Wednesday 24th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan is a blessed and auspicious month

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan is a blessed and auspicious month

Ramadan is a blessed and auspicious month, safe from the dangers of the devil, and brings about the health of body and soul, the path for spiritual progress toward Allah Almighty, the month of forgiveness, the month of special attention of Allah to the fast of the fasting people, to the people who stay up late praying, the virtuous, and the lovers of Allah.

Professor Hussein Ansarian stipulated; the position of sound heart in Islam/ faith means to be modest before Allah Almighty and his creatures.

Professor Hussein Ansarian stipulated; the position of sound heart in Islam/ faith means to be modest before Allah Almighty and his creatures.

Professor Hussein Ansarian said:
Healthy heart in the world brings about  healthy and sound eyes, ears, tongue, stomach lust and steps.if this piece of flesh is devoid of all vices and pollutions, the rest of the organs will remain immaculate and clean as well.

Interrogation of Bahraini cleric 'Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman' concerns UN Special Rapporteur

Interrogation of Bahraini cleric 'Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman' concerns UN Special Rapporteur
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, expressed deep concern about the Bahraini security authorities' summoning of Head of Religious Freedom unit at the Bahrain Human Rights Observatory, Sheikh Maytham al-Salman. "I am very concerned by reports that talk about the Bahraini authorities summoning Maitham Salman for interrogation on August 14, 2016, and I am observing ...

Gunmen kill 3 Shia Muslims in targeted attack in Pakistan's Quetta

Gunmen kill 3 Shia Muslims in targeted attack in Pakistan's Quetta
hlul Bayt News Agency - QUETTA, Pakistan - Two Takfiri assailants on a motorcycle Wednesday shot dead three Shiite welders at a shop in Quetta, in what police said as an act of targeted killing of Shia settlers.“Unknown gunmen on a motorcycle shot dead three welders at a shop and fled,” senior police official Abdul Razzaq Cheema told AFP.He said it appeared to be an “ targeted killing of Shia settlers” as the victims were ...

Ras al-Khaimah Holy Quran Award to Begin at the UAE

Ras al-Khaimah Holy Quran Award to Begin at the UAE
The 11the edition of Ras al-Khaimah National Holy Quran Award will begin from February 15 in Ras al-Khaimah, the UAE. According to Al-Khalij newspaper, the organizing committee of the contest announced: “the competition will be held for 175 memorizers of the Quran in two male and female groups.” Umar ibn Abdulaziz Al-Qasemi, secretariat of the competition and member of the directorate of Quran Sciences Institute of Ras al-Khaimah said: ...

Hundreds of Pakistani women hold anti-US rally

Hundreds of Pakistani women hold anti-US rally
Hundreds of Pakistani women have taken to the streets in the largest city of Karachi to protest US-led airstrikes that killed dozens of Pakistani soldiers last month, Press TV reports. The protesters also on Tuesday condemned the US for what they called intervening in Pakistan's internal affairs. The Jamaat-e Islami Karachi Chief, Muhammad Hussain Mahenti, warned US and NATO forces that their acts of aggression against the territorial ...

Dome of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine miraculously upright

Dome of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine miraculously upright

ISIL Demolishes Mosques in Mosul, Threatens to Behead Worshippers

ISIL Demolishes Mosques in Mosul, Threatens to Behead Worshippers
Iraqi army media reported that militants of the so-called 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant' (ISIL) terrorist group forced worshippers in 10 mosques at least in Mosul city to evacuate the place, and threatened to behead them, under the pretext that shrines are built near the mosques. ISIL terrorists already demolished three mosques in Yarmouk neighborhood east of Mosul. Moreover, security sources told AFP that 23 people were killed in ...

Egyptian Nude Blogger Urges Muslim Women to Pose Without Veil

 Egyptian Nude Blogger Urges Muslim Women to Pose Without Veil
Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, the Egyptian blogger who stirred a controversy in the Arab world by posting nude pictures of herself on Twitter to protest against Islamism, has urged women to send her photos of themselves without a headscarf.The 20-year-old activist is in hiding after receiving thousands of death threats after her naked pose."Women who were veiled and took off the veil and women who are veiled and want to take off the veil, send me all or ...

Hazrat Fatima (SA) scientifically equals the Quranic verses and no one is aligned with her.

Hazrat Fatima (SA) scientifically equals the Quranic verses and no one is aligned with her.
Professor Hussein Ansarian in a gathering which was held due to the mourning ceremonies of the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima (SA) said: The remaining scientific works of Hazrat Zahra (SA) due to her short life is like an infinite sea that has no shore. He also added: some people may imagine that her sermon is the only thing that has been left from her, while that sermon is a bit of her sea-like insight and knowledge which caused a great deal of ...

International Conference on "Russia and Islamic World"

International Conference on
According to Ahlul Bayt (A) News Agency – ABNA.ir – Representatives from 15 countries will participate in the two-day event. The objective of the conference is to deepen cooperation between Russia and the countries of the Muslim world as well as Muslim communities of Europe and America in the fields of science, culture and economics. Secretary General of the World Assembly of Proximity among Islamic Schools of Thought, Ayatollah ...

Imam Khamenei: Negotiation with US on Regional Issues Meaningless

Imam Khamenei: Negotiation with US on Regional Issues Meaningless
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei dismissed the idea of Iran-US negotiation on regional issues, saying the totally contrasting policies of the two countries and Washington’s attempts to impose its demands make such talks pointless. In a meeting with the Foreign Ministry staffers in Tehran on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that Iran’s foreign policy is founded upon the Constitution, the ...

Police surveillance on Shiite Mosques in New York City

Police surveillance on Shiite Mosques in New York City
According to the report of Shabestan news agency, the Associated Press News agency has reported in its secret report that the American intelligence is keeping vigilant eye on Shiite mosques with the support of New York Police; whereas this action is in opposition to the official duties of New York police department. Associated press reported that the American police officers enter mosques and other religious places in civil clothing in order to ...

Karachi Protesters Condemn the Killing of Innocent Bahraini People

Karachi Protesters Condemn the Killing of Innocent Bahraini People

Another Shia martyred by terrorists in Karachi

Another Shia martyred by terrorists in Karachi
A Shia manager of a marriage hall was martyred in a targeted attack by takfiri terrorists in District Korangi. He was laid to rest on Sunday. Iqbal Mehdi, a manager of a Marriage Hall came out of the office to return home late on Saturday night in Korangi 100 Quarter Area. Takfiri terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba opened fire upon him. He embraced martyrdom on the spot. Body was shifted to Imam Bargah Hussaini in Korangi 2 1/2 where Shia Muslims ...

Hundreds of Bahrainis stage anti-US rally

Hundreds of Bahrainis stage anti-US rally
Bahrainis have staged anti-US rallies outside the capital to protest against Washington’s support for Manama's ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations. (Bayt Agency) - Bahrainis have staged anti-US rallies outside the capital to protest against Washington’s support for Manama's ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.Holding the US responsible for the crimes committed against anti-regime protesters in Bahrain, hundreds of ...

Social media campaign has sparked against KSA over Arbaeen slanderous attack

Social media campaign has sparked against KSA over Arbaeen slanderous attack
Saudi Arabia, which has long labelled Shia Islam an apostasy on account it rejects its devolution: Wahhabism, has attempted to belittle the pilgrimage of Arbaeen by alluding to pilgrims’ alleged moral depravity – going as far as quoting a fake World Health Organization report on unplanned pregnancies. Shafaqna would like to take this opportunity to absolutely reject Saudi Arabia’s attempt to darken the skies of Shiab Islam by ...

Shia Mosque Near Brussels Set on Fire, Imam Martyrs

Shia Mosque Near Brussels Set on Fire, Imam Martyrs
Police said the man, detained after mosque personnel trapped him inside the building, apparently used fuel to set fire to the Imam Rida (a.s) mosque near Brussels' international rail hub, martyring 46-year-old Imam of the mosque and father-of-four Abdallah Dadou. One man was arrested in the attack on the mosque in Anderlecht, a suburb of Brussels, the Belgian capital, said Jean-Marc Meilleur, a spokesman for the Brussels Prosecutor’s ...

Quds Day Is Celebrated In Iran

Quds Day Is Celebrated In Iran
The rallies in Iran, organized by the Islamic Propagation Coordination Council (IPCC), started at 10:30 local time (06:00 GMT) in Tehran and 850 others cities across the country.Demonstrators are braving the sizzling heat of the summer, with the mercury touching 42°C in the capital.  People taking part in the rallies seek to communicate to the world the deplorable status of the Palestinians and press the Israeli regime to respect ...

Bomb blast wounds 4 civilians in east of Tikrit, Iraq

Bomb blast wounds 4 civilians in east of Tikrit, Iraq
A security source in Salahuddin province said Thursday, that 4 civilians have been wounded in a bomb blast in the district of al-Tooz in east of Tikrit. The source said “A bomb that was emplaced inside a popular market has went off in the area of Toozkhurmatuh in the district of al-Tooz,” noting that, “The bomb blast resulted in injuring four civilians in the area.” “A security force shortly blockaded the area and ...