Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Interpretation Should Accompany Translation of the Quran

Interpretation Should Accompany Translation of the Quran
A prominent Indian Quran interpreter said translation of the Quran into other languages without interpretation might lead to misunderstanding. Hojat-ol-Islam Valy-ol-Hassan Razavi explained that many of the readers of Quran translations, especially those in the West, might not be familiar with many Quranic concepts as well as the history of Islam and the conditions in which the verses were revealed to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Heart. “Mere ...

American Muslims promote family values

American Muslims promote family values
A leading American Muslim organization has championed a nationwide campaign aimed at promoting family values among Muslim and non-Muslim communities alike, in an effort to preserve the already strained U.S. social fabric from being torn apart.   “The American society is facing so many social problems and the Muslim community is part of all this," Dr. Zahid Bukhari, President of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), ...

No Exhibition in Country Comparable to Quran Exhibition

No Exhibition in Country Comparable to Quran Exhibition
Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance said there are many exhibitions held in the country but none of them compares to the Quran exhibition. Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini was speaking Friday night, August 26, at the closing ceremony of the 19th International Holy Quran Exhibition. He said the 19th exhibition got underway with the motto of “Quran, the Book of Awakening”, and closes on the International Quds Day. “Imam Khomeini named the ...

Urgent; Hassan Al-Sitri, 70 yrs old, Martyred in Nuwaidrat

Urgent; Hassan Al-Sitri, 70 yrs old, Martyred in Nuwaidrat
Martyr Hasan Sitri was murdered this morning. While he was walking, was hit with a sharp tool in Nuwaidrat area. People believe that Martyr Hasan Al-Sitri has been martyred on the hands of Bahraini regime mercenaries. The funeral of martyr "Haj Hassan Sitri" to his final resting place was held today in the atmosphere of sadness and sorrow. People vowed to continue the path of the martyrs. They will continue jihad and struggle until the ...

Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani Calls for Liberation of Iraqi Town

Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani Calls for Liberation of Iraqi Town
The Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) condemns the violations carried out by the Bahraini regime against those calling for democracy and the right to self-determination. Among these violations is their denial of adequate healthcare to activists. Riot police arrested Hassan Mahdi al-Eskafi (27 years old) on Saturday 14 February 2015 in his home district of al-Bilad al-Qadim which, like other villages and towns in Bahrain, was the site of ...

50 Countries in 18th World Islamic Banking Conference

50 Countries in 18th World Islamic Banking Conference
Hosted with the strategic partnership of the Central Bank of Bahrain and supported by the Economic Development Board of Bahrain, WIBC 2011 will be held at the Gulf International Convention Centre, Gulf Hotel from the 21st to the 23rd of November 2011. The theme for this year’s WIBC, "Competing for Global Growth”, reflects the expanding geographical footprint of Islamic finance and the increasing presence of Islamic financial institutions in ...

God has commanded to thank him and our parents

God has commanded to thank him and our parents

Imam Reza (AS): God has commanded to thank him and our parents, so whoever does not thank his parents, has not thanked God.

Iran Substitute Friday prayers: Enemies to get nowhere

Iran Substitute Friday prayers: Enemies to get nowhere
Substitute Friday prayers leader of Tehran Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani said here Friday that anti-revolutionaries and enemies will lead nowhere. 1388/09/27  “I do not tell them anything; neither do I give them any advice. 30 years passing since triumph of the Islamic Revolution have provided them with a good response and all their plots have failed,” Ayatollah Kashani said in his second Friday prayers sermon in Tehran ...

Saudi govt stops 700 pilgrims from going to Karbala for Arbaeen

Saudi govt stops 700 pilgrims from going to Karbala for Arbaeen
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia: Informed sources from Saudi Arabia told that the government has prevented seven hundred Saudi Husseini pilgrims ... RIYADH, Saudi Arabia: Informed sources from Saudi Arabia told that the government has prevented seven hundred Saudi Husseini pilgrims who were prepared to go to the holy city of Karbala via Bahrain for Arbaeen commemoration. Arbaeen marks the fortieth day after the martyrdom of Al-mam ...

Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi: Shi’a leaders have frequently banned insulting Sunni sanctities

Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi: Shi’a leaders have frequently banned insulting Sunni sanctities
A senior Iraq-based Shi'a cleric underlined that Shi'a sources of emulation have time and again underlined that insulting the sanctities of Sunni Muslims is forbidden. Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi made the remark in response to a request by the president of Egypt's al-Azhar University for a ban on desecrating religious sanctities, Iran's Quran News Agency reported. al-Azhar's Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyeb made the call in a meeting with an Iranian ...

Islamic Center of Hamburg hosts Quran reading session Ramadan month

Islamic Center of Hamburg hosts Quran reading session Ramadan month

New Quranic Centers to Open in Hormozgan Province

New Quranic Centers to Open in Hormozgan Province
-- 10 new Quranic centers will be established in the southern province of Hormozgan by the end of March. This is according to Homayun Amirzadeh, director of the province’s culture and Islamic guidance department. He said that 21 Quranic centers have already been opened and plans for establishing some more centers have been submitted to the culture ministry for getting permission. “The centers are aimed at fostering the Quranic and ...

Thousands of Shia youth unemployed in Kashmir

Thousands of Shia youth unemployed in Kashmir
 The Kashmir has the highest rate of unemployment in northern part of India, so far the government has registered lakhs of unemployed youths, in which there is also a great number of Shia youths.The Shia population of Kashmir is generally a minority population so the purpose they cannot get well attention from government to get jobs. Mostly poor population of Shias cannot afford huge sum of money to get a job in government sector, as agents ...

Malawi's Reserve Bank Rejects the Possibility of an Islamic Bank

Malawi's Reserve Bank Rejects the Possibility of an Islamic Bank
The Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) says it will not approve the opening of any Islamic Bank in Malawi. Islamic finance caters for customers who want to avoid earning interest, which is viewed as usury under Islamic Law. Islam also prohibits speculation and investment in non sharia-compliant industries. RBM Director of Banking Supervision Noel Mkulichi said the central bank will not allow Islamic banking "because of Sharia law ...

Production of Quran Software for Islamic Development Hailed

Production of Quran Software for Islamic Development Hailed
Hojat-ol-Islam Yusef Makanga told that the Islamic Republic of Iran has made significant contributions to the field of computer research of Islamic sciences which have facilitated undertaking Quranic and Islamic studies. Referring to the activities of the Noor Computer research Center of Islamic sciences, head of Uganda’s Imam Sadegh (AS) seminary noted that the center is fully equipped with the latest technology and provides Muslims with ...

The Necessity of Self-Vigilance and Its Meaning

The Necessity of Self-Vigilance and Its Meaning
The most important subject in wayfaring to Allah is self-vigilance (Muraaqabe) for the purpose of attaining proximity to God. And it is the key to all kinds of felicity and the best way to attract virtues and blessings. The meaning of self-vigilance is when a servant, due to his attention to God, attains such a station of faith that:1. He sees no volition of his own and awaits Divine bestowals.2. He disregards other than God and anticipates ...

Indonesian minister pays tribute to late Imam Khomeini

 Indonesian minister pays tribute to late Imam Khomeini
Indonesian Minister of Social Welfare Affairs Salim Segaf Al Jufri paid tribute to the late Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini.     By attending the mausoleum of the late Imam in south Tehran Wednesday morning, the minister laid a wreath on his grave. Talking to IRNA at the sideline of the ceremony, he said the two countries were trying to promote ties and create more proximity. He further said his country was willing to use ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God cannot be seen with the naked eye

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God cannot be seen with the naked eye

God cannot be seen with the naked eye, because the capacity of our eyes is very limited and the Lord of the universe is of infinite existence. The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) says: If you want to see God, look at the holy Qur'an.

"You are terrorists! Acts of terror are your handiwork; We oppose terrorism, we fight it and will support any oppressed"

"You are terrorists! Acts of terror are your handiwork; We oppose terrorism, we fight it and will support any oppressed"
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - On the auspicious anniversary of the ordainment of the esteemed messenger of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received on Saturday a group of Iranian officials, ambassadors of Muslim countries and people from different walks of life.In the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei underscored the need to benefit from the lessons of the ordainment to ...

Lifting of ban on Muharram processions in Kashmir demanded

Lifting of ban on Muharram processions in Kashmir demanded
In Kashmir, people staged a demonstration at press enclave in Srinagar demanding lifting of ban on Muharram processions in the territory. Scores of people, mostly youth, assembled at the Press Enclave in Srinagar under the banner of Youth Development Forum Badgam and held the demonstration."To hold and carry out the Muharram procession is our religious right which is guaranteed by the constitution. The authorities have no right to snatch our ...