Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Bahrain rulers seek total institution

Bahrain rulers seek total institution
 “Bahraini authorities are not only arresting the opposition leaders, but also human rights defenders, doctors, a lot of religious figures ... anyone who may affect the situation in Bahrain,” said Mohammad al-Maskati, the head of Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights, in a Wednesday interview. Maskati also commented on the presence of the Saudi troops in Bahrain, calling it a move “against the international law.” “When foreign ...

Shia Muslims gather in Karbala for the climax of Ashura

Shia Muslims gather in Karbala for the climax of Ashura
international desk:Hundreds of thousands of Shia Muslims have gathered in the Iraqi city of Karbala for the climax of the religious festival of Ashura. According to shabestan news agency:Black flags of mourning have appeared across the city and most of the pilgrims are dressed in black. Some pilgrims will march in the city, flagellating themselves with chains. "I came to show my belief in Imam Hussein," said Mohammed Abdul Hussein, 40, who ...

Swiss Non-Muslims Visit Mosques

Swiss Non-Muslims Visit Mosques
-- In order to familiarize Swiss non-Muslims with Islam and its teachings, a day for non-Muslims to visit mosques was observed on November 7 in various cities in Switzerland. According to romandie, over one hundred mosques and prayer centers in 12 states of Switzerland hosted non-Muslim citizens to get acquainted with Islamic principles and religious places. In Geneva, more than 500 non-Muslims paid a visit to the great mosque of the city ...

Turkey, Malaysia agree to lead efforts for global halal standards in OIC

Turkey, Malaysia agree to lead efforts for global halal standards in OIC
The move can pave the way for the Organisation of Islamic Conference countries to tap the growing halal market which currently is dominated by non-Muslim countries.   Turkey and Malaysia have agreed to lead OIC members in developing uniform halal global standards, Bernama news agency said. The move can pave the way for the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) countries to tap the growing halal market which currently is ...

Zionist regime’s forces martyr Palestinian man in West Bank

Zionist regime’s forces martyr Palestinian man in West Bank
Zionist regime’s forces have shot and martyred a Palestinian man during clashes in a town west of the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.  According to Press TV, the Palestinian man, identified as Muhammad Ahmad Alawneh, was martyred in Birqin early on Wednesday during the clashes that erupted after the Israeli forces stormed the town. The 21-year-old Palestinian was reportedly shot with a live bullet in his chest and was ...

Library of Religions Opens in Tehran

Library of Religions Opens in Tehran
-- On the occasion of the Book Week, the first library of religions and sects opened in Tehran today, November 17, by Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance. Deputy culture minister and a number of luminaries from various faiths attended the opening ceremony. According to information office of the seventeenth edition of the Book Week, the library will be fully operational in two phases with 1600 books presented in the first phase on issues ...

Pakistani Lawyers Protest Quran Desecration

 Pakistani Lawyers Protest Quran Desecration
The Swabi Bar Association (SBA), Islamabad, on Friday staged a protest against the burning of copies of the holy Quran by unidentified persons.  Led by the association’s president Ahmad Ali Khan, the lawyers gathered at the Swabi Judicial Complex and chanted slogans to condemn the people involved in the heinous crime.  Speaking on the occasion, Ahmad Ali Khan said those found involved in the desecration of the holy book must be identified ...

Precious version of the 1st English translation of holy Quran

Precious version of the 1st English translation of holy Quran
 According to the public relations department of Malek National Library and Museum, the precious version was donated by one of the museum's visitors from the UK, Eugene Schulman. The work was released in 1734 by C. Ackers in London. Years ago the book's 508-page Arabic version was converted into English by George Sale. Besides its English translation the book holds other traits which makes it a significant historical work; a genealogy of ...

there is a healing and cure in the soil of Imam Hussein's grave

there is a healing and cure in the soil of Imam Hussein's grave
في طِينِ قَبْرِ الْحُسَيْنِ عليه‏السلام الشِّفَاءُ مِنْ كُلِّ دَاءٍ، وَهُوَ الدَّوَاءُ الْأَكْبَرُ. Imam Sadiq (as): there is a healing and cure in the soil of Imam Hussein's grave for all ailments and diseases and it is the greatest medicine                              Kamil ...

Canadian academic highlights Ayatollah Khamenei’s message

Canadian academic highlights Ayatollah Khamenei’s message
Hall describes the message as inspirational for young westerners and a sagacious move amid growing Islamophobia. A senior Canadian university professor has appreciated the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for his landmark message to the Western youth in which he urged the young westerners to acquire an unbiased, independent learning of Islam irrespective of the growing Islamophobic propaganda in their own ...

Baltimore Museum Puts Quran, Ancient Texts Online

Baltimore Museum Puts Quran, Ancient Texts Online
Ancient Qurans and other Islamic texts are getting a new life online thanks to a Baltimore museum that is digitizing its collection of the rare documents.   Ancient Qurans and other Islamic texts are getting a new life online thanks to a Baltimore museum that is digitizing its collection of the rare documents. Scholars say the two-year project at the Walters Art Museum is putting the Baltimore institution at the head of a ...

"Carrying Sheikh Ali Salman’s Photo Means Death" Terrorism of Bahrain Security

What was this peaceful youth doing other than holding a photo? He was standing completely unarmed in front of an armored vehicle, which was garrisoned of everything but its savage desires of killing. This youth was not screaming, chanting or doing anything; he was raising Sheikh Salman's photo to protest against the Sheikh's arrest. The victim was exercising his right in expressing his rejection to the arrest process in a pure civilian and ...

Sixteen Important Topics on Nabi A’zam Website

Sixteen Important Topics on Nabi A’zam Website
This website, which is affiliated to Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences, includes such subjects concerning the Holy Prophet as biography, merits, conduct, the Prophet from the other’s viewpoint, Islamic history, the appointment of the Prophet, and companions.   There are sixteen various topics along with the introduction to the websites concerning the Holy Prophet available to the users of the website to meet ...

The faithful men and women do the divine duties constantly and on time

The faithful men and women do the divine duties constantly and on time
O the son of the messenger of Allah! You did and Estekhare a few months ago and it was not good. Imam said: yes, I even now say that Estekhare is not good. The man said: o the son of the messenger of Allah! I did an Estekhare for a business trip and you said it was bad, but I did not listen to what you said and went to this trip, I had a lot of profit due to the trade and dealing I had during this trip. Why your Estekhare for this trip was not ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the one who has known the world and is a believer

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the one who has known the world and is a believer

From the viewpoint of Imam Mujtaba (as), the one who has known the world and is a believer will set out with necessary provisions and enter the presence of Almighty God respected and honorable

Muharram Mourning Ceremonies Underway in The Netherlands

Muharram Mourning Ceremonies Underway in The Netherlands
Mourning ceremonies on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) in Muharram month have been held by Kawthar Cultural Institute in The Hague city of the Netherlands. According to Sawtaliraq website, the ceremonies began on October 25 with the participation of a large number of Shia Muslims of the region and Ahl-ul-Bayt's (AS) devotees.Quran recitations, speeches, recitation of Ashura Supplication and elegies on the occasion are some parts of ...

Top Saudi Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr 'sentenced to death'

Top Saudi Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr 'sentenced to death'
A court in Saudi Arabia has upheld a death sentence given to prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, the cleric's brother says. A Saudi court had recently sentenced Sheikh Nimr to death. However, the enforcement of the ruling has been postponed. On Wednesday, Nimr's death sentence was upheld, the cleric's brother said on his Twitter account. The senior Shia cleric is accused of delivering anti-government speeches and defending political ...

Ayatollah Araki: Coalition to serve humanity is an Islamic mission

Ayatollah Araki: Coalition to serve humanity is an Islamic mission
Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, attended the “International Congress of Economic Relations, Developing in Health Field with the Focus on Islamic Countries” saying that holding such conventions is based on unity, efforts for development and also cooperation all of which are the biggest missions of Muslims across the globe. He detailed on the three missions ...

Saviour of Humanity

Saviour of Humanity
Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S.) has said: "There are two characteristics, which surpass all others: having faith in Allah, and benefiting one's brothers (in faith)." (1)One of the major responsibilities of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S.), for which he endeavoured earnestly, was to introduce the Imam after him to the Shiites and to inform them of the next Imam's occultation. At the time, the Abbasid dynasty, having had heard the words of the previous ...

Union of Islamic World Students Released Statement On Condemnation of Zionists' Attack on Freedom Flotilla

Union of Islamic World Students Released Statement On Condemnation of Zionists' Attack on Freedom Flotilla
According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), the Union of Islamic World Students on Monday, May 31, published an Statement on condemnation of Zionists' attack on a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip. The Script of this statement is like below: In the name of Allah Thank Allah who gave us the blessing of Islam and the truth and created our enemies from the most foolish people.Truly, our era is the time ...