Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ammar Hakim: US-led Coalition Not Serious in Fight against ISIL

Ammar Hakim: US-led Coalition Not Serious in Fight against ISIL
Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI) Ammar al-Hakim cast doubts over the sincerity of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group and described the military alliance as "ineffective". "We are not satisfied with the international coalition's strategy for Daesh (ISIL) and feel that many of the countries participating in the coalition are not serious (in fighting the group)," Hakim ...

Malaysia's PM: Clear Understanding Of Quran Crucial

Malaysia's PM: Clear Understanding Of Quran Crucial
  --Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said a correct understanding of the Quran could spur the Islamic civilization to reach greater heights and remove the negative perception of the west on Islam.     "The Quran was sent down to improve mankind and also to show the way to the correct path. With the correct understanding, the Quran can empower a nation state," he said at the launching of the Qalam, a Quran digital pen.   Najib ...

Hezbollah Holds 'Hussein, the Key of Our Victory' Funeral Ceremony

Hezbollah Holds 'Hussein, the Key of Our Victory' Funeral Ceremony
Thousands of Lebanese Shiites held a funeral rally for three Hezbollah martyrs on the third day of Imam Hussein's martyrdom (on 27 October). Funeral of these three Hezbollah martyrs took place during a rally commemorating the third day of Imam Hussein's martyrdom, in the 13th day of the month of Muharram. Participants also shouted the slogans of 'Labaik Ya Hussein', 'Oh Zainab', 'Death to America' and 'Death to ...

Saudi Spy Arrested in Syria

Saudi Spy Arrested in Syria
The Syrian government has repeatedly accused several Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar of fueling the unrest in Syria by providing armed gangs in the country with weapons and financial resources to incite civil war and topple the government of President Bashar al-Asad.Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the ...

Systematic torture crimes in Bahrain revealed: report

Systematic torture crimes in Bahrain revealed: report
The report was issued by five human rights organizations on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on June 26, 2017. The report condemned the involvement of the judiciary in covering up and justifying the torture of victims who testified themselves inside courtrooms. They also expressed their deep regret at the failure to hold accountable, stop and expose such illegal and internationally prohibited practices taking place at the ...

39 Taliban militants killed in airstrikes in Afghanistan

39 Taliban militants killed in airstrikes in Afghanistan
Nearly 40 Taliban militants have been killed and tens of others wounded in airstrikes carried out by Afghan and US-led foreign forces in Afghanistan’s southern Helmand Province. The Afghan Ministry of Defense said, in a statement, on Sunday that 37 militants, including a key commander and a shadow district governor, had been killed in two days of airstrikes in the district of Mosa Qala. According to the statement, the militant ...

About 300 killed, injured in truck bomb explosion in Shiite district of Iraqi capital Baghdad

About 300 killed, injured in truck bomb explosion in Shiite district of Iraqi capital Baghdad
Ahlul Bayt News Agency -  A powerful truck bomb blast has reportedly killed dozens of people and injured about 200 in Baghdad, reports say. The blast hit the Shia-dominated Sadr-City district of the Iraqi capital.There are conflicting reports of the number of casualties. The Associated Press cited Iraqi officials who said that at least 54 were dead and 86 wounded, while Agence France-Presse said that at least 33 people have been killed in ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lucky are those who attend the gatherings for Ahlulbayt (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lucky are those who attend the gatherings for Ahlulbayt (as)

Lucky are those who attend the gatherings for Ahlulbayt (as) in order to find the correct way of living. Attending such gatherings are so magnificent that if someone dies on their way to such sessions, they are considered martyrs.

Ayatollah Araki: Islamic unity among most important virtues

Ayatollah Araki: Islamic unity among most important virtues
Addressing a forum on "Unity of Ummah” om Bangalore, India, on Friday, Ayatollah Araki referred to verse 29 of Surah al-Fat’h "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves,” and said discord and conflicts among Muslims are among the biggest vices. He regretted that today some so-called Muslims seek friendship with the Zionist regime and the US and ...

Revert Muslim Conference 2011

Revert Muslim Conference 2011
  “There was so much ethnic diversity, yet every Muslim stood together, strong and full of iman.” That’s the impression left in the mind of one of the participants who attended the last Revert Muslims Conference.  The Revert Muslims Association has been helping new Muslims since 2005. They have an online forum that allows new Muslims to ask questions and speak to fellow brothers and sisters who can even help them to find support close ...

Kuwaiti Writer: Arabs Must Respond Rationally To Human Rights Reports

Kuwaiti Writer: Arabs Must Respond Rationally To Human Rights Reports
We Should "Rid Ourselves of [Our] Oversensitivity to Foreign Reports" "I hope that we can rid ourselves of [our] oversensitivity to foreign reports, particularly American reports [on human rights in the Arab world], and that we can adopt a rational approach to the opinion of the other. "The U.S. State Department's annual human rights report is not the end of the road, nor a verdict that must be implemented. Many efforts have been invested in ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian’s message of condolences over the death of respected wife of Major General Salehi - Dear commander of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Professor Hussein Ansarian’s message of condolences over the death of respected wife of Major General Salehi - Dear commander of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran
I was deeply influenced by hearing the passing away of your honorable wife. I sincerely offer my deepest condolences to you and all the relatives as well as your dear sons. Tolerating years of suffering and struggling with disease are counted as a great reward for her. In these days of particular revelation of divine blessings I beg the Almighty Allah to pour his greatest blessings upon her. I also beg Allah to grant you and all the relatives ...

Makkah Metro ready to serve Haj pilgrims

Makkah Metro ready to serve Haj pilgrims
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), 1.7m expected to perform religious duties Riyadh The Makkah Metro will begin operating this Haj at 33 per cent capacity, transporting local and GCC pilgrims in its first phase, Saudi Haj Minister Fouad Abdul Salam Al Farsi said yesterday. It is expected that the train will operate at full capacity next year. Approximately 1.7 million pilgrims will travel to Makkah this year to perform their religious duties. ...

European Countries Host Mourning Ceremonies on Muharram

European Countries Host Mourning Ceremonies on Muharram
-- On the occasion of Muharram and martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS), mourning processions were held last night, December 19, in Shia centers and religious institutes in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. According to Bratha news agency, a mourning ceremony was held at Al-Kawsar Religious and Cultural Institute in the Hague, Netherlands, which was attended by Shia Muslims and Ahlul Bayt (AS) lovers. It was addressed by Seyyed Ali ...

D8 members sign Global Vision (2012-2030) in Islamabad

D8 members sign Global Vision (2012-2030) in Islamabad
  (- It said that D8, as an intergovernmental organization, comprising Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, based on friendship, solidarity and pursuit of sustainable economic growth, endowed with abundant human and natural resources, aspires to become a dynamic economic grouping promoting sustainable development of its member-states, as well as be a major actor in the global economic governance and ...

The reward of solving the problems a believer

The reward of solving the problems a believer
قال الصادق (ع): اَيُّما مُؤمِنٍ نَفَّسَ عَن مُؤمِنٍ كُربَةً، نَفَّسَ اللَّهُ عَنهُ سَبعينَ كُربَةً مِن كُرَبِ الدُّنيا و كُرَبِ يَومِ القيامَةِ. Imam Sadiq (as) stated: any believer who solves the troubles of another believer, God Almighty will solve seventy troubles of him both in this world and ...

Pakistan blocked the facebook

Pakistan blocked the facebook
Hyderabad, May 20: Muslims across the world have expressed their outrage at a Facebook group and website marking May 20 as “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.” The Facebook page encourages users to post images of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on Thursday to protest threats against the creators of “South Park” for an offensive depiction of the Last Prophet during an episode earlier this year. A US cartoonist, Molly Norris, ...

Bahrain Regime Revokes Nationality of Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Al-Qassem

Bahrain Regime Revokes Nationality of Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Al-Qassem

Imam Khamenei: Iran must dictate might to US in Persian Gulf

Imam Khamenei: Iran must dictate might to US in Persian Gulf
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran must show off its military power to the US in the Persian Gulf waters. Leader of the Islamic Revolution has criticized the general trend of copying education material from western sources, however he has not ruled out using their experiences. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received and addressed a meeting of teachers from across the country on Monday in the occasion of ...

Iraqi scholar martyred in Najaf

Iraqi scholar martyred in Najaf
A revered Iraqi mujtahid has been martyred by terrorists in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf. A revered Iraqi mujtahid has been martyred by terrorists in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf. Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Jawad al-Adhari, a prominent cleric from the Iraqi holy city of Najaf, was martyred in a terrorist act on Wednesday. The Iraqi scholar and mujtahid was reportedly martyred as he left the home of a friend in Najaf when unknown assailants opened ...