Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ashura mourning in one of the coldest place in the world

Ashura mourning in one of the coldest place in the world
KARGIL: The procession of Ashura was held with full zeal and zest by all the people of Kargil. The participants recited Nohay and did chest beating. The 10th Muharram procession organized by Imam Khomanei Memorial Trust (IKMT) Kargil held at Public Park where IKMT had established procession terminus. KARGIL: The procession of Ashura was held with full zeal and zest by all the people of Kargil. The participants recited Nohay and did ...

ISIS militants flog 25 civilians in northern Salahuddin, Iraq

ISIS militants flog 25 civilians in northern Salahuddin, Iraq
A local source in Kirkuk announced on Tuesday, that the ISIS militants flogged 25 civilians for not growing their beards in Sharqat district north of Salahuddin. The source said that “ISIS flogged 25 civilians after their arrest for not growing their beards in Sharqat district (120 km north of Salah al-Din).” The source added: “the flogging came after ISIS elements read a statement of the organization court requires the ...

Quranic Program Covered Live

Quranic Program Covered Live
The 75-minute program began with recitation of some Quran’s verses by Gholamreza Shahmiveh Esfahani, internationally known Iranian Quran reciter. It was performed in the evening concurrent with fast-breaking time with the presence of AbulHassan Khalaj Monfared, Iranian cultural attaché in Ankara. Following Quran recitation, the Iranian attaché explained some Quranic programs planned by Iran Cultural Center in Turkey during the holy month ...

Quran E-city Specialized Center for Quran Researchers

 Quran E-city Specialized Center for Quran Researchers
The Quran Electronic City will be a specialized center for Quran researchers, said a scholar with the ISESCO National Commission in Iran. The Quran Electronic City will be a specialized center for Quran researchers, said a scholar with the ISESCO National Commission in Iran. According to Abbas Bayat, ISESCO has made it a priority since its launch to spread Quranic activities and related programs like teaching Arabic as the ...

New England's Oldest Mosque Celebrates 50th Anniversary

New England's Oldest Mosque Celebrates 50th Anniversary
New England's oldest mosque, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary Saturday with a ceremony in Quincy followed by a banquet at Lombardo's in Randolph. As America's Muslim population grew rapidly, since opening in 1964, so did the size of the Islamic Center, The Patriot Ledger reported.According to the Patrick Ronan report, the mosque started with seven founding families and has expanded to more than 1,000 member families from all over the ...

Mourning ceremony organized in the Holy Rizvi Sanctuary in accordance with the martyrdom of Imam Baqir (A.S)

Mourning ceremony organized in the Holy Rizvi Sanctuary in accordance with the martyrdom of Imam Baqir (A.S)
Shabestan news agency’s Mashad wing reported that Hujjat ul Islam wal Muslaimeen Mehmood Rohani Nejad, the head of propagation department of Astan-e-Qudas Rizvi said that, three days mourning’s are taking place with regards to the martyrdom of Imam Baqir (A.S), in the Holy sanctuary of Imam Raza (A.S), the program will be addressed by Hujjat ul Islam wal Muslaimeen Hussain Garaili. According to the public relations report of Astan-e-Qudas ...

Albania's Population 80% Muslim

Albania's Population 80% Muslim
A previously unpublished survey, which identifies religious affiliation, suggests that Muslims make up just under 80 per cent of Albania's population, a figure much higher than previously thought. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey organised by the National Institute for Statistics, INSTAT, in 2005 for UNICEF, was interested in revealing the health situation of mothers and children but also included questions on religious ...

Study points to major discrimination of migrants in German schools

Study points to major discrimination of migrants in German schools
Unveiling the report of German social welfare agencies at a news conference in Berlin, one of the authors of the survey, Barbara John pointed to the "structural discrimination" of migrant children in German schools. She warned that the results of the study were "alarming." "Our educational system promotes social segregation ...," said John. It is "deepening social inequalities," she added. According to John, every third German student ...

Pakistan Hosts Iran's Quranic Group

Pakistan Hosts Iran's Quranic Group
  --An Iranian Quranic delegation, headed by Saeed Asadollahi, Iran's Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO) aide, arrived in Karachi on Monday. The 5-member delegation is traveling to Karachi at the invitation of the Iranian Cultural Attaché to Pakistan Seyyed Hossein Taqizadeh.   During its 10-day stay in Karachi, the group which consists of Quranic illumination artist Ali Ashraf Ghanbari, calligrapher Mohammad ...

Karbala Martyrs Commemorated in Istanbul

Karbala Martyrs Commemorated in Istanbul
On the occasion of Arbaeen, a mourning ceremony was held yesterday, January 22, at Hasan Doğan Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey. The international program was held for the fifth year in cooperation with Ahl-ul-Bayt(AS) Association of the Anatolian Youth and Kowthar Society to commemorate the 40th day after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and his faithful companions in Karbala. Yashar Topkaya was the executer of the program which was attended by ...

ISIS captures old man for seeing group's end in dream

ISIS captures old man for seeing group's end in dream
- ISIS militants captured a 70-year-old man for prophesying the demise of the extremist group in Mosul, according to local sources. The old man who was previously anprayer leader in a mosque in central Mosul was given a prophesy in his dream about the end of IS in the city, and his dream was spread in the city which concerned the group. After the leaders of the group heard about the news, the militants raided the man's house in Tahrir ...

700 Muslim Leaders Attend World Assembly of Muslim Youth Conference In Jakarta

700 Muslim Leaders Attend World Assembly of Muslim Youth Conference In Jakarta
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Jeddah: About 700 Muslims religious scholars and experts from 80 countries participating the 11th International conference of the Riyadh-based World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), which was opened in Indonesian capital Jakarta on Sunday. Indonesian Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali inaugurated the two-day conference at Hotel Sultan. The conference will include seminars, discussions and workshops that ...

Translating Nahj al-Balagha Requires Subtlety

Translating Nahj al-Balagha Requires Subtlety
- A prominent Iranian cleric believes that translating Nahj al-Balagha (peak of eloquence), as the summit of Arabic literature, is a delicate task which needs diligence and thoroughness. "It is very difficult to render Nahj al-Balagha due to its style, as a result translators must have perfect command of both the source and target language as well as complete mastery of the concepts of the book itself," Secretary General of the World Forum for ...

Academic workshop organized on the topic of Islamic veil in Vienna

Academic workshop organized on the topic of Islamic veil in Vienna
Shabestan news agency reported that the development union of women’s rights protection of the educational role models is organizing an academic workshop of Islamic veil in the Ardburg Ishtrasha library; its purpose is to introduce non-Muslims with Islamic veil and its values, and to introduce the latest models of Islamic veil for Muslim women.25 Muslim women presented the modeling of Islamic clothing in these workshops; the clothes had phrases ...

Egyptian Quran Reciter, Memorizer Says Follows Noaina’s Style

Egyptian Quran Reciter, Memorizer Says Follows Noaina’s Style
Muhammad Niazi, Egyptian memorizer of the Holy Quran, said his role-models in memorization and recitation of the Quran and Tajweed principles are Ahmed Ahmed Noaina and Abdulhakim Abdullatif. Niazi, who will represent Egypt in the 5th International Holy Quran Competition for Muslim Students, told IQNA that he has attended Quran teaching classes held by Ahmad Al-‘Isaa Al-Misarawi and learned Tajweed and recitation principles under Sheikh ...

Four European Freedom Flotilla boats leave for Gaza

Four European Freedom Flotilla boats leave for Gaza
AhlulBayt News Agency - Organizers of the third Freedom Flotilla aid convoy said that four European ships left the Port of Crete Island in Greece for the besieged Gaza Strip."Last night, the First Freedom Flotilla ship set sail from the Greek island of Crete heading for the Gaza Strip and was followed by three other ships today. The fifth ship will set off from the same Greek island within the next few hours," spokesman for the European campaign ...

Three killed in bomb blast near Shia mosque in Sana’a

Three killed in bomb blast near Shia mosque in Sana’a
A car bomb has exploded near a Shia mosque in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, killing three people and injuring seven others, reports ...

Those who are steadfast in gaining science

Those who are steadfast in gaining science

Those who are steadfast in gaining science are the scholars whose knowledge will never vary until the day of resurrection. So, it is the divine prophets and the infallible Imams whose knowledge is a light excerpted from the light of God Almighty and is unchangeable.

Takfiri terrorists killed a Shia, injured a doctor in two separate attacks in Pakistan

Takfiri terrorists killed a Shia, injured a doctor in two separate attacks in Pakistan
Shia Muslims Of Parachinar Embraces Martyrdom In Lower Kurrum Agency Shia Muslim of Parachinar was martyred in Lower Kurrum Agency of Federally Administered Tribal Area in the captivity of notorious takfiri terrorists of Taliban and ASWJ. Notorious takfiri terrorists of banned Taliban and ASWJ kidnapped Jabir Hussain in Lower Kurrum Agency and then tortured him during the captivity. They finally assassinated him and body was thrown that was ...

when the  crescent of the Ramadhan month appears

when the  crescent of the Ramadhan month appears
 إذا استَهَلَّ رَمَضانُ غُلِّقَت أبوابُ النارِ، و فُتِحَت إبوابُ الجِنانِ، و صُفِّدَتِ الشَّیطانُ The messenger of Islam (saw) stated: when the  crescent of the Ramadhan month appears, the gates of the Hellfire are closed and the gates of Paradise are opened and the devils are shackled and chained. Bihar Al-anwar, V. 93, ...