortured Body, You'd Fall Apart
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Since the Jaw Prison events that took place on the 10th of last March, the family of detainee Talib Ali, who is sentenced to 50 years in prison, was able to visit him on Sunday (April 26, 2015).As the families of other detainees, his family was astonished to see their son's condition. Torture had changed his appearance. His skin was darker and he almost lost half of his weight. He was extremely exhausted. That's how his ...

Training Session in Frankfurt for Islamic Education Teachers

Training Session in Frankfurt for Islamic Education Teachers
The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), in association with Granada Editions and in coordination with the Frankfurt-based Body of Islamic Scholars and Dawaa Leaders in Germany, will hold a training session in Frankfurt for Islamic Education teachers, on 23-26 May 2011.  The training session, which will benefit 25 Islamic Education teachers from different regions of Germany, is aimed at upgrading the competencies ...

Professor Ansarian: Stinginess curbs the movement, and piety is the engine of all movements.

Professor Ansarian: Stinginess curbs the movement, and piety is the engine of all movements.
The Holy Prophet while doing his Tawaf stopped and turned toward the Kaaba in a way that shows he has broken his Tawaf and then put his hand over the shoulder of that man and said: swear Allah to something bigger, there is a swear higher and more valuable than Kaaba, the man said: I don’t know that, who or what do I have to swear Allah to? The prophet said: if you are certain about your piety, swear Allah to yourself, because the value of ...

Thousands Shias Attended Quds Day Procession in Karachi

Thousands Shias Attended Quds Day Procession in Karachi
Quds day was celebrated in all the provinces of Pakistan including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. At the  occasion Islami tahreek Pakistan, Shia Ulma council, Jafria Students organization and other organization of the community organized the processions in which thousands of the people participated.The processions started after friday prayer in every city. In Karachi the procession started from Regal chok and ended at the press club of ...

Sayyed Nasrallah: Parliamentary results a great moral-political victory for resistance that protect Lebanon

Sayyed Nasrallah: Parliamentary results a great moral-political victory for resistance that protect Lebanon
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah thanked his faithful people for their support in the Parliamentary elections that took place on Sunday, assuring that parliament membership is not a position sought but rather a duty in front of Allah and a trust from people that should be preserved. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah thanked his faithful people for their support in the Parliamentary ...

Two Shia brothers martyred in Karachi

Two Shia brothers martyred in Karachi
Takfiri terrorists of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba shot martyred two Shia brothers in district central of Karachi on Tuesday. Takfiris continue Shia genocide in Karachi in 2015. Asad, 20, and Salman, 22, sons of Shabbir embraced martyrdom in their shop when the takfiri ASWJ terrorists opened fire upon them in Nazimabad of Karachi's district central. Macabre killings occurred near Gol Market that witnessed targeted murders of Shia ...

The Characteristics of a Righteous Servant of Allah

The Characteristics of a Righteous Servant of Allah
  It has been narrated from Ibn `Umar that he said, The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) once gave us such a speech that made our eyes flow with tears and made our and some of that which we wrote down (of his speech was that): 'O Mankind! Surely the greatest servant (of Allah) is the one who shows humility even though he may be of high rank or status and who renounces the world even though he has a ...

The Meritorious Lady

The Meritorious Lady
She was born in Medina on the 5th of the month of Jamadi al-Awwal in the 6th year of the Hijra. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was overjoyed at the birth of his first grand daughter and named her Zainab, which means Ornament of the Father. The loving father, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S) was overjoyed as well and so was the mother, the Prophets daughter Hazrat Fatima Zahra (A.S). The newborn grew into a virtuous girl imbibing from her parents and her ...

Official blames outsiders for Shia, Sunni conflicts

Official blames outsiders for Shia, Sunni conflicts
“The conflicts between Shias and Sunnis are guided outside of the Islamic world,” said the founder of Ḥizb al‐Nahḍah in Tunisia. “Some groups directed the conflicts between shias and Sunnis outside of the Islamic world,” the founder of Ḥizb al‐Nahḍah movement in Tunisia, Rashid al-Ghannushi said.“Some of the outside groups and their agents inside of the Islamic World are looking for makings political and religious ...

Reciters, Memorizers from 70 Countries Invited to Iran’s Int’l Quran Contest

Reciters, Memorizers from 70 Countries Invited to Iran’s Int’l Quran Contest
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Invitations have been sent to 70 countries by the Awqaf and Charity Affairs Organization to introduce their representatives for Islamic Republic of Iran’s 27th international Quran competition. Ahmad Sharafkhani cultural deputy of the organization said that 52 countries have announced their readiness to send Quran reciters and memorizers to the contest. Mr. Sharafkhani was speaking yesterday at a press ...

Yemen's Ansarullah hails Ayatollah Rafsanjani’s efforts for uniting Muslim communities against US, Israel

Yemen's Ansarullah hails Ayatollah Rafsanjani’s efforts for uniting Muslim communities against US, Israel
Leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement paid tribute to former Iranian president Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who died on Sunday, for his efforts to unite Muslim communities against the US and Israel. In a message on Monday, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi expressed his condolences over passing of the prominent Iranian cleric and politician, saying the deceased had gained a reputation for supporting the Islamic resistance movements in ...

Bahrain Orders Deportation of Ten Bahrainis after Revoking their Citizenship

Bahrain Orders Deportation of Ten Bahrainis after Revoking their Citizenship
On 28 October 2014, 10 Bahrainis, who had their citizenship revoked on 7 November 2012, were sentenced to deportation and a 100 Bahraini dinar (USD 265) fine. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) condemn the court's decision and the ongoing targeting of the aforementioned individuals. The ten Bahrainis are part of a group ...

Lebanese man arrested over Beirut’s deadly bombings

Lebanese man arrested over Beirut’s deadly bombings
Lebanon’s security forces have apprehended a Lebanese man in connection with the recent twin bombings in the country’s capital Beirut.  According to Press TV, the suspect was placed under arrest on Wednesday, a week after ISIL Takfiri terrorists rocked the capital with two large explosions that ripped through a security post in Hussaineya Street in the crowded Borj al-Barajneh neighborhood in a southern suburb of Beirut. ...